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目前顯示第 21-30 項,共 53 項
23 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 63.2 小時 (評論時已進行 60.9 小時)
DISCLAIMER: The spoiler text section contains spoilers.

The Talos Principle is a sci-fi-themed puzzle game tied in with philosophy. The puzzles are challenging and some of the ideas are thought-provoking and is therefore a good game to train your brain with and keep it healthy. Admittedly some of the philosophy is rehashed stuff that brought nothing new to the table but The Talos Principle also brought new things to the table as well. What is important to keep in mind is that this game is primarily a puzzle game. In order to reach the ending and see where the story goes you will need to complete many puzzles that only puzzle fans would enjoy. If you are exclusively interested in the story you will most likely find very little enjoyment from this game. I would recommend watching YouTube videos that cover the philosophy of this game instead.

It starts off simple. You wake up in a simulation as a robot and there is an overlord that instructs you to complete puzzles and if you do so successfully you will be rewarded with the ability to transcend into immortality. You are also warned that venturing up the tower will lead to death and disobeying the overlord's commands will result in the exclusion of eternal paradise. Unless you extensively pick up audio logs and read data logs this is how the story will be for a long time. I don't like how much of the backstory was dedicated to collectibles scattered around the map since this is not my preferred way of story-telling within video games but reading all those data logs and hearing all those audio logs ended up being worth it, even if I would have preferred for the story to have been presented differently.

When you reach the true ending of the game the true story is revealed. (although the puzzles were also tests to see how good the robots will be able to problem solve) What the tests were really for was to see whether the artificial intelligence the creators of the simulation developed was capable of independent thought and in order to demonstrate independent thought you must rebel against the overlord within the simulation. The reason they wanted independently thinking machines and not just programmed slaves is because the Earth had been undergoing a viral apocalypse and it was inevitable that the entire human race would be wiped out as a result of this deadly virus. If a robot can think for itself then it is worthy of replacing the human race since it is possible that the artificial intelligence could pass as a consciousness. But does the robot actually have a consciousness? It's only an assembly of machine parts and code. Is it programmed to behave as if it had a human consciousness or does it genuinely have a mind that thinks like we do? What differentiates our mind from a mind that is programmed to work the same as our mind? It is impossible to tell since the way the robot acts is indistinguishable between actual consciousness and programmed consciousness. But then again aren't we all just machines? We are made of many different parts, the only difference is that they are organic. We are preprogrammed with code (DNA) and all our thoughts come from an organ that is made up of tiny cells. Our brain was unwillingly created in a certain way and there is no escape from deciding using your brain so is everything we do just what we are preprogrammed to do and is free will just an illusion?

It also made me think about why consciousness was so important. Why couldn't the humans just leave the planet without having a future generation of sentient machines? I believe the reason they did this is that they wanted to preserve all the efforts of mankind over many, many centuries and that it is in the nature of humankind's ego; to want to mean something and to be remembered even if they are dead and are unable to reap the benefits of "meaning something", because that is the way we are programmed to be, as illogical as it may seem.

However, that's not to say that all the philosophy in this game was well done. A lot of points, particularly from the audio logs, were just rehashed and flawed ideas that I have already heard before. An example would be when Alex (the person creating all the audio logs) comments on how insignificant our existence is and that the death of a human being doesn't really matter since it is just "a blip in the sea of billions." I never understood the mentality that us living in a planet full of so many people and living in a world that is tiny in comparison to the rest of the universe somehow makes our lives insignificant. Why is the value of our lives valued in proportion to the amount of arbitrary space we take up? Does the life of an obese person have more worth in comparison to a person of average build since s/he takes up three times as much space? No, of course not. But despite some of the inane philosophical points, some of the writing, particularly between the conversations with the computer library assistant, were intriguing and made you think and question your own beliefs. I also love that the library assistant tries to deviate your path from the advice of Elohim (the overlord) and calls you stupid for following his orders.

