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24.3 hrs on record
  • Gameplay : ★★★★☆
  • Scenario : ★★★★☆
  • Graphism : ★★★★☆
  • Visual & Sound : ★★★☆☆


The LEGO The Lord of the Rings video game is a product of Traveller's Tales, created in collaboration with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The PC version of the game was released on November 27, 2012.

The game is inspired by Peter Jackson's film adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy novels. As with other LEGO games, it combines elements of exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat, all presented in the humorous, accessible visual style typical of the LEGO series. Players relive the events of the three films ("The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "The Return of the King") as they take on the roles of iconic characters such as Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas and more.

My opinion:

A big fan of LEGO games, having discovered this one, I had to have the Lord of the Rings edition, fan as I am of the films (and books)! This game quickly became mine during some interesting promotions. To parody a certain French music lover, I have no regrets!

The tale of The Lord of the Rings has been skillfully reinterpreted, incorporating a number of altered scenes that have been reimagined in a humorous or repulsive manner.
The game is played in third person and is compatible with a controller. Please note that the cooperative mode is not a multiplayer option; it is instead a split-screen mode that can be played on your own PC. The game's primary mechanic is that of a strategic platformer, wherein players are required to switch between characters at optimal times to advance the narrative.

However, there are a few issues with the game or with the achievements, if you are unfortunate to encounter them, as I have done. It should be noted, however, that these bugs represent a minority issue. There's nothing more to say. If you like LEGOs, go kill as many orcs as Gimli and Legolas!

My personal rating: 15/20

  • Your positive feedback, whether in the form of a thumbs-up or a reward, is greatly appreciated and serves as a source of motivation for me to continue providing you with my reviews and guides.

  • Otherwise, feel free to join me on my discord[discord.gg]to chat and play with me, and feel free to leave me an opinion in the comments. Julien.
Posted 28 August. Last edited 28 August.
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92.5 hrs on record


Horizon Zero Dawn is an open-world action role-playing game (RPG) developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game was released on February 28, 2017, on the PlayStation 4 platform and subsequently on PC on August 7, 2020.

Development & Impact

Horizon Zero Dawn, developed by Guerrilla Games, represents a significant shift in the company's focus beyond its previous work on the Killzone series, establishing a new benchmark for the studio. The game was developed over a six-year period with the Decima Engine, offering remarkable graphics and detailed environments.

The game was highly praised for its immersive universe, engaging protagonist, Aloy, and innovative machine design. Horizon Zero Dawn achieved remarkable commercial success, with over 10 million copies sold in 2019.
The success of Horizon Zero Dawn led to the development of a sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, which was released in 2022.

Scenario ★★★★☆

We assume the role of Aloy, a young outcast hunter reared in exile by the Nora tribe. Orphaned, she embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about her origins and the world's mysterious past. As her journey progresses, she navigates a range of landscapes, engages in combat with formidable mechanical adversaries, interacts with diverse human communities, and uncovers the mysteries of the ancient civilization responsible for creating the machines.

The narrative is compelling and well-executed, with excellent staging that creates memorable moments between the characters, particularly as the story delves into their emotional intimacy. Aloy is a compelling and distinctive character with a strong personality, a notable departure from the conventional tropes that have undermined the portrayal of certain female characters. An engaging narrative set in a post-apocalyptic landscape, populated by mechanical entities that pose a significant threat to the protagonist.

Gameplay ★★★☆☆

The initial approach to hunting these formidable machines is through melee, utilising your spear and bow with an assortment of arrows. If you are seeking an understanding of the mechanics of combat, it will be helpful to consider the similarities to Monster Hunter: World. The game world requires the use of all available tools and weapons to defeat the formidable beasts. The machines are designed to attack in a highly choreographed manner, necessitating the learning of attack patterns for nearly every machine.

Furthermore, pressing "v" to activate your focus will highlight the weak points of your selected machine. This transforms the combat experience into a fast and dynamic back-and-forth exchange where players can utilize their spear to strike, evade, and attempt to target weak points with their bow.

While machines are typically well designed, the AI of human is not as sophisticated as it could be. It is possible that battles against human enemies may appear to be less interesting or strategic than those against machines. It is important to acknowledge that human enemies are a relatively minor concern. You primary focus is on machines.

Weapons & Tools

You have access to a range of weaponry, including the standard bow, a powerful bow, and the spear, in addition to unique options such as the tripcaster, the slingshot, and the ropecaster. Your bow can be equipped with various types of ammunition, including incendiary and armor-piercing arrows, which can be tailored to counter specific enemy weaknesses. The tripcaster is a versatile weapon which can be used to inflict damage on enemies by stretching wires across their path. The ropecaster is another effective tool which allows players to pin opponents to the ground, rendering them vulnerable to attack. Horizon offers a vast array of enemies, each with their own distinct characteristics and weaknesses, providing numerous avenues for gameplay. The Frozen Wilds DLC introduces some intriguing new weapons, which we encourage players to discover for themselves.


As you progress through the game, you will encounter merchants who will offer you new armor and weapons in exchange for your resources. This encourages players to hunt machines for their components, as many machines provide a specific form of currency that can be exchanged for unique equipment. Additionally, you have the option to upgrade your ammo pouches, the capacity of your health potions, and other features. Moreover, you will gain access to modifications by vanquishing enemies, which can be integrated into your armor and weapons to obtain powerful upgrades, such as armor-piercing or improved maneuverability.


As a player, the possibilities for customizing your gear and weapons are endless! You can really make them your own, and it's so much fun. The more you progress through the levels, the more skill points you can earn! These will enable you to improve various aspects of Aloy's character, making her even more awesome! If you love using the bow, you can increase the idle time and even learn to shoot three arrows at once! If you're into close combat, you'll love the chance to ramp up your weapon's damage with some truly epic final attacks! And there's more! The Frozen Wilds DLC introduces a whole new column of skills to unlock.

