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18.3 hrs on record (18.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
When was the last time you played a zombie game where you genuinely browned your underpants because a zombie just rat at you and puked all over you and then continued to rip your spine out through your rectum as you are trying to simultaneously retain any shred of dignity you have while trying to amble away and reload? never? well if you want to experience that, play DF2!!

As somebody who played DF1 solo for about 3 years before the crippling loneliness and horde hunting got the better of me i had a lot of high expectations for this game.

Well it has delivered on those expecations, with only some small things that i have noticed which need a polish/ re-work.

over all i think the game is amazing and that Creakycorpse have outdone themselves with this game, it is everything i had hoped, and honestly i would have happily paid money to get access to this game, and now i am playing it, i can say it would be worth atleast £10-£15 easily, so the fact everyone can get it for free amazes me.

The only things i would say are an issue are as follows:

1. Lighting, although i completely understand this is a horror genre game etc, it could do with being a touch less pitch black in some rooms/ areas. just a personal pet peeve if im honest

2, those B*****D worms!!!! they could really do with some kind of spawn animation from the dead body they spawn from, or a ripping noise or something, or possibly a luminous horn/collor/tail obviously not flare gun luminous, just enough to be noticed when they are silently chasing you through the dark :')

3, i dont know if anyone else is having this issue, but on the trader screen 19 of my 20 selling slots are blocked by items i have already sold but have not cleared from that menu, if i try to clear them manually it tells me they have just been sold, and thus cannot resolve the issue :(

4, no armour, seriously, give me my old sports armour at least haha xD.

Thats it tbh, this game is probably the most well polished early access i have EVER played, and cannot wait to see what other content will come out for this game, Thankyou Creakycorpse if you ever get round to reading this, you have out done yourselves!
Posted 5 September, 2018.
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155.1 hrs on record (105.8 hrs at review time)
I Have been playing the total war series since the first Rome total war - now there is a game i was completely lost in, and epic campaign, and an epic online experience, the first game that i ever plated online - right up to Rome2

when this game first came out it sucked hard, it was laggy, it was buggy, the most fun i had on it in the first 60 hours was watching the new intro as it loaded up... yeah the gameplay sucked that badly at release.

and then i didnt play it for over a year, i recently came back to playing it and... WOW this game is actually good now! the impossible has been achieved!

the 10-30 minutes it used to take for the AI to do its turns and come back to you is now more manageable with it now taking less than a minute, which has completly opened the game up for campaigns again!

the only thing i find annoying right now is the historical description attached to the units, back in Rome 1 i would easily spend 30 minutes researching a factions buildings, and units reading their descriptions and their stats, as i am fascinated by antiquity, though sadly now its just a very basic slapped together description, and i even found some Armenian light cavalry who's description was talking about Iberian skirmishing cavalry... if you enjoy reading unit descriptions, prepare for alot of the same information spaced over several factions major and minor units, along with some small bugs as described.

i'm yet to give it another try on the multiplayer function, and i doubt i will for several months while i go to conquer the world with every faction.

when this game first came out i would have given it a 2/10 rating, but now after they seem to have fixed many of the bugs i can easily rate this game an 8/10... just goes to show that because smaller companies are releasing alpha/beta games early, does not mean that a long standing franchise is able to do the same, if they had held the game back for 2 or 3 months while finishing off fixing many of the bugs they would have upset alot of people yes, but the game would have been released in a polished state, though sadly they released the game earlier than they should have and it ended up costing them the trust of many fans who have been supporting them since the early days, along with alot of respect that was given to the total war franchise.

Over all i find this game is now a barrel of fun and i can happily reccomend it to anybody, i give it a solid 8 out of 10 in its current state.
Posted 26 November, 2014.
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