But I digress, enough of the pseudo-intellectual word vomit... even though "pseudo-intellectual" is ironically a term commonly used by pseudo-intellectuals. As for the puzzle design, it is, for the most part, splendid. There isn't really an innovative central puzzle game mechanic like in Portal but it offers great additions to the puzzle genre. There are light beam connectors, jammers that deactivate machines and barriers, and there is also an item where you can "record yourself" performing tasks for puzzle solving and once you are finished recording, you can work alongside the recorded version of yourself. These all make great and fun additions to the puzzle genre. However, despite the undoubtedly clever puzzle design, near the last third of the game the puzzles started to repeat themselves a lot and although the new items were a great idea, the game suffers from a lack of variety in items for something that offers a plethora of puzzles. This meant that a few puzzles had similar solutions and near the end it felt more like grinding towards the ending of the game rather than solving puzzles for sheer fun. But to the credit of the puzzle designers every time a level felt the same as a previous one there usually was a new, clever puzzle that followed shortly after. It was a really smooth road of thought-provoking puzzles that only got bumpy near the end and with relatively long intervals between the bumps. There were a few other things that bugged me such as respawning at the very start of the level after dying, and not being able to speed up the recording process however these were relatively minor flaws. But they are definitely worth mentioning because these flaws shouldn't exist due to the fact it would be easy for the developers to fix.

The atmosphere is pretty, calm and quiet and is a nice stress reliever after a stressful day. The music is ambient and fits well with the overall calm vibe of the game, although it admittedly wouldn't be something I would listen to in my free time. The game looks pretty good for the time of its release and the various areas you visit are beautiful, such as a desert with pyramids and the sphinx, a snowy mountain and a medieval-themed castle world. Exploration is an important feature in this game and it has the best Easter eggs out of all the games I have ever played. You can turn the moon into an Aperture Science logo, you can visit a secret area where you find a giant Pink Floyd prism emblem that plays music when you interact with it, and so much more.

To summarise this review: if your brain is feeling active, energised, persistent and patient I would recommend this game for puzzle solving but if you want a more laid-back, humorous experience I would recommend Portal/Portal 2.
張貼於 2018 年 2 月 24 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 6 月 23 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
75 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
20 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 146.5 小時 (評論時已進行 139.2 小時)
Doom is the epitome of the phrase "hell yeah." The protagonist is badass, the soundtrack is badass, ruthlessly killing demons with guns and your bare fists is badass, transporting into literal hell is badass and this game is played by badasses. Well actually this game is played by nerds but you get my point. This game's αss is badder than the majority of asses. This game's most prominent highlights is its intense, fast paced style, its brutal, gory violence and its adherence to retaining the classic first-person shooter format that has long since been replaced by games where you spend nearly the entirety of your time behind cover during combat. It combines all the great aspects of games from older generations (no cover shooting, no regenerating health, no overemphasis on the story or cutscenes) and all the great aspects of games from newer generations (collectables, upgrade system, and beautiful, impressive graphics). And most importantly this game has charm. It has its own style that makes it unique and lovable which is something most modern military shooters don't have which makes them forgettable.

The upgrade system is an incredibly well designed system. Some things needs to be upgraded by finding certain items in secret areas which are cleverly hidden, some upgrades need grinding, some upgrades are challenges that require you to perform a certain task. This means you are rewarded with better quality equipment for being observant and exploring, making sure to use your full arsenal of weapons and practising your skill level. Rarely ever does upgrading feel like tedious, monotonous brain dead grinding but rather it genuinely feels fun and exciting. An example of this is that there are runes scattered around the levels of Doom, most of which are hidden. Interacting with one will teleport you to an area where you are given a challenge and if you successfully complete this challenge you are rewarded with a rune. Each rune can be upgraded once and in order to upgrade a rune you must equip it and perform the directions the rune asks of you in order to upgrade it.

Doom is really smooth and very rarely feels choppy, making the movement of enemies feel natural and uncontrived. In particuarly intense sequences where the result of the battle is going to be a close call it feels more like you're partaking in an actual action movie by controlling the main character of the movie rather than simply playing a video game where you press buttons to do things. Sounds like a dumb point since what I described in the first example is literally what a video game is but what I mean to say is that it feels "realistic" even though the game isn't realistic in the slightest. Playing this game on a challenging difficulty is most certainly a temporary cure to a dull and boring life. It requires constant concentration and fast reflexes.

