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90.8 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Horrible new gen blurry graphics with brand new bugs, worse performance and terrible online optimization. I was expecting "engine enhancements" not engine downgrades. I can see why this is free, the game feels worse to play than "legacy" GTA V and GTA Online. If this is what GTA 6 will be like on PC I am not wasting money on that.
Posted 4 March.
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42.6 hrs on record
Kratos has lost a step or two, but he's not alone this time.
If you had played the previous God Of War games you probably would not be able to recognize this guy if it wasn't for his tattoos and ashen skin. Indeed this game has a slower pace and more serious tone, gone are the signature slasher's hit counters, double jumping, extreme platforming puzzles and countless hordes of enemies, you can't even jump of your own volition in this game, only when prompted to do so. In this game you get a grand total of two weapon choices, not counting Atreus' bow and summons I suppose. You start off with just the bow and arrows, the axe and a shield.
The combat feels more visceral and less arcady, there is directional damage for ranged attacks and the need to parry, block and dodge are felt quite strong in fights with multiple enemies. Your defensive options are blocking, parrying (blocking just in time), rolling and dodging. The enemy variety is good with various animals, witches, otherworldly entities and undead to challenge you. The boss fights in this game are less like those in previous games where you were battling colossal creatures and titans, here you take on gods or demigods your own size for the most part, most likely to highlight the new combat system. On the highest difficulty I found the enemies too spongy and I did not rush through the game, I bothered optimising my gear and armor.
The platforming puzzles and exploration in this game seems heavily inspired by Tomb Raider, where most of the time you are just required to look for a ledge with markings on it to grab onto and move your camera to find it if necessary, and press space. Tomb Raider does it better and I would prefer if they stuck to the old God of War style instead of copying, but I assume the serious tone of this game would not allow it, which is a shame.
Instead of using blood orbs to upgrade your arsenal you now have materials, currency and EXP to spend on your armor, talismans, weapons and attacks. There is also a new attribute system which gives bonuses to various stats like attack power, runic attack (spells basically) cooldown reduction, health, and so on. You get attributes only from the gear you wear though, because the EXP you get is purely used to purchase skills, there is no real "Level System". There is only a number in your gear screen showing the average level of all of your equipped gear and as far as I know that number means nothing.
The game is not as linear as the previous titles and you get to explore all the levels you got to play through even after you beat the game, although at some stages of the game travel to some areas is limited.
There is quite a bit of unavoidable backtracking you have to do if your goal is to collect all the goodies out there. All of the locations are strung together in a seemingly seamless experience, you can technically beat the game in one sitting without looking at a loading screen once if you do not die ever. Your travel options are going on foot, by boat and through teleporters you need to discover. The location vary from large castles to little islands and forts on the mainland and look visually beautiful. There are many things to do off the beaten path, but they come with a greater risk. As for the reward, not so much in my experience.
Atreus is basically there to draw enemy aggro and harass enemies from range, and provides some hints if you are stuck figuring out a puzzle or where to go, which happens not so often, the level design seemed intuitive enough for me. There are moments where he is required to progess, fitting into places where Kratos cannot to activate something and such.
Another new thing that stood out were the Valkyrie side bosses, which so far look barely unique enough to not be called copy pasted. They look very similar and share some attacks, but each of them has her own style of combat. Unlike the main story bosses, if you die, you start over from the beginning of the fight, no checkpoints in the middle, which in my opinion should be the case for the main story bosses too.
The game is optimised and ported quite well with many options for rebinding keys and tweaking most settings, but with this being a 2022 release, of course there is forced TAA. Luckily there are mods to remove it, but removing it with mods causes graphical glitches in some areas, the most prominent one being annoying texture flicker. It is a shame how blurry TAA ruins graphics in modern games nowadays, but it is to be expected.
Overall, this game ditches the old God of War feel and setting for a new slower style of game more focused on the story and the world, but it works, since the new features are made so well. I recommend.
Posted 19 January. Last edited 19 January.
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4.7 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
very very very nice
Posted 22 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
1:1 like the base game, therefore dung
Posted 12 July, 2024.
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51.3 hrs on record
Elden cRinge is a pretty pathetic attempt at making an "open world game".