Side Content

Horizon Zero Dawn provides a variety of supplementary content designed to enhance the gaming experience.
  • The Frozen Wilds (DLC) The DLC, released on November 7, 2017, introduces a new snowy region, The Frozen Frontier, with new quests, new machines, and additional skills to unlock. Furthermore, new equipment is provided that is suitable for use in extreme conditions.

  • Free Updates: Guerrilla Games has added content such as New Game+ Mode, Ultra-Hard Mode, and additional customization options.

  • Digital Deluxe Edition: This special edition includes exclusive outfits and weapons, a resource pack and a digital artbook.

Visuals & Sound ★★★★☆

In terms of graphics, the port is equipped with excellent visuals. The world design is of an unparalleled visual quality. The game features a plethora of high-quality textures and an impressive day/night cycle, which introduces a truly otherworldly ambience. At various points during my gameplay, I found myself pausing in photo mode for extended periods to appreciate the exceptional visual fidelity demonstrated by Gorilla Games. The fluid movements of Aloy and the machines contribute to an overall visual appeal that enhances the experience of both combat and exploration.

On the other hand, there are some issues with the facial animations in the game, particularly during dialogue scenes. They can sometimes appear stiff or lacking in expression, which may impact the immersiveness of the interactions.


In addition to its impressive visual design, Horizon Zero Dawn also features a remarkable sound design. The sounds created by enemies, their attacks and the explosions that accompany them contribute to a truly immersive and sometimes intimidating atmosphere. In contrast, the music is a true aural delight, perfectly harmonised with the game's spectacular landscapes. The combination of fluid rhythms and robotic sounds enhances the experience of Horizon Zero Dawn's prehistoric and futuristic world.
Posted 17 August. Last edited 17 August.
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20.7 hrs on record
  • Gameplay : ★★★☆☆
  • Scénario : ★★☆☆☆
  • Immersion : ★★★☆☆
  • Bande-son : ★★★☆☆
  • Graphisme : ★★☆☆☆

Originally posted by Emmet:
"Tout est super génial ! Peut-être pas..."


Quand j'étais enfant, je jouais beaucoup aux jeux de l'univers LEGO, et je suis toujours aussi passionné par ce monde. Plus tard, si j'ai des enfants, je pense qu'ils pourront jouer avec mes anciens LEGO, et peut-être même découvrir les jeux vidéo LEGO.

Je me suis souvenu avec le temps de l'existence de ce jeu et j'ai donc sauté dessus (enfin, quand il y a eu des promos). Pour le coup, j'adore les douches froides, mais là, je me suis pris un iceberg...

Parlons de la critique : ce jeu n'est ni un bon jeu LEGO, ni une bonne adaptation. (J'ai regardé le film pour comparer et discerner les différences et similitudes.) On retrouve des cinématiques du film, mais d'une qualité à peine passable, ainsi que des voix agréables, mais pas exceptionnelles pour la plupart des personnages.

Abordons d'abord les points négatifs, car mon évaluation est principalement défavorable, même s'il y a tout de même quelques aspects positifs que je mentionnerai ensuite, avec un résumé final pour mettre en évidence les mots-clés. Pour commencer, la durée de vie du jeu est décevante. Une bonne matinée ou après-midi suffit pour terminer l'histoire, même en prenant le temps d'apprécier le jeu, et il faut le double pour le compléter à 100% (si vous aimez chasser les succès). Quant à la difficulté, je l'exclus de mon analyse car le jeu est destiné à un jeune public.

Concernant les personnages, on retrouve un grand nombre de personnages jouables, mais la plupart sont inutiles et peu attrayants. Rien que pour le personnage principal, il y a 14 variations de costumes qui semblent être là pour combler un manque de créativité de la part des développeurs. Le jeu inclut quelques personnages de l'histoire, également jouables, mais le reste ne sert qu'à remplir le contenu.

J'ai joué à plusieurs jeux LEGO au fil des ans, et je suis habitué à des phases de gameplay avec des combats dynamiques, des briques à récupérer et à collectionner, des niveaux nécessitant les aptitudes spécifiques des personnages, et surtout un monde ouvert. Malheureusement, dans ce jeu, tout cela est présent mais en bien moins bon que dans les autres jeux LEGO. Les phases de combat sont encore moins dynamiques, les niveaux et missions se ressemblent tous, les aptitudes des personnages manquent de variété, ce qui rend difficile de savoir quel personnage peut faire quoi, et il n'y a presque pas de monde ouvert. La collection de briques dorées et rouges, normalement un atout dans les jeux LEGO, ne fonctionne pas ici à cause des zones trop répétitives.

Un gros point négatif pour moi, probablement dû à la version PC, est la présence de nombreux bugs qui peuvent devenir très frustrants avec le temps. Par exemple, j'ai rencontré un bug très connu où le personnage Mr. Lincoln devient suicidaire, passant en dessous des nuages et bloquant ainsi la progression de la mission. Après plusieurs tentatives en baissant la résolution et en activant la synchronisation verticale, cela peut parfois fonctionner, mais cela semble être une question de chance. On observe également des bugs d'affichage à certains moments ou des personnages qui se retrouvent coincés dans une texture. C'est vraiment frustrant, et je n'ai pas vu d'autres jeux LEGO avec autant de problèmes.

Un peu de positif, non ? Certes, tout n'est pas noir dans ce jeu LEGO. Le jeu est rempli de l'humour caractéristique des films LEGO : les dialogues sont amusants, et les situations souvent drôles et absurdes plaisent particulièrement aux enfants. On retrouve également un mode coopératif qui permet de jouer à deux. Les jeux LEGO privilégient le fan service plutôt qu'un contenu riche et profond, mais cela convient parfaitement à ceux qui apprécient le film. Et puis, ce sont des LEGO, ce qui évoque des souvenirs d'enfance pour certains, même si cela reste une question de goûts et de couleurs.