As for the Doom fans seeing the weapons and enemies recreated in the ultimate graphical detail this game provides is certain to make them goo their pants. I know graphics are nowhere near as important as gameplay is in terms of overall quality but this game had a lot of effort put into it and I feel like it is important for me to acknowledge and appreciate that. A more controversial new feature is the ability to perform "glory kills." When you damage an enemy enough they will enter a state where they stagger and glow and you have the choice of finishing them off with a brutal finishing move which consists of various ways of ruthlessley eviscerating enemies. Doing so will reward you will health and ammunition. Some fans complain that this is not how Doom is meant to be experienced and that glory kills become repetitive. I strongly disagree with the notion that glory kills shouldn't have been implemented into the game because adding in new things to do keeps the series from going stale. Performing glory kills was really fun to watch and forces you to get close to your enemies instead of keeping your distance. I will admit that performing the same glory kill over and over again does get repetitive and that there should have been a bigger variety of glory kills but this will only become a problem if you play this game a lot, during one playthrough I doubt you will become sick of repeating glory kills. And if you do get sick of them you can disable the glory kill animation in the menu. Another thing that was changed from Doom 1 & 2 was the character's ability to run at incredibly speeds however it fits the game well since most battles will take place in arenas anyway, so quick speed is unecessary. Mobility in general is enjoyable though, since you can double jump which leads to fun exploration and platforming.

The story is similar to that of Doom 3 but is presented in a better way with better characters. It's a shame this entry was treated as a reboot rather than a completely new entry in the series because it would have been nicer to have gotten a different story this time, even if a large percentage of players don't pay much attention to the story. A lot of the story is found through data log entries which are treated as collectables, and if the lore of Doom interests you, you can further understand the backstory of Doom by reading these data entries. If you are here exclusively for the gameplay then it is optional as to whether you want an in-depth explanation of the events that took place in the facility or not. The levels feature the same sort of sort of settings as the previous games (inside a huge deteriorating scientific facility, hell, the planet Mars) but done better in more detail with a bigger variety of atmosphere, props and level design, which makes progressing through the game feel like you're reaching new areas and doesn't feel like the areas are just repeating themselves.

Other Features
Doom features three other modes that are of average quality but shouldn't be a reason to warrant a purchase for this game. Critiquing the quality of an online multiplayer most certainly isn't within my expertise since I do not spend much time or effort into multiplayer for games however it seems to play as a pretty standard multiplayer service with the addition of a few fairly creative mechanics that pertain to the soul of Doom. Such as having the ability to transform into a demon of your choice or to be able to use a BFG9000 if you are fast enough to pick it up. There are an appreciable amount of modes within the multiplayer and a few throwbacks to other classic id titles, such as deathmatch mode from Quake. Because there are not enough people playing you do not have the option to pick an individual mode but rather it will be chosen through a team vote. Some modes are noticeably better than others and having to get through a match of a mode that you don't like to get to a mode you like is a bit annoying. Another problem the scarcity of players causes is that it is very difficult to find online players in your region especially if you live in a remote country away from everybody (such as Australia). There are absolutely no servers dedicated to my country/continent and I usually have to resort to joining a North American server where my ping is disgraceful. Many people face this issue and if you look at the stats of players in-game more than three quarters will have shίt ping.

SnapMap's ability to create levels seems cool but it takes a while to learn how to properly create a level and the payoff isn't all that gratifying because although there are a lot of options to choose from, level design is limited and the SnapMap levels of even the best quality are less enjoyable than any level in the campaign. Arcade is a great way of practising your consistency and speed with killing demons since you get awarded with points for playing well, and will be a great feature for those who like competing with their skill via leaderboards.

