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14.9 hrs on record
Runs are to reliant on rng
Posted 10 August, 2024.
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20.6 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
KSP2 currently costs 10$/€ more than the original and as someone who've played a ♥♥♥♥ ton of KSP 1. in it's current state i dont recommend it, not because i think the game is bad or will continue to be bad. I'm keeping the game hoping it will turn out better in the near future

Below is a list describing how i feel about the game

[The Good]

- The part graphics and lighting is just way better than previous version.
- The Part UI is very good and easy to read. love how each part is grouped into XS to XL. Makes identifying parts easier
- The new player experience has been drastically improved
- The introduction of a new Fuel type "Hydrogen" makes for intresting rocket designs with tradeoffs. (similar to nuclear engines in ksp1)
- Sound design is on another level
- The UI has nice new convenience features such as warp to maneuver node

[The Bad]

- Performance is absolutely atrocious. When you build in the VAB the lag between placing parts gets incrementally longer as you place more parts making the construction of large ship neigh impossible. There is also a ♥♥♥♥ ton of lag when entering and exiting the atmosphere.
- The maneuver nodes can be buggy not displaying proper positions and timings, this gets expecially bad when you are trying to do a burn towards another planet/moon
- Other misc quirks such at it being a bit annoying to view an individual tanks fuel level.
- Lack of features, (although i did expect it)

[The Neutral]

- The UI is modernized, although some sprites do look like placeholders
Posted 24 February, 2023. Last edited 24 February, 2023.
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1,099.2 hrs on record (594.8 hrs at review time)
Great game
Posted 1 March, 2022.
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47.2 hrs on record (37.6 hrs at review time)
The Ruined King game is a quite good game.
And since i completed the game on normal difficulty i feel like i have a good enough understanding of the game to write a review
The story overall is very good although it does have some pretty slow moments throughout, but i think the end makes up for it, especially considering that you are getting about 30-40hrs of gameplay+story for just 30$€
Grinding in the game overall doesn't really feel that necessary (on normal) although there are some moments in the story where it necessary to spend an hour gathering and grinding.

The gameplay of is fairly deep. The game contains 6 playable champions. Each champion having 3 Ultimates of different uses, 6 mana consuming abilities, 3 normal abilities.
Totalling 72 abilities. Each ability, besides normal abilities, feels unique to some extent; although there are some overlap in their functions.
I also like how it is possible to level up each ability. When levelling an ability you dont always just get more stats. Some ability upgrades adds a new stat or function, changing how you use that ability, allowing for useful combos lategame.
There are also runes that you can equip. The first runes are mostly simple statboosts, and a few of the late ones adds new function to an existing ability.

The minigames scattered throughout the game are also quite good although their flair falls off quickly for me. Fishing was fun for an hour or two, after that it got quite repetitive.

Besides all that i really enjoy the lane-based combat, i think it adds a new layer to the game, allowing you to sacrifice ability power for faster cast time. Making it possible to cast an ability before the enemy.
Overall if you enjoy turn-based combat games i think you'll like this one too.

Story - No spoilers
The story has a really good first hook and i very good at getting you excited to play and see what happens, the story is especially good if you have existing background knowledge of the LOL universe.
although, after the first 5-8 hours the story can feel a bit like it's just a traveling game, where your objective is to go from point A to B. Although as you pass the stories midpoint the hook starts to come back again.
considering that the story is about 30-40 hours long i would say you are really getting a good bang for your buck.

The game ships with quite a few bugs, most of them are non game breaking, although encountering a gamebreaking bug is exceptinally annoying.
I've found most bugs are encountered when you trigger a story event at the same time as an enemy enteres battle, so try to avoid doing that until the devs fix it.
I personally would put the amount of bugs just above the level of bugs in the witcher 3 at launch.

Score 9/10
The game has a great story with a bit of downtime.
The customisation is really great and indepth.
The lane-based turns are a really cool idea explored very well.
The game simply has to many bugs for me to give it a perfect score, gamebreaking bugs, especially one easy to trigger is not acceptable.
Posted 26 November, 2021. Last edited 20 April, 2022.
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15.1 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Tired of watching the 2020 Debates and feel like you can do a better job as president.

Well look no further. Democracy 4 is for you.
Posted 8 October, 2020.
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327.5 hrs on record (68.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I recently bought satisfactory on steam. Finally finished by researching all the tiers and I've completed most of the M.A.M research, so I'll say I'm very close to finishing the game.

For me, Satisfactory reminds me of a lot of Factorio, and in many ways it is similar. If you liked Factorio you'll probably also like this game as well. However, I’ve had some friends that liked Factorio but didn’t like it. I personally found this game to be really fun just like Factorio.
So to make the review more palpable I’ll divide it into the good/bad.