Points positifs :
  • Humour et dialogues amusants
  • Fan service privilégié
  • Bon doublage français
  • Souvenirs d'enfance

Points négatifs :
  • Une durée de vie décevante
  • Manque de variété et de créativité
  • Phases de gameplay moins intéressante
  • Présence de beaucoup de bugs parfois frustrant


En conclusion, ce jeu LEGO, conserve l'humour et les situations absurdes caractéristiques du film, il présente plusieurs défauts significatifs. Sa durée de vie est relativement courte et son contenu manque de profondeur, avec un gameplay souvent répétitif et moins dynamique. Les personnages, bien que nombreux, manquent de pertinence et de créativité, et les nombreux bugs, particulièrement sur PC, peuvent gravement affecter l'expérience de jeu. Néanmoins, pour les fans de fan service et les amateurs de l'univers LEGO, le jeu peut offrir un divertissement léger et plaisant, notamment grâce à son mode coopératif (idéal en famille) et son humour. Si vous êtes un passionné de LEGO en quête de nostalgie ou que vous êtes en pleine découverte, ce jeu pourrait avoir un certain attrait malgré ses imperfections.

  • Il est important de noter que mes évaluations et mes notes sont subjectives voire parfois objectives. J'essaie de mettre une petite touche d'humour de temps en temps. Tout le monde possède et doit se faire sa propre opinion.

  • Sinon, n'hésite pas à me rejoindre sur mon discord[discord.gg]pour discuter et jouer avec moi, n'hésite pas à me laisser un avis dans les commentaires. Et n'oublie pas, tout est super génial !
Posted 30 July. Last edited 30 July.
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40.9 hrs on record
  • Gameplay : ★★★★☆
  • Scénario : ★★★☆☆
  • Immersion : ★★★★☆
  • Bande-son : ★★☆☆☆
  • Graphisme : ★★☆☆☆

Originally posted by Oncle Ben:
"Un grand pouvoir implique de grandes responsabilités".

Pour une fois, cette citation d'Oncle Ben prend tout son sens et nous immerge directement dans l'univers de Spider-Man. Ah, je me suis trompé de jeu, pardon ! Nous sommes en réalité dans l'univers des Avengers et des super-héros. Pourquoi se limiter à un seul héros peu amusant, aux pouvoirs modestes, alors qu'on peut profiter d'un jeu offrant plus de 150 personnages de l'univers Marvel ? Vous rêviez de voir les Avengers[http//%5Burl%3Dhttps] combattre aux côtés des X-Men, des Gardiens de la Galaxie[fr.wikipedia.org], des Quatre Fantastiques[fr.wikipedia.org] et de n'importe quel héros de votre choix ? C'est maintenant possible grâce à LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes, développé par TT Games et sorti en novembre 2013. C'est également le mois de sortie de la PlayStation 4 (mais peu importe, nous on est PC MASTER RACE !)

J'étais un gamin à l'époque où ce jeu était sorti, j'étais super content que j'aie reçu ce jeu sous le sapin, moi qui adore l'univers. des super-héros et surtout de Marvel depuis tout petit, puis je ne sais pas si je suis le seul, mais j'ai eu une période Lego dans ma vie, un peu comme les Playmobil. (mais on s'en fou de ta vie mec, on veut savoir ce que tu pensais du jeu)

Bon j'en pense quoi ? Je trouve que le jeu est vraiment très agréable. Les décors sont sympathique, même si le moteur graphique commence à montrer son âge. Le casting est impressionnant avec 158 personnages, formant une belle équipe de super-héros et de vilains. C'est un petit open world (si l'expression convient), offrant de nombreuses activités. La durée de vie du jeu est bonne, avec des briques dorées à récupérer, on doit sauver Stan Lee, trouver et récupérer des mini-kits, faire des courses en voitures mais aussi dans le ciel et des petites missions pour débloquer des personnages dans New York mais aussi les briques rouges à trouver dans des scénarios annexes, commentés de manière humoristique par notre anti-héros préféré, Deadpool. Bien qu'il soit toujours drôle, il l'est un peu moins que dans les films, car rappelons-le, c'est avant tout un jeu pour enfants. (Je triche je sus un grand enfant de 20 ans).

Je ne trouve pas le scénario particulièrement transcendant. On découvre l'histoire au fur et à mesure des missions, mais elle reste assez linéaire et on comprend rapidement comment tout va se terminer. (Il faut bien quelqu'un pour jouer les méchants, après tout.) Les énigmes sont assez simples, adaptées aux enfants. Il faut alterner entre différents personnages, chacun ayant des capacités spécifiques, comme détruire des objets dorés ou argentés, rétrécir pour passer dans des espaces réduits, ou traverser des grilles pour atteindre l'autre côté.

Je trouve également que la version française est bonne. Certes, elle ne plaira pas à tout le monde, mais la plupart des personnages ont du charisme (C'est une blague comment des legos peuvent avoir autant de charisme que Patrick Bateman.). L'humour est bien dosé et présent tout au long du jeu, Il regorge de références aux films Marvel, mais je vous laisse le plaisir de les découvrir en jouant.


En conclusion, ce jeu est une excellente surprise qui rappelle ma jeunesse. Il s'adresse autant aux fans de l'univers Marvel qu'aux enfants et à ceux qui ont gardé une âme d'enfant (comme moi). Chacun y trouvera son compte. Si vous voulez obtenir tous les succès, ce n'est pas très compliqué et ça vaut la peine d'essayer, non ? Le jeu offre un bon rapport qualité/prix et vous pouvez le trouver à un prix abordable. C'est idéal pour passer un bon moment en famille avec vos enfants, d'autant plus que vous pouvez jouer à deux en écran partagé pour incarner les super-héros ensemble. Bon, ce n'est pas tout les amis, mais nous avons un monde à sauver, non ?