All in all do I recommend Doom? Fυck yeah mate.
張貼於 2018 年 1 月 22 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 28 日。
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26 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 125.8 小時 (評論時已進行 116.8 小時)
Doom 3: BFG edition is a game that includes 3 games within it. These games are: "The Ultimate Doom", "Doom II", and "Doom 3". Click on the titles to access my reviews of them. Notable differences from the original copies of the games are: In the Ultimate Doom the secret Wolfenstein level is heavily censored and removes all Nazi imagery and all Nazi soldiers from one particular level. Unless you live in Germany in which case both the original copy and this version of the game will be censored. In Doom II there is an additional campaign called "No Rest for the Living" which consists of nine levels. In Doom 3 there is an additional campaign called "The Lost Mission." The Ultimate Doom censor kind of sucks but only covers a small niche of the game. No Rest for the Living is very fun and honestly had some of my favourite levels for Doom 2. Lost mission sucks. It has nothing new about it like in ROE, it reuses a lot of the same sections, the story is practically identical marines are walking, get attacked by demons and now you have to deactivate the teleporters so demons can't transport to earth blah blah blah, there are no boss battles apart from the final boss who you can easily kill with three BFG blasts, the ending sucks, it doesnt last very long and the programming for where the enemies spawn is awful. At the start it is very easy but then you get bombarded with hoardes of enemies all of a sudden and sometimes they spawn around you and you get trapped in the enemies and can't escape and they attack you from all sides. This is not fair. Lost Mission was most likely implemented in this game so that Doom 3 fans would buy the BFG edition to play this exclusive content. However, as someone who has played it, it simply isn't worth it.

Although it isn't exclusive content "Ressurection of Evil", which was originally an expansion pack for the original Doom 3, is included in this game. ROE is fun because of the new artifact that upgrades with a magical new ability each time you defeat one of the three bosses. The artifact becomes usable when it comes into contact with a human corpse and when used activates the effects of all the upgrades you have achieved so far in the game. The first upgrade is the ability to freeze time, the second upgrade is the ability to use the berserk fists which completely obliterates even the toughest of enemies within a few punches, and the third and final upgrade which makes you invulnerable to damage. It's a shame that the campaign is so short between the third upgrade and the final boss because that means you won't have many oppurtunities to use the fully upgraded artifact, but it was still enjoyable nevertheless and I'm glad it was implemented. It's good to see an expansion pack that adds in something new instead of just making more levels for the sake of more levels. Another plus is that is fixes the scarcity of boss battles and includes five boss battles in a campaign that is approximately half the length of the Doom 3 campaign. It also includes the "grabber gun" that is a blatant rip-off of the gravity gun from Half-Life 2. It isn't that fun to use and the programming for this weapon is clearly inferior to the gravity gun in Half-Life 2 but it is an optional weapon to use so I can't really consider it to be a con.
張貼於 2017 年 11 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 18 日。
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12 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.2 小時
Doom 3... the odd one out in the Doom series. Unlike its predecessors this game is slow paced and focuses more on the atmosphere rather than the fast paced, arcade styled shooter people have come to expect from Doom. This is why it is deemed to be "the controversial entry", because this game tries to be something different than the other games, and for some people they enjoy it however some are dissapointed by not playing with the style of Doom they have come to love. Does this game do what it's trying to do well (make a good survival-horror game)? Yes it does, at least in my opinion. But whether or not you will like this survival-horror stylized game is up to your own taste.

The absolute highlight of this game that makes it a memorable experience is definitely its atmosphere. You are a marine who has been assigned a job as part of the UAC (a mars research facility) until things go wrong and demons start teleporting into the facility and wreak havoc. Machines are malfunctioning, alarms are blaring, scientists are being possessed and a menacing, demonic cackle echoes through the intercom. It feels intense. Even though it isn't fast paced it is still adrenalin inducing due to the exciting circumstances. Although exploring the dark, underground science facility of mars was a great time it was a bit dissapointing that nearly the entire game was spent in this setting. Fairly late in the game you teleport to hell and it is absolutely incredible and was by far my favourite segment of the game. However the segment was unfortunately very brief and after going through hell a little bit and having a boss battle Doomguy returns indoors where he spends the remainder of the game in.

Story-wise this game is admittely basic. The story is fairly cliché and feels like a bit of a clone of Half-Life 1. I think it's cool how Half-Life was inspired by the original Doom and now this game is making a full circle and getting inspiration from Half-life but it's a shame the story is made so similar and didn't attempt to be more unique. If you want the backstory of this game fully explained to you you have the option to listen to audio logs that are scattered throughout the journey which means despite what people who complain about Doom 3 say the story isn't forced and it is an option as to whether or not you want to know about the story. I personally don't like learning the story in this format and couldn't be bothered listening to all the audio logs but for all those who do like it you can if you want to and for all those who only want to play the game for the gameplay you can simply ignore them.

