
Honzas4400 最近的評論

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3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 48.8 小時 (評論時已進行 34.5 小時)
Black Myth: Wukong je hrou, na které ač se dají najít ne zrovna zanedbatelné chyby, tak se jí rovněž nedá odepřít, že v podstatě ve všech částech působí nadprůměrně. Od výpravnosti příběhu až po audiovizuál, tohle je dobrodružství, které by fanoušci akčních RPG neměli minout. Nečekejte však, že proboří známé hranice toho žánru. Revoluce se nekoná. Ale to vůbec nevadí, když je výsledkem stále hra, po jejímž dohrání nemáte pořád dost…

Celá recenze zde: https://indian-tv.cz/recenze/black-myth-wukong-rw3cig
張貼於 9 月 11 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
Shadow of the Erdtree není v žádném případě dokonalá expanze. Na to by musela mít lepší zakončení, finálního bosse, vyvarovat se technickým chybám, opakování některých nepřátel a možná i přidat trochu více zbraní navíc (v nových kategoriích). To ji ovšem nesráží nijak výrazně, aby se stále nejednalo o důstojného „pokračovatele“ původní hry a něco, co by neměli její fanoušci za žádných myslitelných okolností minout. Protože jinak jde o skvělý zážitek. Level design je zmáknutý na jedničku a atmosféra, rozšíření příběhu i nové kategorie zbraní jsou absolutně skvělé. Tohle 30hodinové dobrodružství stojí rozhodně za to, jen zkrátka neočkávejte, že toho udělá víc, než že „jen“ přidá těch 30 hodin k původní hře.

Celou recenzi najdete zde: https://indian-tv.cz/recenze/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-wpne2w?
張貼於 6 月 25 日。
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8 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 12.7 小時 (評論時已進行 9.7 小時)
To me, Trine was always an amazing pastime activity. It wasn't the type of game I could (or would) dedicate a big amount of time to, but when I did play it, it was a fantastic fantasy-fairy tale mixed with great atmosphere, superb music, great platforming and relatively fun combat. The first game was amazing, the second game was pretty much flawless and then the third game - that abomination - happened. It wasn't bad, but it was far from good and a far cry from what made Trine great to me. So when I heard Trine 4 was being worked on and it would return to the 2.5D roots, I was ecstatic. Long story short, 9-10 hours later and after getting all achievements, this game is getting a huge thumbs up from me.

There's a bunch of quality of life changes that makes playing this so much more easier and one of the biggest changes in this game, and the level design, is the much greater emphasis on puzzles rather than combat. There's still plenty of combat encounters, including bosses, but there's less of them, they're considerably easier and more streamlined. It generally feels that the developer's approach this time around was to include combat as some sort of tedium-break, for the game not to become stale after a few puzzles and there was some more active involvment. While I wouldn't mind a bit more interesting enemy design, the emphasis here, again, was on the puzzles and they knocked it out of the park this time around.

The puzzles feel natural, interesting, often offering more solutions where you sometimes need to think a bit out of the box and new mechanics are introduced at a steady and comfortable pace. Moreso, each character is given one or more abilities that directly help solving the puzzles. Pontius is no longer the brute-only character, Zoya is no longer the agility character, with Amadeus being pretty much the main character to solve puzzles with. Zoya has her hook and ropes which she can use to connect two objects, Amadeus, of course, can create boxes, balls and planks and Pontius will be able to redirect light or water, among other things. Some abilities are less useful, there's at least one ability that's completely useless (Amadeu's bouncy ball), but other than that, every character is given more or less the same importance when solving a puzzle, which is great.

There's plenty of other - even if smaller - things that make this game, I feel like, one of the best Trine games. The story, while still fairly basic, seems more interesting with some actual development; collecting all the experience points and collectibles is much easier this time around with the option to reload any part of any level (and levels are now much longer, usually taking around 30 minutes to complete), etc. etc. In short, however, this really feels like proper Trine. This is the Trine 3 we should've got.
張貼於 2019 年 11 月 25 日。
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194 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
29 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 16.4 小時 (評論時已進行 13.6 小時)
Before the game came out and before I got a review key, Youngblood wasn't really on the top of my list of "to-play games". While I enjoyed both The New Order back in 2014 and its stand-alone expansion The Old Blood, the proper sequel - The New Colossus - was, to me, an underwhewlming experience with not a very memorable story and at times horrid level design. For those reason, and some others, I didn't took much interest in Youngblood. And perhaps that's the reason why I find it so incredible in the end.