The Good:
  • Satisfactory takes fully advantage of the 3 dimensions. This makes the ability to construct conveyer belts way easier since you can layer each belt on top of each other, if you have a lot of different resources going to one machine you can just build all conveyers on top of each other to get the resources there. Whereas in Factorio getting a lot of different resources can be a bit more of a annoyance.
  • Creating a game that works with logistics in 3D has always been a though thing to nail. And I feel like Satisfactory does this to a satisfactory level. Never have I ever felt like conveyer belts acted weird. It just always snapped together.
  • Satisfactory lives up to its name by being very satisfactory. Their whole UI is designed around feeling very good to use. The “Send shipment” button feels nice to press. The “Seal” lever in the space elevator is also very lovely to pull.
  • The world is custom built, with some very beautiful environments. It has that subnautica on land feel to it. And I like it. And the fact that you have to explore the entire environment to find new resources to exploit is incredible awesome
  • Satisfactory decided to make the buildings use components on construction instead of requiring you make the component (as one) in an assembler. This means you can disassemble one machine and build another; I found this feature incredible nice.
The Bad:
  • Satisfactory has some issues with progression, and how it displays progression to the player. The first 2 tiers are really guided by the tutorial which helps you get along. And each new unlock requirement is there right in front of you. Example once you finished deliver reinforced plating to the unlock controller. You are immediately given new recipes used to craft the next tier. This however stopped around tier 5-6 where you stumble into a recipe(fabric) you don’t know how to craft. And if it wasn’t for me googling my way around figuring out, I had to mine some quartz ore I hadn’t heard of before and then scan it in the M.A.M I would have been lost. The game should have been clearer about that
  • The lack of early game simply overflow system is annoying. It is possible to build these overflow systems using multiple splitters and mergers, but It is quite cumbersome compared to just have an overflow block, like the splitters and mergers.
  • The Train system in this game is horrendous, and definitely speaks of “Early Access”. There is no ability to make splitting tracks, signals. You just build one giant loop and be done. For me I would’ve loved to use it more but it’s sheer scale and lack of scalability other than a single loop is quite sad. This feature is something I think can be fixed with future updates so I’m not super worried about it.
  • The CO-OP is Absolutely Hot trash and not worth your time, your friends will die randomly, get stuck in invisible bushes etc. I would’ve loved to play this game with my friend, but the sheer lagginess made this an unenjoyable experience.
The Neutral:
  • The game has opted not to use inserters like Factorio and has instead opted to use direct inputs.
  • The game opted to make a central Workbench instead of Factorios “craft anywhere” approach decreasing the ability to craft components on demand.
Satisfactory is a satisfactory game, living up to expectations of what a logistics game is, it doesn’t however quite match up to Factorio, but that’s not an insult. The game is awesome and worth a buy.
Posted 25 June, 2020. Last edited 25 June, 2020.
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4.5 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
My review

To be honest i didn't come into this game with moderate expectations.
The only reason i really picked it up is because I like rhythm games, and I wanted a simple side game to play, and hey it only cost 3.50€, the price of a Starbucks coffee.

So, performance wise the game runs flawlessly and is incredible responsive, under no circumstance did I feel like the game cheated me or an enemy glitched through. The game is optimized to hell, most people can easily get this up to 60 FPS.

The game also features a nice soundtrack, the music is not really my banger, I’m not that into anime and japan so that could explain it. But even than the game felt so good to play, and the music matched the charts. And to kick it off you get a BOAT load of soundtracks for only 3.50€. And that’s a great price.

The controls are also simple. There are 3 buttons Up and Down for hitting and Fever mode, that is a rechargeable mode that once you hit enough enemies you can enter it for a period of time and get double points. Simple, Yes.

In regards to modding there currently is no form of modding in this game, so you’ll have to stay with the tracks in the DLC and base game.

So overall even if you love anime/manga or someone like me that haven’t watch any other anime than pokemon, the game is for you.
NOTE: The game does show anime tiddies, so if you are a child that doesn’t like tiddies don’t play.

Score: 9/10
Posted 18 July, 2019. Last edited 18 July, 2019.
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288.5 hrs on record (274.1 hrs at review time)
TBH if you love simulation games, you'll love this one aswell. The game allows you to build your own rocket and fly it into orbit or even land of other planet. The game has 100% simulated orbital mechanics, so once you get good at this game you'll end up actually understanding orbital mechanics. This is really cool.

