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16.5 hrs on record
Se você se apaixonou pelo universo de Metro após jogar Metro 2033, esse jogo vai te entregar tudo o que você espera com relação a imersão, detalhes, personagens super carismáticos que você se importa de verdade e lore, lore de qualidade! O nível altíssimo se mantém, mas vai te ensinar muita coisa também! Esse jogo me fez sentir que eu joguei o primeiro de forma totalmente errada...
Eu sinto que eu não posso comentar muito sobre esse jogo, sem dar spoiler e o que eu menos quero é estragar a experiência de alguém.
Ambos os jogos são um sólido 10/10 pra mim.
Posted 10 December, 2024.
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12.1 hrs on record
Depois de jogar, eu consegui entender o porquê de Metro ser uma trilogia com tantos fãs apaixonados e fiéis!
Eu dificilmente zero um jogo atrás do outro, em poucos dias como foi no caso de Metro 2033 e Last Light.
A ambientação desse jogo é sensacional, me deu muita vontade de ler os livros depois que eu terminei ambos os jogos.
Uma dica pra quem for jogar, não jogue o jogo com pressa, eles colocaram muito carinho no universo do jogo, cada pessoa nas estações tem uma história pra contar, tem bastante coisa acontecendo e prestar atenção nesses detalhes vai enriquecer demais a sua experiência.
Posted 10 December, 2024.
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11.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Bizarramente Envolvente!
[1/12/2024] Análise do EP1 e EP2: Admito que, parece ter algo que te prende, com relação a trama desse jogo.
Por mais bizarros que, tanto a Leyley quanto o Andy são, eles conseguem ser, de certa forma, cativantes.
Por mais que eu tenha me irritado com a Leyley em alguns momentos, e yanderes não serem o tipo de personagem que costuma me agradar, ela consegue ser uma yandere muito melhor que muita personagem de anime.
A narrativa do jogo é livre de qualquer tipo de filtro que você possa imaginar, ele tem um humor negro, que pra muitos pode ser considerado pesado, pra mim foi num nível ok.
Mas no geral, até o episódio 2, eu gostei demais do jogo! Vou ficar feliz quando lançarem novos episódios!
Posted 1 December, 2024. Last edited 19 December, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
104.8 hrs on record
First run of a completionist, what does it feel like?
I'll make this review as straight forward as I can, so you'll get to decide if the game is for you or not.
If my playing time matters to you and you wonder how much content you can expect from this game, I'll leave here some data of my first playthrough:
I these 104 hours I played the game in captain(normal) difficulty, I've completed all the DLC chapters, all the main chapters and all the side quests, I also tried to complete all the objectives in every chapter, getting S score in 90% of them, did all the arenas that I got throughout the campaign and unlocked the whole tech tree, so its a lot of content, and considering the great repleability factor, I can easily say this game was worth every cent I spent on it!

Mechanics: When we talk about mechanics, Symphony of War aces, no doubt of that.
the game gives you a lot of freedom to build your squads the way you want, to test new strategies, the positioning system is amazing, the elements/affinity, how the weather influences in the combat, how the environment influences... everything matters for your strategy in the battlefield, if you know how to take advantage of it for your ambushes, how to keep your distance or even to retreat and rethink your strategy, thats all great!
I also love the morale system and how it works, also how the bond between characters also influences this system.

Character Design: Here is another thing where this game shines, most of the character designs were very pleasant to me, and if you love muscle mommies as much as I do, you won't regret buying this game at all!! Hehe
Please, don't take in consideration the portraits that they are using on their showcase and trailers here on steam, those are older ones and the portraits in game are all updated!

Story: Unfortunatelly the story is the weakest part of this game.. it really hurts to say that, I'm not saying that the story is BAD, but its definitely nothing special and some of the choices and paths they took to the story, were really bad choices, the character development also feels shallow and there are no characters that I felt really attached to, besides Diana and Stefan whose carried the game in terms of charisma, for me.
Maybe you might enjoy the other characters more than I do, somethings are mostly personal taste.

Difficulty Well, take in consideration that I played the game in the Captain difficulty and that I've grinded a lot, so it might be part of the reason why the game felt so easy to me, I really enjoy the challenge in games so this was a strong con for me, but even like that, the mechanics of the game made it so fun that It didn't feel boring at all! I also wanna try the Warlord difficulty where there is permadeath, what will probably double the fun for me and will probably make me need to manage my resources in a different way in order to save troops and recover from some losses.

Well, that's it, thanks for reading this review, I really hope it was useful for you to decide if its worth your money or not.
Posted 18 November, 2024. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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0.9 hrs on record
Linearidade em um mundo aberto bugado.
Não costumo dar review em jogos com tão pouco tempo de jogo, mas quando eu percebi do que o jogo se tratava, eu pulei fora o mais rápido possível.
Você pode criar uma falsa expectativa de que o jogo te da a liberdade que Hitman te da, especialmente por ser um jogo mundo aberto... não é isso que acontece na prática.
Você tem que matar os NPCs de formas específicas que são anotadas em seu caderninho, encontrar itens e ferramentas necessárias pra isso, não é qualquer ferramenta de sua escolha, são ferramentas específicas que estão marcadas lá, transformando o jogo em um jogo de puzzle, basicamente.