The new characters of Jessie and Zofia Blazkowicz might not be nearly as iconic as B.J. Blazkowicz himself, but they really fit the the new approach the game took in terms of its basic story telling. Instead of number of well done cut-scenes throughout the game telling the story of Blazkowicz's Nazi-kiling adventure, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, instead, focuses primarily on the gameplay, with its story being told through on-the-move dialogues and banter between the sisters.

Because of that, the game kind of feels fluid and as if you were to never really stop. That is even more apparent when you take in the fact that the two sisters always kill together. Whether you're playing solo and with a competent AI partner or coop with a real player, you're never alone, the game is twice as fast, twice as fast and there's twice as many dead enemies. Which, of course, is excellent.

The level design, which I REALLY didn't like in The New Colossus, has also been 'fixed' and massively improved. With the help of Arkane Studios (Dishonored, Prey), the game's various open-ended locations feature much more ways to approach any and each part of the level and is also much more vertical. While that might scream that stealth is now finally a viable option - especially considering the new cheesy cloak ability - it's sadly not and sooner or later, everything goes back to the mindless-Nazi-killing status quo we know, and, arguably, love.

Of course, not everything is perfect in Wolfenstein: Youngblood and I'd really love if the game was generally longer (playing throug the main storyline takes up about 8 hours), the story was more interesting, the enemies weren't nearly as dumb as they are and there were some tweaks to the new 'enemy armor' mechanic. You see, every enemy in the game now has either a light armor, or a heavy armor. Meanwhile, each of your weapons is either useful againts one or the other type. Shotgun is capable of pretty much ignoring the light armor and just destroy hordes of smaller humanoid enemies, while your assault rifle is more effective againts the harder armor worn by bigger enemies and robots. On paper, and partially in practice, it's a mechanic I really like and enjoy, giving the combat a bit more depth and forcing players to think and change weapons accordingly. The problem is, changing weapons isn't very fast (hurting the tempo of the fights as some deaf moments appear when changing weapons and you're forced to endure the enemy fire without the option to defend yourself) and not nearly as intuitive in the heat of batle.

Although it's kind of a nitpick, really, it does eventually wear the excitement down, and once you learn to change the weapons almost automatically, the combat starts to feel same-y and it goes back to status quo once again.

Through and through, Wolfenstein: Youngblood is, especially for its price, what I'd consider an excellent summer time-killer with mindless action and a little bit of story and lore sprinkled around. Fans of the new Wolfenstein series should love this, but you should not expect any kind of revolution, innovation or modernization.
張貼於 2019 年 7 月 25 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 7 月 25 日。
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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 5.2 小時 (評論時已進行 3.9 小時)
As crazy excited I was for this update to Prey: Mooncrash DLC, it's just... Typhon Hunter is not really fun. It doesn't look like Prey, doesn't run like Prey, doesn't feel like Prey, it's shallow, bare-bones, laggy, missing text chat, rebind-able controls... Sigh
張貼於 2018 年 12 月 11 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 295.7 小時 (評論時已進行 139.7 小時)
Having played the first game for 227 hours, I thought the second game's "the same but more" approach wouldn't last nearly as long. So far I clocked in about half the time I put to the first game and there's very little if any kind of fatique. What an awesome stealth game.
張貼於 2018 年 11 月 21 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 7 月 5 日。
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16 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
14 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.1 小時
Glory to Arstotzka!
張貼於 2018 年 2 月 24 日。
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195 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
18 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 7.4 小時 (評論時已進行 5.3 小時)
I feel like this has to be said right of the bat - please don't, just don't buy this game. You will regret it. You will.

Alekhine's Gun shown promise and an idea that, if executed well, could have been a serious competition for the Hitman released as of today [11th of March]. Could have. But it's not, since Alekhine's Gun is everything but well executed game, or at least an average game.

