John Oakman
:retreat: Post a message before adding me. :retreat:

I make models, maps, code and work in micro-electronics.

“I believe that a triangle, if it could speak, would say that God is eminently triangular, and a circle that the divine nature is eminently circular; and thus would every one ascribe his own attributes to God.”
— Baruch Spinoza
게임 중
Baldur's Gate 3
Books I've read
I wanted to keep track of the books I read and I thought it was best to do it here since it remains very accessible and easy for me. On the other hand, I hope this list will inspire others to read on their own.
This list will contain the books that I've read and the date that I've finished reading them.
Please note that some of the names are in French and I can't care enough to translate them.

N/A means that I don't remember the date because they have been read before I imagined making this list (and thus this is a non-exhaustive list since I can't remember all of them).
-Néron - Catherine Salles - N/A
-Pourquoi j'ai toujours raison et les autres ont tort - Carol Tavris & Elliot Aronson - N/A
-Les origines du vivant - Académie des sciences - N/A
-Les robots, mon emploi et moi - Erwann TISON - N/A
-Dom Juan - Molière - N/A
-La mort de la mort - Laurent Alexandre - N/A
-Des robots et des hommes - Laurance Devillers - N/A
-La grande transition de l'humanité - Collection prospectives - N/A
-The Horus Heresy Collection 1 - N/A
-Pericles - Vincent Azoulay - N/A
-1984 - George Orwell - N/A
-15 lessons of quantum mechanics - Jean-Louis Basdevant - N/A
-Les théories de la surveillance - Olivier AÏM - N/A
-La cognition: Du neurone à la société - Thérèse Collins - N/A
-The Great Reset - Klaus Schwab - N/A
-Régulation industrielle - Emmanuel Godoy - N/A

From there, there should be only books with a specified date.
This list started in April 2021.

-La guerre civile en France - Karl Marx - 03/2021
-Nous autres (We) - Eugène Zamiatine - 03/2021
-Ethics - Spinoza - 04/2021
-Deleuze 13 2 hour lessons on Spinoza (via youtube) - 04/2021
-Capital Volume 1 - Karl Marx - 07/2021
-Reading Marx's Capital Volume 1 youtube course - - 07/2021
-State & Revolution - Vladimir Lenin - 08/2021
-Black shirts & Reds - Michael Parenti - 09/2021
-Imperialism: The highest stage of Capitalism - Lenin - 09/2021
-Les Confessions I à VI - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 10/2021
-Wealth of nations - Adam Smith - 11/2021
-Spinoza practical Philosophy - Gilles Deleuze - 12/2021
-Discipline and Punish - Michel Foucault - 12/2021
-La dynamique du capitalisme - Fernand Braudel - 01/2022
-La Méditerrranée - Fernand Braudel - 01/2022
-Identité de la France 1. Espaces et histoire - Fernand Braudel - 01/2022
-Grammaire des civilisations - Fernand Braudel - 02/2022
-Techno-féodalisme critique de l'économie numérique - Cédric Durand - 03/2022
-Ceux qui ne sont rien - Taha Bouhafs - 04/2022
-Méditations pascaliennes - Pierre Bourdieu - 04/2022
-Political Theological Treaty - Spinoza - 08/2022
-Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme vol.1 - Fernand Braudel - 09/2022
-Can we avoid another financial crisis - Steve Keen - 10/2022
-Le management, du nazisme à aujourd'hui - Johann Chapoutot - 02/2023
-La domination masculine - Pierre Bourdieu - 03/2023
-Imperium - Frédéric Lordon - 06/2023
-Vivre sans? - Frédéric Lordon - 07/2023
-Spinoza, biography - Ariel Suhamy - 07/2023
-Spinoza, correspondances - 08/2023
-Stalin - Oleg Khlevniuk - 06/2024
-L'ordre du jour - Éric Vuillard - 06/2024
-La dame au petit chien, L'évêque, la fiancée - Anton Tchékhov - 06/2024
-Douce, Songe d'un homme ridicule - Dostoievski - 06/2024
-L'identité de la France 2. Hommes et choses - Fernand Braudel - 07/2024
-D'argent et de sang - Fabrice Arfi - 07/2024
-Nouvelles - Антон чехов - 07/2024
-La route de la servitude - Friedrich August Hayek - 07/2024
-Histoire du XIX siècle - Serge Berstein - In Progress
최근 활동
기록상 302시간
게임 중
기록상 620시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 30일
기록상 295시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 29일
E1GHT 2024년 9월 7일 오후 2시 10분 
can I ask you how you made the tram monitor? What external software did you use to make the little terminal screen? It looks fantastic!
TurboIsTheNewG 2024년 7월 27일 오전 2시 45분 
Salut ! Ajouté en MP à propos d'une potentielle offre pour un projet
Cdt, Andrei
[LR] Maurose 2024년 7월 22일 오전 10시 10분 
Salut, je vous ai ajouté en amis steam, j'aimerais vous parler en MP à propos d'une de vos maps.
HOW DO I ROLEPLAY 2024년 6월 20일 오전 11시 52분 
Salut. I have a question about your recent map. Please add me. =)
dd 2024년 2월 24일 오전 11시 15분 
Salut John, je t'ajoute j'aurais une petite question à propos de tes SWEPS de tes anciens alien rp ;-) merci à toi si tu m'acceptes
Dog 2024년 2월 2일 오전 1시 55분 
-rep french