  • Il est important de noter que mes évaluations et mes notes sont subjectives voire parfois objectives. J'essaie de mettre une petite touche d'humour de temps en temps. Tout le monde possède et doit se faire sa propre opinion.

  • Sinon, n'hésite pas à me rejoindre sur mon discord[discord.gg]pour discuter et jouer avec moi, n'hésite pas à me laisser un avis dans les commentaires. À bientôt les super-héros !
Posted 24 July. Last edited 24 July.
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42.2 hrs on record
  • Gameplay : ★★★★☆
  • Scénario : ★★★☆☆
  • Immersion : ★★★★☆
  • Bande-son : ★★★★☆

Vous avez aimé Le Seigneur des Anneaux. Vous avez aimé Le Hobbit. Vous avez aimé la trilogie des jeux Batman Arkham et les premiers jeux Assassin's Creed et bien ce jeu est fait pour vous ! Plus sérieusement vous l'avez tous sûrement déjà compris de par le titre du jeu ou bien l'histoire, ce jeu se déroule dans le magnifique et grandiose univers de Tolkien[fr.wikipedia.org], je pense que le jeu se situe entre Le Hobbit[fr.wikipedia.org] et le Seigneur des Anneaux[fr.wikipedia.org], incarne Talion, un rôdeur de Gondor, qui sert de garde-frontière à la Porte Noire de Mordor. La vie de notre protagoniste va basculer dans une quête de vengeance...

Nous jouerons dans un Mordor ravagé par le Seigneur des Ténèbres, Sauron, encore affaibli. Notre objectif sera de sauver le Mordor et d'empêcher Sauron de gagner en puissance, permettant ainsi les événements du Hobbit et du Seigneur des Anneaux de se réaliser. Pour cela, Talion, un guerrier expérimenté et charismatique, sera aidé par un spectre puissant qui lui confère d'énormes pouvoirs. Le reste, c'est à vous de le découvrir !

Note :
Le jeu est très fidèle à l'univers de Tolkien, c'est pourquoi je vous conseille vraiment de lire les livres ou de regarder les films avant d'y jouer. Il y a des références que les novices pourraient ne pas comprendre. Par exemple, le célèbre "YOU SHALL NOT PAAAAAAAAAAAASS" de Gandalf n'est pas dans le jeu, mais c'est une réplique que tout le monde connaît (enfin, j'espère). En revanche, il est utile de connaître des personnages comme Gollum ou Saroumane pour mieux apprécier l'histoire.

C'est vraiment fun de parcourir les terres sèches d'Udûn et les prairies de Nurn, que ce soit à pied ou à dos de Caragor et de Graug ou bien même à pied pour ceux qui aime Death Stranding. (désolé, j'étais obligé de la faire cette blague.)Vous pourrez découvrir les merveilles du Mordor, comme les artefacts et les Ithildins, tout en écoutant des centaines d'Uruks ricaner ou s'engueuler, avant de les éliminer de mille et une façons, comme par décapitation, flèche entre les yeux, et... stop... bon, d'accord, c'est peut-être un peu macabre ! Puis, il y a les combats contre les capitaines, les dominer ou les tuer... ou se faire tuer, et là, c'est la déception car tous les chefs de guerre deviennent plus forts... mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pourrez revenir les buter juste après leur promotion, histoire de leur couper un peu les ailes.

On a pas mal de chose à faire dans ce jeu, des esclaves humains à libérer des Uruks, pour améliorer nos armes (leur apparence notamment), on doit forger les légendes de nos armes (À savoir l'épée "Urfael", la dague "Acharn" et l'arc "Azkâr"). On peut aussi ajouter des runes qu'on débloque en tuant des capitaines et chefs de guerre, ces runes sont plus au moins rares, il faut faire des actions précises pour augmenter leur rareté. Les quêtes principales sont assez courtes, mais plaisantent tant qu'on peut couper quelques têtes aux passages. Pour le coup, le jeu n'est pas très compliqué, on ne peut pas régler la difficulté, dommage moi qui suis un peu maso sur le bord, je voulais subir un peu... (je suis aigri, j'ai l'impression.)

Note :
J'ai oublié de dire, mais le jeu dispose de DLC qui rajoute du contenu ou qui ajoute même une nouvelle histoire.

Les DLC "essentiels" selon moi, si vous voulez plus de cosmétiques pour les Uruks, je vous laisse regarder par vous même, sinon ne vous embêtez pas je vous conseil de prendre la version GOTY.
  • Lord of the Hunt : disponible à 10€. Un bon petit DLC où l'on rejoint notre ami "Torvin", un nain chasseur que vous rencontrerez dans le jeu. Il a un petit sens de l'humour qui pourra vous plaire, nous aurons donc quelques missions et nouveaux artefacts à découvrir. On débloque des compétences uniques durant ce DLC (non-utilisable dans l'histoire principale) comme chevaucher les "Caragaths" ou des Graugs "Malsains" des monstres spécifiques à ce DLC, on aura une petite campagne plaisante où on devra éliminer une nouvelle menace, des chefs de guerre dresseurs de monstre.

  • The Bright Lord : disponible à 10€. Il est génial celui-ci. On incarne un autre personnage Celebrimbor, cette histoire nous permet de revivre son passé, d'en savoir plus sur lui, et aussi d'affronter le grand méchant Sauron, si c'est pas badass comme combat ! Ici aussi, on possède de nouveaux pouvoirs utilisables seulement dans cette partie qui sont vraiment sympas. Il se déroule à Udûn, mais dans le passé.