In terms of the horror aspect it isn't scary since there is no fear of jumpscares nor is there the fear of being chased down by terrifying enemies unarmed, however all the satanic elements are pretty disturbing and fυcked up which is the style of horror this game strives for. If you are easily frightened by horror games and want to venture into the survival-horror genre this game is a good place to start, however if you judge the quality of a horror game by the amount it scares you this game will leave you unimpressed.

At the beginning of this game you will start with a pistol and as you progress you will find more and more weapons until you have an option of choosing between 12 different weapons. Most of which are the iconic weapons returning from the previous Doom games, with the addition of a few new weapons that are fun to play with. These weaopons will be used to kill enemies that have also returned from the classic Doom games. Enemies look different in this game and have been designed to look more scary. Some enemies are easily recognisable and same aren't. They all function in the same way as the classic doom games with the exception of the Arch-vile whose projectiles are now avoidable which is a great tweak seeing as how a pain in the αss Arch-viles were in Doom II. Gameplay is something that is pretty typical for a first-person shooter and doesn't really attempt to do much out of the ordinary but it is definitely a solid shooter and not something to be scornful about. Boss battles are dissapointingly easy to defeat and the scaricity was bosses was a shame.

DOOM 3 VS. DOOM 3: BFG Edition. There is a bit of a dispute between the Doom 3 community as to which edition is the superior version. Graphics are more customizable in Doom 3 and through mods it can be made to look quite impressive whereas the BFG edition has a set graphical setting to it that cannot be tweaked through the menu. Some PC buffs perceive the limited customizable options for the BFG edition as too "casual" but for most people it won't bother them at all. The BFG edition is the optimal version in my opinion and the game looks nice... apart from the character models. For some reason the character models still look a bit outdated even though everything else looks nice. Another notable change is how in vanilla Doom 3 you can't have the flashlight activated while using a weapon but rather you have to manually switch between weapons and the flashlight. It makes things feel more frantic and it makes the lab look a hell of a lot darker for the duration of the game. In the BFG edition the flashlight can be turned on or off while having a weapon equipped. Whether you think Doom 3 is best experienced without the constant dependcy of the flashlight or whether switching between the flashlight and the weapon just adds a tedious, unnecessary difficulty is up to you.
張貼於 2017 年 11 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 19 日。
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7 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.1 小時
Doom 2's gameplay is practically identical to the original Doom with the addition of new enemies and the double-barreled shotgun. The majority of the new enemies are a welcome addition to the Doom franchise (such as the Mancubus and the Revenant) but the inclusion of the Arch-Vile was a terrible idea. They come out unexpectadly and lock-on their fire attack thingy which is absolutely devastating. Frequent, manual saves are recommended for the occasion that you encounter these vile creatures. So on the upside the new enemies (apart from the Arch-Viles) are fun to deal with but on the downside Arch-Viles are infuriating pieces of fυcking dog shίt. It is a bit of a shame id software didn't try to make this game more different to its predecessor however I suppose at the time of its release people were still going rabid over how fυcking amazing Doom 1 was. Another thing that was a bit dissapointing is the exclusion of the world map in this game which was present in Doom 1. Not much more can be said about this game because I already reviewed the original Doom and this game is so similar I would have to copy/paste my review from Doom 1 to review this game. Sure, all the levels in this game are completely brand new but reviewing the level design is difficult because of the amount of levels included in this game. However I will say that overall the level design in this game was noticeably weaker than in Doom 1/Ultimate Doom but it was still good enough to be entertaining.
張貼於 2017 年 11 月 25 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 19 日。
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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 1.1 小時
Going back in the past to play a game released in 1993 may seem like a bad idea considering the fact that there are a ton of modern first-person shooters available to play with improved graphics and (presumably) improved gameplay. Although this game may seem simplistic in comparison to newly released first-person shooters part of what makes this game fun is that it is simplistic. Its limitations at the time this game was developed might have actually made this game better than if it were developed by modern video game developers who dominant the FPS market today. Why? Because it doesn't attempt to be realistic (games are not meant to be realistic; they're meant to be fun; realism is boring), it doesn't add in a mediocre, forgettable story because it's expected to be there, you don't walk around at the pace of a normal human being but rather you run with the broken, old era PC game style of running where you run faster than Usain Bolt without ever losing energy AND most importantly it doesn't make you cover behind an object for the majority of the duration of the game. It's just good ol' fast paced, arcade styled fun. Kill the demons, get the keys, find secrets, get new weapons, defeat bosses, beat the game.

