robin!   Vorkuta, Komi, Russian Federation
just a little follower of Christ :tabbycat: :heart13:
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Team Fortress 2
faceit [] @sizzykin [] 4chan []
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/a/nnie may
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23 giờ được ghi nhận
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3.558 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 13 Thg03
0,8 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 13 Thg03
sinclair 27 Thg02 @ 7:11pm 
like actually though unironically though
sinclair 27 Thg02 @ 5:43pm 
I need a Medtronic Intellis
foolse 20 Thg02 @ 5:59pm 
white boy
kirby ;) 5 Thg02 @ 5:00pm 
damn you managed to get both blam and travis to comment.
i wish travis signed my profile too ;-;
TravisJ1977 5 Thg02 @ 1:53pm 
I heard on the block this dude is a mega fa gg 0t. Bro is flexing his pisslow faceit account. lol talk to me when you compete in tourments for cash lil bro
blam 5 Thg02 @ 1:48pm 
piss poor weeaboo pedo dosen't have firecape, need axniety meds, addicted to weed, and plays cs 35hrs/wk but has no winnings, never played for money and only plays mirage while knowing 0 util or how to play mirage. Come comment again on my steam when you get your winnings up, bud.