Un jeu très beau, des décors variés, c'est plaisant de se balader dans le jeu. Ce que j'adore le plus c'est de couper les têtes des Uruks, que ça soit des simples soldats ou des chefs de guerre, j'aime aussi voir leur évolution, te laisser tuer par un soldat Uruk et voir comment il va monter dans la hiérarchie de l'armée Uruk (faut aussi penser qu'il peut se faire tuer pendant son ascension pour devenir capitaine ou même après, il n'était peut-être pas si énorme que ça). Les doublages en français sont très bons, l'histoire est courte mais intéressante, on en apprend plus sur notre mission et aussi notre quête de vengeance (on n'avait dit pas de spoil, c'est vraiment lourd...) je vous laisse découvrir dans tous les cas, vous me direz ce que vous en avez pensez dans les commentaires.

Futurs Rôdeurs de la Porte Noire, si vous êtes un fan de l'univers de Tolkien ou que vous ne connaissez pas ce jeu, il est génial, pas très cher, et vraiment unique. Foncez sauver le Mordor de l'influence de Sauron !

  • Il est important de noter que mes évaluations et mes notes sont subjectives voire parfois objectives. J'essaie de mettre une petite touche d'humour de temps en temps. Tout le monde possède et doit se faire sa propre opinion.

  • Si mon travail vous plaît, un petit pouce en l'air ou même une récompense me donne encore plus de motivation à continuer à vous proposer mes évaluations ainsi que mes guides.

  • Sinon, n'hésite pas à me rejoindre sur mon discord[discord.gg]pour discuter et jouer avec moi, n'hésite pas à me laisser un avis dans les commentaires. À bientôt rôdeur, Julien.
Posted 19 July. Last edited 19 July.
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1 person found this review funny
29.2 hrs on record
Resident Evil

Note :
"Resident Evil" (1996), developed by Capcom, is a renowned video game within the survival horror genre. Following the release of an HD remastered version of Resident Evil in 2015, numerous enhancements were made to the original 1996 edition while retaining the fundamental elements that had contributed to its success.

Review :
I have become a fan of the Resident Evil series, even though I am still very much a beginner when it comes to horror games in general. In the end, I bought every game in the series, so I'll make the most of it by reviewing them.

This is a game not to be missed if you're a true fan of the series and the last time you played was on the PS1 or Game Cube. And you won't have to think long if you've never played the first Resident Evil and you're obviously a survival horror fan. Go for it !

The HD version of Resident Evil offers a more visually appealing experience, with subtle enhancements that elevate the visual quality of the interior mansion setting. The mansion and its underground passages is an excellent way to heighten the scare factor.

Upon comparison with the original 1996 version, it became evident that there had been no changes to the zombies. While the appearance of the zombies remains unchanged from the previous iteration, they are far more frightening than those seen in the latest Resident Evil games.

Similarly, the audio elements have been refined. While the sound effects remain consistent, they have been filtered for an enhanced immersion when played through larger speakers or headphones.

Three difficulty levels are available, allowing players to choose a setting that aligns with their gaming preferences. The three available difficulty modes are: Hardcore Gamer, Gamer and Casual, corresponding to Normal, Easy and Beginner respectively.
I completed the game in its entirety, including all the achievements, allowing me to experience the full range of difficulties, which I found quite challenging, particularly on my run with the knife only.

On the other hand, I found the back-and-forth movement through the mansion to be an unwelcome aspect of the game, despite its prevalence in most titles within the series. The game features excellent puzzle-solving elements, which can initially prove challenging for players unfamiliar with the mechanics. However, they offer consistently engaging challenges. However, I found the back-and-forth movement through the mansion to be an unwelcome necessity, a common element of many titles in this series, which detracted from the overall enjoyment.

Furthermore, there is a lack of consistency in the movement of our teammates within the mansion, which is contrary to the established puzzle principle. It is illogical for a member of S.T.A.R.S. to be in a room that has not yet been opened, particularly when the only way to access it is by solving ten puzzles. It is difficult to comprehend how this could be the case, and it is unfortunate that this is the reality.

The fear was predominantly present in the initial stages of the game, after which I felt more at ease. It is an engaging narrative for a first release, exploring themes of betrayal and manipulation, and particularly focusing on the uncovering of the mansion's dark secrets.

Conclusion :

I would also suggest this to those who are new to the game as well as those who are already familiar with it. However, I believe it is essential to determine what is required and what is not required before getting started, in order to avoid frustration and ensure a positive experience.

To view additional reviews completed by me on other gaming titles, click here.
Posted 17 July. Last edited 17 July.
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2 people found this review helpful
83.9 hrs on record
Days Gone

« In a world engulfed in chaos, the once bustling streets are now the domain of rampaging zombies. »

Originally posted by Iron Mike:
“We Make The World What It Is, By What We Do. All Of Us.”

Days Gone
  • Days Gone was developed by Bend Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. On April 26th, it will be released exclusively on PlayStation 4. and will be released on PC on May 18, 2021.

  • Set in a post-apocalyptic open world, the video game is a thrilling action-adventure. Playing as Deacon St. John, an experienced bounty hunter in a zombie infested world, players are taken on an unforgettable journey through a Pacific Northwest wilderness, featuring an immersive storyline and breathtaking visuals.

  • The game features a large open world to explore. There are many places to discover, diverse landscapes and complex environments. You have the ability to customize and upgrade your motorcycle, adding a strategic touch to the game. This allows you to adapt your bike to different environments and situations. It is important to consider all options and make informed decisions to ensure the best possible outcome. Be the improvements adapted.

  • Players will have a wide variety of weapons, combat tactics and stealth approaches to choose from, allowing them to tailor their play style to suit their preferences and the challenges they face. In addition, they will have the opportunity to face off against the hordes of Freaks, who will provide stimulating and intense challenges that will require strategic planning, effective use of weapons, and skillful evasion in order to survive.