Let's start this review with the fact that this console trash is capped at 60 fps, which a good enough reason for many PC users to just avoid this like the plague (which they should). The graphics are not groundbreaking, nor are they ugly, but having this framerate cap really detracts from the experience.
So, this game comes from the infamous (HIV) positive reddit karma pogchamp chonker Kyanu Reaves company FromSlopware.
Like usual, 90% of the game assets, animations, enemies, spells and weapons are FromLastgame, which was copied from the game before and so on and so forth. Bonfire, oh damn I mean lantern oh crap I meant site of grace. Let's take a look at another example, Glintblade Phalanx. See this spell? This exact spell was in Dark Souls 3, but instead of swords it was shooting souls, orbs or whatever, but in here the sprites look like blades and the spell is renamed, so it has to be new right? No. The mechanics are lazily copied 1:1 from last game without any sort of alterations. There are 100 cases of this lazy copying assets from the previous games and all of them would simply not fit into this review. Well I'm not the weeaboo Japan worshipping reddit user to falld for sh*t like that and then praise the game because I consume any and all Japanese culture that I get my hands on.
Let's take a look at the open world then, the true centerpiece of any good open world RPG. It's vast, but as shallow as a puddle. And it's made this way on purpose to artificially disguise itself as not Dark Souls. The "dungeons" are just the same template copied over and over again with little to no alterations into different parts of the map. You for some reason need to unlock pieces of the map to see where you need to go, it's literally just a patch of brown void at the start. The bosses (which this game is praised for) are also copied! The mobs respawn each time you visit a site of grace, so you get to do the same monotonous horse ride and repetitive mob slaying over and over again, with the only difference being the rewards you get. You do not even have something as simple yet cruicial as a damn quest journal so you can keep track of what person you talked to and what you have to do. It's the same lazy system as in the previous Dark Souls where you just walk up to the npc and spam the activation button to hear his lines. I'm sorry but that's not how dialogue in an open world RPG should be. Even Morrowind of 2002 has the option to choose what to say to an NPC and note down the key items and locations of your quest. This game does neither. The developers expect you to use youtube guides to get whatever item or spell locked behind a quest reward you want. To sum up, you waste most your time on horseback to do the same thing over and over again, be it collect some fragments to enhance your stats or gear or do some borign drawn out "quest" across different parts of the map.
The bosses are very forgettable and in most cases a copy of a similar boss. The only memorable ones in my opinion are the twin moon knight and Maliketh. Everyone uses the term "difficult" for this game but I found it not difficult but just frustrating. Some bosses I one tried, other bosses I had to memroise their attack patterns and the timing of rolls. Again, the devs just expect you to follow along with their vision and regardless if you are a mage, sword user or bow user you have to learn the timing of the rolls in reaction to the bosses attacks. It is an easy concept which I am not a fan of, and it has stayed the same game after game. It gets old fast in a single game, but there are people who consume entire franchises of this mind-numbingly dull gameplay.
Targeting in this game is another pet peeve of mine which I never hear or see anyone talk about. If you use ranged weapons or magic it is nigh impossible to hit enemies without "locking" onto them. Bosses and mobs are very nimble in this game and move around erratically most of the time and the locking mechanic forces you to look and shoot directly at where the enemy is standing. The projectile then follows pure pursuit, meaning it misses unless the target stands still. Enjoy wasting 80% of your mana on spells which miss because of this trash mechanic. The fix would be easy: make projectiles enter *lead* pursuit, or make free aiming your projectiles actually feasible.
The equipment and progression in this game, which you would expect to be well-developed and detailed in an open world RPG, is the same thing copied from the previous Dark Souls game. Your main focus are your attributes in order to wield whatever weapon or spell you need, and your armor plays very little role in your defense or offense, it is designed only to look good.
They should have just called it Dark Souls: Open World, but no one would buy it if they did, and for good reason.
Posted 2 July, 2024. Last edited 12 January.
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268.9 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
It's a good RPG for its money and the microtransactions are purely for cosmetics, so it is acceptable to leave a positive review for this game I hope. My advice is to get it in sale.
Posted 30 November, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
21.5 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 18 October, 2023.
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5.4 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 21 May, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
I don't know ♥♥♥♥ but I guess it's kinda meta
Posted 7 May, 2023. Last edited 2 October, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
7.3 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
At this point, this is better and more optimised than Battlefield 2042.
Posted 10 March, 2023.
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