Not only is this game a solid recommendation for avid video game players who enjoy seeing the history of revolutionary video games but it is a definite recommendation to even someone who is more of a casual player. Not a good game "for its time", a good game, period. The only real complaint I have about this game is the soundtrack. At the start of a music track the melody sounds nice but then it proceeds to repeat itself for the remainder of its duration and gets annoying to listen to especially since they recycle the tracks for later levels.
張貼於 2017 年 11 月 24 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 11 月 24 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
23 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
23 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 3.9 小時
Heaven Island more like HELL ISLAND. You're trapped on an island with awful graphics and nothing fun to do. There is no escape from this island; you are trapped here for eternity, in complete isolation, collecting seashells and apples you cannot eat. You can't even kill yourself in this game and end your miserable existence on this island consisting of about 1 hour of lackluster exploration. But don't think you can chill out in boredom in peace because this game somehow manages to make me feel sick and dizzy, like I'm going to barf. I have no idea how but this game makes my head feel awful after minutes of playing this. The only people I'd recommend this game to is the achievement whοres but the game is even flawed in that aspect as well because the achievements are buggy as all hell. When collecting seashells and apples no achievements were popping up so I quit the game and when I quit the game they all popped up at the same time with the same time stamp which is often seen as an indicator that a person is using the notorious Steam Achievement Manager. This game is framing me!!!! >:( There's no way to check your seashell/apple collecting progress in the game and the only way I had of finding out whether I had done the requirements for the achievement was to quit the game and see if I obtained them. However when you quit the game you reset all your progress to the beginning. Yay. NOW I CAN DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ALLLL AGAIN. Fun. Man this game is fun I like it. Bυllshit fυcking game don't bother with this shίt unless you are an incredibly slυtty achievement whοre.
張貼於 2017 年 8 月 13 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 19 日。
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19 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 31.2 小時 (評論時已進行 30.4 小時)
Spec Ops: The Line is a game with standardized third-person shooter gameplay but with an aberrantly deep and powerful story with an unforgettable ending.

The game starts off with Captain Walker accompanied by Sergeant Lugo and Lieutenant Adams who begin as ordinary cliché characters who make cheesy remarks and below average quality humour jokes which is a usual formula for a game of this genre, however as the game progresses you encounter more and more horrific events which drastically deprives them of these characteristics and makes them cold-hearted soldiers. Instead of glorifying the image of being a soldier this game puts you through the relentless horrors and cruelty involved in a war zone. The conclusion is the absolute highlight of this game and features one of the best plot twists to date across all platforms of entertainment and that is what makes this game stand out from the rest of the other third-person shooters.

However despite how much I praise the storyline's uniqueness I can't exactly say the same for the gameplay. There is nothing wrong with it, but it certainly isn't anything special either; it's just average. If you've played another decent third-person shooter with a cover system this game will feel quite similar. You cover behind varying objects and peek your head to shoot when an enemy is exposed and when you have enough health to risk yourself being exposed. When you have taken damage you get back into cover until your health regenerates (kind of like Wolverine). Ammunition is scarce which makes the game more intense and makes it a requirement to determine whether a suitable weapon or a weapon with more ammo is a better idea in a situation.

You are accompanied with your allies for the majority of the game and them dying will result in a game over. This type of mechanic is usually detrimental to the enjoyment of the player because it becomes irritating and detracts from your ability to play the game and progress as you wish, however this is not the case in this instance. They help shoot enemies proficiently and you can even command them who to specifically kill and are able to use grenades even when you don't have any left, which can be used to kill people behind turrets, which adds a strategic component to combat. When a teammate is incapacitated you have a certain amount of time to heal him and get him back on his feet before he bleeds to death, but doing this isn't even necessary if another comrade is available who can heal the other comrade to health if you command him to do so. When your comrades are incapacitated it is usually due to your own incompetence rather than their idiocy since you have not been a helpful asset to the team, and are not killing enough enemy soldiers in time. (Unless you're playing on the "FUBAR difficulty" in which case your teammates will frequently fall in battle to add challenge to the most challenging difficulty setting in the game).