Story follows you, Semyon Strogov (later Semyon Alekhine), Russian agent working for CIA in the middle of Cold War conspirations all around the Europe, USA and Cuba. And while the story shows promise as well, it's boring and unispiring in every way imaginable, since characters are far from being interesting while questionable and blatant dialoques takes place right in front of you. The good thing are between-missions cut-scenes offering a nice looking slideshow-style pictures with noir atmosphere. But that's it.

And the gameplay goes even further. If you've played both Death to Spies game and (at least) Hitman: Blood Money, try to combine those game in your head and you pretty much get what Alekhine's Gun is. And while some of you might think it's a million-dollar idea, then it's not. Alekhine's Gun is struggling with everything, from level design (short and linear missions, not interesting locations, reusing assets; library in Level 3's hotel is the EXCACT COPY of one of the hotel's libraries in Death to Spies) to game design (you can't prone, most of the guns are pointless, most of the disguises are even more pointless, you can't hide yourself in closet and all you need to play this game is more or less a knife, which is insta-kill to everyone before they can even react - and you can throw it), techical direction (game feels old and outdated with audiovisualization like that from Hitman: Blood Money, which is 2006) and even the AI is more or less non existent. They can't even climb the ladder. The gun play is boring and dull, the AI kills the stealth part and you won't probably care less for the story. And while lockpicking mini-game is nice (altough it's just a little better version of lockpicking from Death to Spies series) it's obviously not enough. This game is bad. I'm sorry to say that, but it's terrible. And the price they are asking for is simply put a crime.

Stay away from this game and don't even try it, because the first level is actually not that bad and it will most probably take you more than two hours (after which you can't refund) to find out that this game is not worth even 5€. Save yourselves from this disaster. This game is NO from me.
張貼於 2016 年 3 月 11 日。
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15 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
22 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 46.6 小時 (評論時已進行 18.4 小時)
I've finally decided what gender I want my character to have. Time for the face creation
張貼於 2015 年 11 月 10 日。
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5 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
3 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 10.6 小時 (評論時已進行 4.2 小時)
"Houston, we have a problem, we need another broom!"

Have you ever wondered what it's like to own a shop during those brutal medieval times? Well, wonder no more, because Shoppe Keep is here. A game that will make you hate thieves even more and broom will be your best friend. Expected to manage your own shop by ordering a supplies, changing price tags and defending it from little thieves and groups of bandits; you are supposed to be a greatest 'shoppe keeper' in the world.

This game so far offers 19 scenarios, each of them more challanging then the previous one (obviously). From selling a few potions, to supplying a town for an attack, you will be the one to profit from it all. But it's not that easy. Various people will have different requirements. While one will be poor and wants a simple health potion, rich warrior will want some golden plated shield and you'll have to satisfy all demands if you want to be good.

Not counting on the fact, that you get minimum profit from cheap items and you will not sell expensive items that easily. Oh, and taxes. Yeah, you will be charged with taxes every 5 minutes. Oh! And thieves. People will steal from you. OH! And dirt... People are unbelievable pigs, broom is literally your best friend as I said earlier. Oh, and... Well, you get the point.

As you sell various items, you will gain XP points as in proper RPG game. Next levels will give you K-points, which you can exchange for different perks. One will give you a 10 % discount for your order, while another will make deliveries come faster or makes an entry fee for your shop.

After you finish first (or second?) scenario, you'll also unlock "My Shoppe" (Free Play) mode. In here, you can build your own shop with stands and tables and simply make yourself at home.

When it comes to a graphics of the game, there are certainly few things that needs a polishing, but it's quite nice game offering this (optional) cell-shade tint with enjoyable and minimal dubbing along with some sounds that might get repetitive after a while, but it's not a big deal.

Shoppe Keeps is not a one-of-a-kind game, but it's definitely a game worth your time and money. It has its idea and it seems that the creators are going the right way. More items, more shop buildings, more detailed options and this might be a great game.

Do I recommend this game? -- Yes.
Do I think you should wait for a sale? -- Sale for 5€ game?! Don't make me laugh...
Do I think that this game is really worth your time and money? -- Well... Yeah. And after all, you can always request a refund, can't you? (Please, don't, it's really worth it)

Note: This is an Early Access pre-review of the game. Full review will come after the game's release. Eventually.
張貼於 2015 年 8 月 26 日。
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