Outra coisa que eu não gostei, é que se um adulto te ver fazendo qualquer coisa relacionada a missão, é game over! Mesmo que não faça sentido desconfiarem de uma criança mexendo em um piano! Você chamaria a policia pra uma criança mexendo em um piano? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Posted 30 October, 2024. Last edited 30 October, 2024.
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5.1 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Really fun with friends!
You'll probably laugh a lot playing this with friends and if you enjoy MMA as much as I do, you might even find some of their mechanics fun to play and to master! I can see myself playing it from time to time.
Posted 29 September, 2024. Last edited 14 December, 2024.
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39.9 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Sucha great game, with high replayability, but not for everyone!

I've beat Pyre this Monday and wow... this game really messed with me.
I knew I needed to write a review but I couldn't write it on the same day.
If you want to play a game with very well built characters and dive into a completely new world and mythology, this game is rich in it!

Each character will touch you in certain way and the decisions you gotta take are Always tough and all of them really matter!
I've never seen a game where even the lyrics of their soundtrack changes based on the choices you've made, that's insanely detailed, but if you already know Supergiant it won't be a surprise to you.

I hightly recommend this game for people who love Reading, love a visual novel because even though it has gameplay moments full of action, the gameplay is only 20% of the game, the other 80% is Reading na AMAZING STORY and great world building!

The gameplay works as if it were a sport game which it isn't! Its a rite ceremony full of rules and traditions that should be respected and you are the reader who should guide your fellow triumvirate to their freedom through the victory in these rites.
You can play with tons of characters in total, cause the game also has a versus mode where you can play against CPU or with a friend in local multiplayer, there is no online multiplayer.
You can work on several builds with them, lots of strategy if you are into it, each character plays differently and they have certain sinergy with each other.
I won't say the number of characters you can use in the story because I don't wanna mess with your experience, I hightly recommend to finish the story before you touch the versus mode, so you don't take any spoiler.

And about the story, here is where this game shines! Again, don't worry, I won't give you any spoiler.
In a world where reading is forbidden, you get exiled to the downside because of it.
You learn that the only way to regain your freedom is through a ceremony that happens from time to time when the stars align in the sky, for it as a reader, your role here is to guide your fellow members of your triumvirate (your team) to prevail on the rites against other triumvirates. The world is rich in mythology, gods, beliefs, areas, different races, species and cultures, and charismatic characters that you'll probably keep for life!

The only negative thing I wanted to point out is about the limited in-game sprites the characters have.
They could've worked on some more variety of in-game sprites, for example, all the demons share the same sprite, since they are masked and wearing the rite clothes that hide their bodies, but even though they have different shape of horns, they still look the same under the mask, thats something that doesnt influence much in the game, but still, I think they could've invested some more time in making each sprite in the game unique...

But regardless of this, I love this game with all my heart, it was a blast to play it and it has a high replayability, I couldn't not write a review for it!
Posted 25 September, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
I love the physics in this game!
Posted 7 June, 2024.
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0.6 hrs on record
Jogo paia
Posted 25 April, 2024.
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49.2 hrs on record (44.2 hrs at review time)
Dragon Ball Xenoverse é super divertido, até mesmo nos dias de hoje, o sistema de progressão do jogo é muito satisfatório, o grind que você tem pra pegar os equipamentos eu diria que ficou bem no ponto, é recompensador quando você finalmente consegue completar um conjunto inteiro que você queria.
A história do jogo é bem interessante, você sai bastante da história padrão de Dragon Ball que somos acostumados, o jogo tem um fator replay, eu inclusive fiz 2 raças diferentes no jogo, uma Majin de inicio e uma Sayajin na minha segunda play, a Majin ficou nível 49 e a Sayajin eu upei até o 81 até o momento dessa análise e foi muito divertido.
Eu recomendo muito jogar o Xenoverse 1 antes de se aventurar no 2, pois a história é diretamente conectada.
O único ponto negativo que eu tenho em relação ao Xenoverse 1 seria o multiplayer, o servidor ainda está ativo, você encontra uma galerinha andando por Toki Toki, alguns te chamam pra umas batalhas amigáveis, só que mesmo que pareça que o jogo é meio cheio de inicio, por ter bastante gente no mapa 50~80 players em média, aqueles players são os únicos jogando no mundo todo, então fica um pouquinho difícil de achar salas de endless battle, ou muitos grupos upando... mas os jogadores parecem ser bem amigáveis, nunca tive problema em chamar pessoas pra jogar comigo e fiz alguns amigos na steam pelo jogo também.
Posted 14 January, 2024.
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