Tony Stark   Massachusetts, United States
Some of the finer moments of hl2.net ...

"The absurdity of standing up to pee." thread from PvtRyan and the new word "piss mist".

Danimal: I have ripped open the chest of a man, clawed away his ribs and ate his heart.

Warbie: My dog had a pillow he used to roger senseless for many a year. Nobody would touch it. It was filthy, covered in dog jizz and mold. He loved it tho.

Samon: hool, you are so cool.

highlander: Happy Ejection From The Vagina Day!

Tyguy: cheerio my good man, what say you fetch me a banana...don't make me throw feces at you."

[ HL2.net ]Sam-2k: Consider yourself fisted by a large Slavic man.

CyberPitz: I gotta go to a coworkers house tonight and help her fix her computer.

Warped (on BP Oil Disaster): Besides the nuke idea, how efficient would an underwater implosion or explosion be?? I'm sure we have depth chargers that would do some damage to the pipe, but not much good.

Ennui (On Indiana Jones 4): If Shia ****s this up I will personally ♥♥♥♥ in his mouth.

Jintor: Stigmata! Come out with your hands up! This is the police! Leave the child alone!

Stigmata (on Darth Vader meme): My actual reaction to this was a long, exasperated sigh, as my face fell directly onto my mousepad. And I just sat there face-down, sighing exasperatedly, over and over for about 45 seconds.

BabyHeadCrab (on RAGE): Id hath forsaken us. I mean, there was a time when I'd have bent over backwards and let Carmack toss my salad.

CptStern: As a Canadian, I feel it's my duty to welcome Republicans to our Socialist paradise. Free healthcare and gay marriage for all. You can collect your free healthcare card and complimentary ♥♥♥♥ at any participating Tim Hortons.
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Reminds me of that banned Ren and Stimpy episode in which Ren beats the ever living crap out of their owners.
DarkevilPT 21 Mar, 2013 @ 4:01pm 
then you have good remedy delete my posts.. noob
DarkevilPT 19 Mar, 2013 @ 1:07pm 
The Shat I put on your profile.. is like the ♥♥♥♥ you put on mine! lol! Videos for you to watch later when u're online.