  • Some of the activities, such as gathering resources or fighting hordes of freaks, can get monotonous over time. However, I am confident that the overall experience has been positive.

  • The PC version of Days Gone features superior graphics compared to the PlayStation 4 version, with improved textures, more intricate visual effects, and higher image resolution. This is due to the advanced hardware capabilities of modern PCs.

  • Compared to the original version, PC gamers will have the advantage of advanced graphics customization options. This will allow them to adjust the graphics settings to their liking and the capabilities of their hardware.

Original Soundtrack
  • Some of the music in the game is memorable and haunting. It adds an extra dimension to the game experience and enhances the impact of key moments in the story. The music adapts to different game situations and events, enhancing action moments, creating tension during battles, and enhancing emotional story moments.

  • The Days Gone soundtrack offers a diverse and captivating listening experience with a range of musical styles, from atmospheric and contemplative tracks to more energetic and exciting compositions, the soundtrack is sure to impress.


Survive the apocalypse and navigate your way with confidence through devastated landscapes where the choices you make are as sharp as your blades. In a world where every turn means life or death, Days Gone is an intense and emotional adventure. Prepare yourself for an epic you will never forget in a world where the only rule is to survive.

Originally posted by Deacon St. John:
“Do You Know Why We Keep Going? Because What The Hell Else Are We Gonna Do?”

Game time
Review date
Review update
★★★★☆ - 4/5
84 hours
100% 🏆

I remind you that you have the possibility to evaluate this evaluation, or to comment on it. You can also find all of my reviews by clicking here.
Posted 16 March. Last edited 16 March.
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5 people found this review helpful
25.3 hrs on record
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

« The Galaxy needs its Guardians. »

Originally posted by Star-Lord:
"This is so Metal !"

Overview of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxyis an action-adventure video game developed by Eidos-Montreal and published by Eidos Interactive Corp. It was released on October 26, 2021.

  • The game is based on the Marvel Comics superhero team, the Guardians of the Galaxy. In this game, players take on the role of team leader Peter Jason Quill, aka Star-Lord, as he leads his companions - Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot - through a series of intergalactic adventures.

  • The game highlights humor, action, exploration, storytelling, and dynamic relationships between team members for an immersive experience in the Marvel Expanded Universe. With a rhythmic and dynamic soundtrack and humorous dialogues, this game will offer you a thrilling adventure for Guardians of the Galaxy fans and action-adventure game lovers.


Main story
  • To introduce the test, I will start telling you about the story of the game without spoiling it too much in order to enjoy it as much as possible, in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, the main story follows the adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy , as they embark on dangerous new missions across the galaxy. The plot revolves around a major event triggered by a decision made by Star-Lord, who I remind you is the leader of the team, his decision will lead to an unexpected consequence and greater challenges for the Guardians.

  • Not revealing details to avoid spoilers, the story will explore the complex relationships between the team members, revealing internal conflicts and secrets related to the Guardians' past. They'll come face to face with formidable enemies, including mysterious forces and large-scale adversaries while foiling a diabolical plot threatening the entire universe and that's where you come in, friend!

  • Hello guys it's Star-Lord, throughout your adventure, you will meet emblematic characters from the Marvel universe, don't tell Rocket that it's a raccoon otherwise he will take it very badly! You will also explore varied environments, and yes Milano is a beautiful baby but the universe is full of surprises, you will see that the story will be filled with twists and turns, thrilling action, emotion and also humor.
  • I'm going to gather my personal positive and negative points about this game, to start with the positive, otherwise it's not fun, as a player we mainly control the leader of the group, Star-Lord, we will give orders to our teammates so that he executes specific attacks that can do damage, immobilize or stagger enemies, there are interesting tactics to perform and combos to do with several abilities. For some, controlling a single character can be frustrating because players think they can play all the Guardians, like in the game Marvel's Avengers, but in this game it's not possible, but I find it great to be able to concentrate only on Star Lord.

  • The interactive dialogues and conversation choices add dynamics between the characters, even if sometimes the dialogues you choose as Star-Lord completely cut off the conversation and cut into the dialogue of the other characters. Exploring the universe is a really cool thing, the different intergalactic environments are beautiful, through exploration you will discover secrets, hidden objects, cosmetics and other things.

  • A little negative now, I have highlighted a few points which I find important to share with you, to start I will talk about the repetitiveness of the fights, despite a diversity of skills, the fights can become repetitive over time, with patterns similar attacks against different enemies. Some fights can be very long, well I'm not going to lie, I like to suffer and be in pain, so I test the maximum difficulty when I play games.

  • Sometimes, the artificial intelligence of teammates can seem lost, making them less effective during fights, knowing that we have limited control over them and that we cannot manage their movement, their basic attack and other things. Finally I find that the QTEs (Quick Time Events) are excessive, for me the game uses too many QTEs during the action scenes, it interrupts the flow of the gameplay and I find that it is something that could have been removed to make gameplay smoother.
  • The character designs are incredible and faithfully depicted with detailed character models, effectively capturing their appearances and personalities as presented in the comics and films. Special mention for Rocket, who plays joke after joke, he fits the character well, I actually prefer him in the game than in the film, even if the films are excellent.

  • The intergalactic environments are beautifully rendered with an incredible variety of landscapes and visual details, I especially love the planet Seknarf-9. Effects, such as Guardian powers and attacks, add vibrancy and dynamism to combat and carefully crafted cutscenes, using a combination of real-time graphics and scenes that tell the story in an immersive way.
  • I'm not going to give a positive or negative review here, what more do you want? The music is just incredible, the soundtrack is awesome, if you like 80's music, rock, pop. You'll be amazed and have fun cutting up enemies, blowing them up and shooting them with a good rock sound in the background.

