Душан Николић   Serbia
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
➜ Twitch [www.twitch.tv]

even white rose has black shadow

It's easy to die, it's hard to shoot
#ajzi #jaciodsmrti

My Equipments Are:

╚► ₪ HeadSet : Razer Kraken Pro V2

╚► ₪ Mouse : Razer Viper Ultimate &
Roccat Kone AIMO

╚► ₪ Mousepad : Razer Goliathus Control L & GX Gaming 500s RGB

╚► ₪ KeyBoard : Cooler Master mk110


-novid +fps_max 0 -freq 165 -high

bind MWHEELUP "toggle cl_righthand 0 1" :csgoct:
bind MWHEELDOWN "+jump" :csgoct:
bind "SPACE" "+forward; r_cleardecals 1"
bind N "noclip"

CSGO-UBiS4-junYZ-ant8Z-nJJL7-wMXoN :crosshair:
CSGO-fyhyx-vMEwe-D6Jhp-rZwwy-f86yD :CrosshairAim:
CSGO-ko2Zt-NOqnL-xb9m2-b6Y8K-JoPJM Dni

cl_crosshairgap :csgogun:
cl_crosshairthickness :csgogun:

cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.5";
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.25";

viewmodel_fov "68";
viewmodel_offset_x "2.5";
viewmodel_offset_y "2";
viewmodel_offset_z "-2";
viewmodel_presetpos "0";
viewmodel_recoil "1";

cl_bob_lower_amt "21";
cl_bobamt_lat "0.4";
cl_bobamt_vert "0.25";
cl_bobcycle "0.98";

net_graphpos 1;
net_graphproportionalfont 0.5

r_drawothermodels 2

mp_warmup_end; mp_weapons_allow_map_placed "1"; mp_roundtime "2"; mp_roundtime_defuse "2"; mp_buytime "5"; mp_freezetime "3"; mp_round_restart_delay "5"; mp_maxrounds "16"; mp_halftime "1"; mp_match_can_clinch "1"; bot_kick all; mp_restartgame "3" -allow_third_party_software
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
If you have CS2 cases or items that you don't need, I will give you items (CS2 or DOTA2) for them.
Screenshot Showcase
@SAJ-87 paša, inače moj dobar prijatelj
5 4
Video Showcase
AWP DRAGON LORE 4hs , 3 no scope DUKV
23 6 4
Recent Activity
1,336 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
2,962 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
48 hrs on record
last played on 3 Mar
/////lpine 1 Mar @ 12:22pm 
thk for game, but i not 4iter...
wolface 22 Feb @ 3:32pm 
Sve je kao sa oglasa, nikad nisam imao laksu i brzu saradnju, sve preporuke.
Keshura 5 Feb @ 11:16am 
eagle accuracy💥
bautzz 15 Jan @ 7:44pm 
DR. PORNO 5 Jan @ 2:26pm 

BIC ♥♥♥♥!
Alani Vega 20 Dec, 2024 @ 9:37am 
wow legend ^^