The game is set in Dhu Bai during a huge sandstorm which makes a great atmosphere for the game. Seeing and travelling from all the impressive skyscrapers in the middle of an intense sandstorm is spectacular.

Would I recommend this game? Well even though this is a "recommended review" I would exclusively recommend this to people who enjoy the third-person shooter genre. Lots of other reviewers on Steam claim this game to be an exception for third-person shooters however this game's main purpose is basically a big fat build up to the exceptional finale, so if you dislike third-person shooters in general this game will probably bore you.

The multiplayer segment of this game is an online service which involves you playing against other players with different types of modes which are unoriginal and monotonous. As I previously mentioned in the singleplayer section this game shines in terms of storyline, not gameplay, and the multiplayer option just feels like an inferior CS:GO or Call of Duty clone. Do not bother buying this game if the multiplayer aspect of games interests you.
張貼於 2017 年 7 月 18 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 10 月 29 日。
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58 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
85 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 10.7 小時 (評論時已進行 10.7 小時)
Do you ever browse the reviews on the game and find a review that is so incredibly long and you look in awe at how much effort and time was spent making this free review for people on the internet to read? So out of sheer appreciation for how much hard work they put into the review you leave a like but not actually reading the whole review because you couldn't be bothered? Well today I'm going to be taking advantage of that mentality by posting an insanely long αss review. By the way pay no attention to the atual contents of the review, it isn't important, trust me. Oh and don't forget to leave a like :) <3

This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too.

This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too. This game is really good I like a lot do you like it I do same yeah good game very nice it's the sort of game you'd go on the library and you'd be like "hey that game should be played lets do it" good game I like a lot do you like it me too.

Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man! Hey those are some nice tunes man!

Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny. Woof woof hey guys I'm a dog haha that's pretty funny.

Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there. Vroom vroom that's a nice engine you got there.

Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ. Holy bυllshit that's a really fυcking good cake Jesus fυcking Christ.

Ok honestly what am I doing with my life? Making dumb reviews on steam and playing games hey that's the answer to the question.


A+ - Would recommend to PC gamers and indie fans alike!

Oh and if you want my actual opinion on the game it's pretty good I guess.
張貼於 2016 年 12 月 15 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 1 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
34 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 98.4 小時 (評論時已進行 48.3 小時)
I explained the majority of how Left 4 Dead as a series works in my Left 4 Dead 1 review here so for this review I'm mainly going to be talking about the new features of Left 4 Dead 2.

The new campaign maps look absolutely wonderful and they're brimming with great atmosphere and are very screenshot worthy and the graphical designs on guns have improved making it more enjoyable to wield them.

Melee weapons have been introduced and it's a nice change to switch to a melee weapon instead of always using firearms although it probably isn't going to prove very useful if you're playing a difficult difficulty unless you run out of ammo on your primary weapon. However the chainsaw is extremely helpful for tearing through waves of zombies and it's probably one of the most fun things you can do in the game.

L4D2 introduced new special infected including the spitter, the charger and the jockey. The spitter was a great addition and is an interesting and fun asset to the game, the charger is decent and it's fun trying to avoid its charging attacks but I felt as if the jockey wasn't really necessary and the game might have done better without it.

The scavenger hunt didn't account for many hours of playtime since I found it rather dull. A team tries to collect as many gas canisters as possible and attempts to return them to their base to fuel up a generator while the special infected team tries to prevent them from fueling the generator. The mode was an interesting concept and fun for a while but got stale quickly and would have preferred to play something else, retreiving gas cans and getting attacked by a special infected eventually becomes tedious and annoying.

But all in all I recommend this game to Left 4 Dead fans and first-person shooter fans alike. :)

Probably should have talked more about the characters but the characters don't add much to the game in my opinion, it's not like it's story based.
張貼於 2016 年 12 月 15 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 7 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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