  • A very complete playlist, music from the 80s, artists like Rick Astley, Wham!, Europe, KISS, Pat Benatar, Soft Cell, a-ha and many others, if you are ready to give way to nostalgia like Star-Lord, go for it!
Do I recommend the game to you ?

A totally crazy game, which seduced me, I have never seen such an excellent Marvel superhero game, yet there are plenty of superhero games but being a fan of the cinematographic universe and comics from Marvel, it's a great game! And yet it's not a game without flaws, gameplay in the background, a commanding scenario, but it's so well done, the surprise is total, a big congratulations to Eidos Montreal, a titanic piece of work, one of the best adaptations Marvel and especially Guardians of the Galaxy, do it one day or another, and you'll let me know.

So do you also want to be part of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Originally posted by Rocket:
"The Name's Rocket. Rocket Raccoon!"

Positive points
Negative points
- Character design
- A symbosis between the characters
- Humor perfectly representing the cinematographic universe
- Iconic music, including music from the 80s
- Repetitive enemy graphics patterns
- Repetitiveness of fights
- Excessive QTEs (Quick Time Events)

Game time
Review date
Review update
★★★★★ - 5/5
25 hours
No update
100% 🏆

Where can you buy the game?



I remind you that you have the possibility to evaluate this evaluation, or to comment on it. You can also find all of my reviews by clicking here.
Posted 9 February. Last edited 9 February.
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2 people found this review helpful
46.2 hrs on record
Mad Max

« The Wastelands. »

Originally posted by Griffa:
"You have grown into a violent thing. A man of solitude drifting across these sands, fearing those who make you feel human."

Overview of Mad Max
  • Mad Max is an action-adventure video game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It was released on September 1, 2015.

  • Based on the post-apocalyptic universe of the film series of the same name, the game takes place in an open world called "The Wasteland". As a player you will take on the role of Max Rockatansky, a lone warrior seeking revenge after being robbed by a gang led by Scabrous Scrotus. The gameplay experience combines elements of melee combat, exploration, and driving customizable vehicles in a hostile and chaotic environment.

Note: Online features were retired on October 31, 2020⚠️

Summary of the game (no spoilers)

Mad Max, the game, follows the story of Max Rockatansky in a post-apocalyptic world called "The Wasteland". Max, a lone warrior, is robbed of his possessions by a brutal gang led by Scabrous Scrotus. After being left for dead, Max sets out on a quest for revenge, seeking to reclaim his most prized possession, his vehicle, the Magnum Opus.

During his journey, Max teams up with a mechanic named Chumbucket to upgrade and customize the Magnum Opus, transforming the vehicle into a deadly weapon. The duo explores the desert, battling rival gangs and seeking to eliminate the threats that stand in their way.

The story takes place in a chaotic world where resources are scarce, and Max must navigate through hostile terrain while facing ruthless enemies. Throughout the game, revelations about Max's past are revealed, adding layers to the complexity of his character. Max's quest for revenge leads him to confront Scabrous Scrotus and his minions, creating an immersive story set in a brutal post-apocalyptic universe.

Main story
  • To begin, we will talk about the story of the game without going into the plot and without spoiling too much, I will gather my ideas as well as the positive and negative points on the categories present below as well as this one, hoping that everything I say must be convincing otherwise Max will come and break your jaw for me. Firstly, the story convincingly explores the evolution of the main character, the story will gradually develop facets of his past and develop his motivations throughout the game. As the story is based on a quest for revenge and the search for Peace or conflict and issues will be the key to your story on the wasteland.

  • As for the negative of the main story of the game, certain elements of the main plot are predictable, these are also things common to the post-apocalyptic genre which can reduce the impact of certain events at certain moments , so it's true that it's very predictable and we know the finality of things quickly.
  • The first point I would like to address is the driving mechanisms which offer an immersive experience, with customizable vehicles and intense motorized combat which adds a unique dimension to the game, which will put us in the atmosphere of combat from the films in particular but more venerated.

  • Exploration is a part that I really enjoyed about this game, the open world of "The Wasteland" is vast and offers rewarding exploration, with diverse environments, interesting points of interest, and secrets to discover. There are plenty of references to the films if you are very observant and know the saga well.

  • As for the melee combat system, it's solid, offering a variety of moves and techniques, with visceral clashes against enemies. If you want to break jaws, kneecaps and spines this game is a good release, but don't go too crazy, like Max.

  • I revealed some negative points to discuss with you, to begin with, the repetitiveness of the secondary missions, with objectives which may seem familiar over time, this did not necessarily engage me more in doing them, but hey as I am a finalist, I had to do them all. It must also be said that certain side quests lacked narrative engagement, so we understand why my motivation plummeted during my hours of play.

  • I was going for something that may upset some people but it doesn't matter, the artificial intelligence of the enemies can sometimes seem limited, which can reduce the challenge for experienced players (like me, hahaha the braggart) this feeling will evolve in your progression of the game, when you have better equipment you will understand and then the fights are not very hard to understand.


  • Let's talk about the graphics of our game, I wouldn't have much to say in the graphics category of my review, the only point that I find important to highlight is that the graphics are well done, it strongly contributes to creating an atmosphere immersive post-apocalyptic, reinforcing the experience in this desolate world, which is very faithful to the films elsewhere.

  • The diversity of environments, from desert expanses to industrial zones and devastated lands, offers a varied palette of visual landscapes, thus avoiding the monotony of the game, which I find very appreciable. I haven't revealed any graphical flaws, however I will let you check if you find any during your story.
  • I join the graphics section, I don't have much to say about the OST, as for the positive just that the musical composition harmonizes well with the post-apocalyptic theme of the Mad Max universe, use in particular instruments that reinforce the feeling of desolation and chaos.