However the game does have a steep learning curve, so i suggest you read some wikies or watch some YT videos about how to play.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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378.6 hrs on record (333.1 hrs at review time)
EVE - Online
WARNING: Beware this game can be hard to understand and very cruel. if you have a problem with losing 10-20 hrs of progress due to a simple mistake on your part, maybe even 100’s of hours if you are unlucky this may not be the game for you.
Eve online is kind of like any other RPGMMO in the way that you command your character/ship around the universe in search of wealth. You can do this is various way such as: Market Trading, Crafting, Reactions, Planetary Interaction, Events, Incursions, PVE, PVP, mining, refining, shipping, scamming, exploration and probably something else I’ve missed.
To get my point across, there is a ♥♥♥♥ ton of stuff to do in this game, and as someone with 100’s of hours on my hand I still don’t know 5% of that this game has to offer. The biggest problem is that if you wish to enjoy a lot of these things at their fullest. You need OMEGA. OMEGA is eves subscription. It costs 15 euros per month. It can also be bought for in game money. In game price depends on current market value of PLEX. PLEX is the games premium currency that can be bought for real or in game money.
Besides needing OMEGA you all so need a lot of skills, skills train passively even when you aren’t online, you’ll need to spend around 30 Days’ worth of skill-training time to get the skills required to experience one of the paths listed on top at their optimal enjoyment. If you wish to get really invested in a certain profession, you might need to spend around 1 year training your skills. That can be a lot of subscription time. All skills take around 18 years to complete, so you’ll have to specialize.
With these professions you can of-course make lots of money. Whatever is the most profitable is unsure for me at least. However, I know that a character at my level can make around 30-50millon an hour when playing. Sometimes even 100mil/h if the time is right. And around 5-10 million per day offline.
You can then spend your hard-earned money on beautiful ships. Each ship excels at their own profession. A ship can either be bought or you can build it yourself. When a ship is blown up, it is gone. GONE, the only remains will be 50% of the fitted modules, which the enemy probably already picked up when you return.
So when you die you’ll have to build a new ship or buy it.
The ships get exponentially more expensive whereas their power only increases linear. This means that the bigger ships take longer to earn their price back. This means that most people fly the cheaper ships since losing them doesn’t cost to much. Where as the big capital ships are mostly used in escort or big operations. So you don’t see them very often.
Because ships are destroyed permanently it is important the remember the no1 rule of eve
Don’t fly what you cant afford to lose
The community can be very split. You can meet the nicest people you’ve ever meet online, some will help you on missions, some even hand you a couple of millions to get you started. You can also meet the worst people you’ve ever met. Some will try to scam you and others will camp jump gates and keep you warp disrupted until you self-destruct.
Therefor I recommend you try to find an alliance. There are different alliances that cater to each player. Some alliances love to live in dangerous space and go to war 24/7. Other take it more chill and rely on helping newbies. I recommend spending your first couple hours trying the game and figuring out what kind of player you are. The tutorial should help you with that.
Depending on alliance you’ll get some perks, most big alliances offer welcome packages, such as starter ships and items.
Pros and Cons
This game has lots of content to explore but I’l distill the core of what I’ve experienced down.
- Big Universe with the perfect size, not to big so I becomes an empty map, and not to dense so everybody can find their place.
- Lots of beautiful ship, and ships in general. I don’t remember the exact amount of ships, I believe they are up in the 100s.
- Lots of modules and huge customization options, there are about 10000 different items ingame and around 1000 modules capable of being fit to a ship.
- The ability to customize your ship is insane, you can almost make a ship that fits to your exact playstyle.
- The amount of activities is very great, there is so many things to try and explore.
- The game is incredibly hard to understand to It fullest. Each ship has MANY stats you need to understand and compare.
- The grind in the game can get huge. Especially in the early game, that’s why people recommend new players to get the starter pack that grants you 110 PLEX (300mil ingame) + 1-month sub.
- People from the outside may see this game a PayToWin because you can spend Real cash to get nearly anything you want.
Final Verdict – 6/10
Posted 24 December, 2018.
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249.0 hrs on record (23.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Review Of Beatsaber
Beatsaber is a game where in you slice blocks in the rythem of different songs from various generes (mostly electronic).
The game very high reviews and you'll get the same sentiment from the other comments. The game is excellent and i would like to explain it through some bulletpoints.
- The game feels good to play even on Easy mode. This is very good since it is probably the first difficulty you'll play, and the diffiulty is easy enough for you to complete the mode the first time you play it.
- Normal mode elevates the diffiulty quite a bit, whilst you might fail a bit in the beginning. The sheer awesomeness of music encourages you to do it, and contiune.
- Hard mode amps in up a bit more, this is the most where a lot of people play their levels. The mode is challinging and beating it the first time feels so amazing.
- Expert modes puts your slicing and hand spazzing to the test by putting you through very challinging sabering maps. It might take a lot of time to be able to complete these. Almost all maps are mapped in expert so once you can beat these you are good to play almost any song you want.
- Expert+ is incredible hard and some people might not have the physical condition to even be able to complete it. There is a huge difference between Expert and Expert+, i personally have played for about 20hr and i'm close to beating them.
- The game is exicting and features awesome gameplay that make you feel very good. One thing this game nailed is it's addictiveness to improve and become a ninja-brick-sliceing-god.
- The sound and visual effects are incredible and help with your immersion.
- Due to the fact that you dont move, atleast not more than leaning to the side.
- The game has a big modding scene, allowing you to install a lot of different mods, everything from anime characters and epic swords from various videogames.
- The game seems to have problems with registering your cuts, especially on expert+. First i thought it was my vive having bad tracking, but looking around then internet shows it is a more common issue
- The turorial doesn't show you how the scoring system works. You have to google how you get a "Perfect" slice this is not very good. Since it could perfectly be put in the tutorial.
- The game has some very good songs. However it is very lacking. That's where the modding community comes in, the modding community has made lots of songs for you to enjoy. I modded the game just 2.5hr after playing.

The game is absolutely amazing and a must have, however it has minor flaws that means i cant really give it full marks. However giving it 9/10 isn't even deserving
Final Verdict 9.5/10
Posted 22 December, 2018. Last edited 25 March, 2019.
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