  • Certain pieces recur frequently in the adventure, I felt a little weariness on this subject as well as sometimes abrupt integrations of the music at certain moments.
Do I recommend the game to you ?

Well, how to explain this, if you are violent in real life or you want to relax between a big session of League of Legends or Overwatch, come and break a few mouths with Max in the wastelands, you will see it's an effective technique to reduce your frustration and reduce your level of irritation. (I asked specialists)

Originally posted by Chumbucket:
"Here it comes... A MIGHTY DUSTER!"

Positive points
Negative points

- Immersive atmosphere
- Rewarding exploration
- Immersive driving
- Guaranteed mouth breakage
- Repetitiveness of side missions
- Uninviting side quests
- Linear and predictable story
- Limited enemy AI

Game time
Review date
Review update
★★★★☆ - 4/5
46 hours
100% 🏆

Where can you buy the game?


I remind you that you have the possibility to evaluate this evaluation, or to comment on it. You can also find all of my reviews by clicking here.
Posted 3 February. Last edited 8 February.
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
1 person found this review helpful
103.2 hrs on record
Assassin's Creed III Remastered

« The American Revolution. »

Originally posted by Connor Kenway:
"In the name of liberty, I will fight the enemy regardless of their allegiance. While men of courage write history of this day, the future of our land depends on those who are truly free."


After a long time of absence here is the review of the game Assassin's Creed III Remastered the story is primarily set during the period of the American Revolution, with a protagonist named Connor Kenway. I remind you that this is my personal review, all my evaluations are based on my personal opinion, if you do not agree with certain points, it would be interesting to talk about it. But first you have to become an Assassin.

Assassin's Creed III Remastered
  • Assassin's Creed III Remastered is the fifth installment in the Assassin's Creed video game series, developed by Ubisoft. It is an action-adventure, stealth, platform, combat and adventure game. It was published on October 30, 2012, as the protagonist we find Connor Kenway (Ratonhnhaké:ton): An assassin of Native American and British origin, whose role is crucial in the fight between the Assassins and the Templars.

  • As for the historical context, we find ourselves during the American Revolution (1754-1783), the game takes place during this tumultuous period, where the American colonies revolted against British domination.
All original single-player DLC including The Tyranny of King Washington, and Assassin's Creed Liberation Remastered are bundled with the game.

Note: Multiplayer mode no longer available, servers are offline.⚠️

Assassin's Creed Liberation Remastered

The remastered version of the original Assassin's Creed Liberation game is provided with the game, I am not going to review this game in addition to this one, to find the review of Assassin's Creed Liberation Remastered, click here:

  • To begin with, the main character's movements, whether on foot or by climbing structures, are generally fluid, contributing to an immersive experience. I can say that the combat system has also been improved to offer more fluid interactions, with more varied counter movements and attacks as well as even more spectacular eliminations than the previous opuses.

  • Well, as always (otherwise it's not funny), the artificial intelligence of the enemies can sometimes seem predictable, which can reduce the perceived difficulty of certain sections of the game. And I'm not even talking about the weakness of the allies to certain missions.

  • Naval missions add interesting gameplay to the game even if we can't do as much as we want, but our navigator or pirate will be present in the next game, the remastered version has benefited from improvements, offering a more refined experience and entertaining.

  • For the side side of the game, I'm not going to talk about the story to avoid spoiling future players but some side missions are repetitive and without much interest or purpose, it's the kind of mission that gives you an objective without really subsequently affect the player experience or the flow of the story.
  • This remastered version benefits from an improved graphics engine, offering sharper graphics and improved visual details compared to the original version. This version resolved several stability and performance issues present in the original game, providing a smoother gaming experience. Lighting effects have been improved, contributing to the game's more realistic and immersive atmosphere, especially during dynamic weather changes.

  • I find that the character models can seem dated by current video game standards, which is respectable for a game from 2012. Certain animations in particular can sometimes seem stiff or off, affecting immersion. Some locations may suffer from uneven lighting, which can alter the visual experience in certain parts of the game.

  • The soundtrack features a variety of musical styles, ranging from more contemplative and emotional pieces to more dynamic and energetic compositions, thus adapting to the diversity of situations in the game. An epic and immersive atmosphere, perfectly complementing the key moments of the gameincluding certain musical themes are memorable and well integrated into the plot, reinforcing the emotional impact of key scenes in the game.

  • The presence of repetitiveness in the soundtrack, where certain themes may appear to recur frequently, which could potentially diminish their impact. The integration of music in some parts of the game can feel uneven, with times where the music can seem intrusive or poorly coordinated with the action on screen.

Do I recommend the game to you ?

If you are looking for a breathtaking gaming experience, I recommend the game if you want to immerse yourself in a captivating historical epic, if you want to explore breathtaking environments and feel the intensity of the fights between Assassins and Templars. This game is made for you, I'm not going to say too much, I'll let you discover this game, and describe the secrets it contains, we'll see you very soon at the brotherhood, future assassin!

Originally posted by Achilles Davenport:
"In your haste to save the world, boy, take care you don't destroy it!"

Positive points
Negative points
- An improved combat and movement system
- Improved and immersive naval missions
- An epic soundtrack that adds rhythm to our adventure
- A new graphics engine for this remastered version
- The repetitiveness of certain secondary missions
- A predictable and sometimes stupid artificial intelligence
- Certain animations are sometimes shifted or even rigid in the gameplay

Game time
Review date
Review update
★★★☆☆ - 3/5
103 hours
100% 🏆

Where can you buy the game?


I remind you that you have the possibility to evaluate this evaluation, or to comment on it. You can also find all of my reviews by clicking here.
Posted 23 December, 2023. Last edited 26 December, 2023.
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