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10 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Attention: There is a fatal bug that's known to the devs and that isn't taken care of.

Spoiler: After you used the sniper nest to guide Reed through the level, you can be bugged into position, game also manages to somehow take away all your control of the PC, you need to switch it off completely by cutting the power off as your PC doesn't react to keyboard oe mouse input any longer. So no task manager or menus to get out of that situation.

This is a security breach so grave I can't recommend buying until this is taken care of. Which is very sad, as this DLC gives you not only loads of new content, said content is also mostly more immersive and fun than the missions in the main game already are!

Adding to it after finishing the DLC: Overall a nicely packed DLC with much to do. But mroe so than that bug I mentione before, is the end boss fight the biggest letdown. In fact, I watched YouTube while that bosfight happened. You do it without your weapons (they are taken off of you before) and you can't use grenades. You can only use fists and quickhacks (if you got those).

As that enemy won't come closer, it's literally just a bullet sponge and you do a quickhack every so often when the RAM is filled again. Literally nothing can happen to you, you just wait.
Posted 22 December, 2024. Last edited 6 January.
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18 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
People are downvoting this because of the patch coming with the DLC. That iss unfair after CA obviously listened to all the well-deseved negative criticism they got.

This DLC is good!
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
People are downvoting this because of the patch coming with the DLC. That iss unfair after CA obviously listened to all the well-deseved negative criticism they got.

This DLC is good!
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
People are downvoting this because of the patch coming with the DLC. That iss unfair after CA obviously listened to all the well-deseved negative criticism they got.

This DLC is good!
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
196.8 hrs on record (196.4 hrs at review time)
As I loved Divine Divinity, I tried to like evry single of larian's games. But since that game, they didn't get a single good game anymore.

Let me explain it with the example of this game: I really try to like this game as it has very good ideas (the elemental surfaces, the interconnecting skills of the different "classes" [necromancy + fire = corpse explosion, for example).

But the problem is that Larian doesn't understand their own game and fails to create difficulty. The difficulty this game creates is immersionless as it's just "This enemy has X more AP than a player character could have.", "This enemy has a much bigger level than the PCs in this stage."

That worked completely fine in Divine Divinity: The game is old and its competitors also didn't have many more ideas. It's a hidden gem for the era it came from. And even today, it works: It doesn't experiment with new systems and as such, it works just fine.

But by introducing the elemental systems, we have a game that needs to use the system. And by failing that, it opens a mindset in which you search for solutions outside of the introduced mechanic: The community found long ago that simple melee characters are absolutely OP, as they can face the "difficulties" this game creates much better than any character that accepts the systems this game incorporates.

In the end, it's a simple stat battle between NPCs that are just made OP stat-wise rather than incorporating the elemental surfaces mechanic into their strategy to beat you. As such, you also don't really need a character that can change the elements around.

And with this vicious cycle, lazy development is explained. It's not enough to simply introduce a mechanic. You need to constantly use that mechanic in order to create difficulty rather than just the old stat dump/damage sponge thing. That still works. If you don't label your game as innovative, trying to think the genre anew. THAT only works if you actually do that.

And that, sadly, makes this game a failure for me, as that breaks the immersion of being in a working, consistent world.

Larian can tell great stories, but it needs a solid framework like Dungeons and Dragons, because Larian doesn't understand how to build the RPG part to their stories (the levelling was also the weakest part in Divine Divinity already).
Posted 3 September, 2024.
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59 people found this review helpful
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147.6 hrs on record (147.2 hrs at review time)
Did you ever want to see how those DnD horror stories really feel? Did you never get a DM that tried to "win" against the player?

Don't worry! Play this game. It's the DnD-Horror-Story-Simulator Deluxe!

So in DnD (and also its little brother Pathfinder), there exists a status effect called "stunned". It takes your player agency. You lose rounds. Doesn't matter as much in a CRPG, you have a whole group of characters to control while one character is out of action.

Usually. Not so this game!

Nearly every fight has some way to get your whole group (!) out of action. Spells that do that are behidn a huge level barrier for players and get you horrendous saving throws. Cause that is fair. You don't want to win easy, even against bots.

These bots get those spells as innate skills. If it doesn't work one round, it'll work the next. And even if you kill that enemy, there's still the hydra with its 20 attacks killing two to three of your characters in only ONE ROUND. And you'd think I exagerate, but no. Look in the game's wikia, how many attacks and actions a hydra gets (additionally to a free breath attack that - oh well! - stuns your whole party on a quite easy saving throw).

This game wants to win and makes sure that you get as little actual game as possible. Most fights, you just wait for the "stunned" to wear off, hoping this time, you get the saving throw. Or that you kill the hydra quickly enough. Instead of having fun with your own skills that you chose.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want an easy fight. I want an extremely difficult fight in which I have to think about what to do.

Waiting for "stunned" to wear off in literally every fight while your group gets squashed without anything you can do - that's not difficult. That is frustrating.

Frustrating =/= difficulty.
Posted 14 August, 2024.
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83.8 hrs on record (46.8 hrs at review time)
Games really good and a turn-around from the weirdly racist an childish Risen 2.

For people with misophonia:
The developer developed a weird kink with swallowing sounds and put them in everywhere in the game. Even brewing and alchemy isn't some glass sounds or such, it's swallowing. They're so crazily over-exagerated, that it makes me feel uncomfortable.

So if you're only a little bit misophonist, keep away or look for mods. It's mad!
Posted 9 July, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
222.8 hrs on record (222.7 hrs at review time)
I always loved this game.
Having played a few tabletop RPGs gave me a bit of insight into why I liek and do not like games.

And I noticed: This game isn't good. The difficulty comes from randomness. I never noticed that before. But actually, agro seems to mean nothing at all. I made a tank who gets like 200 aggro every fight. And my ninja has like 4 aggro. In the whole group, that's like 78% of the aggro and 2% of the aggro. That means: Only 2 out of 100 attacks should be directed at her. In the end, my own calculation gives her 75% of the aggro (she basically has to get back into hiding every round, making the whole group setup pointless).

If this game was an actual RPG, then maybe she was a clumsy assassin. Why not? But this game loves its numbers and statistics. And it obviously lies to you (Or it doesn't. Maybe it doesn't even have such a statistic, actually?).

Plus the developers went to implement microtransactions in a later game - and then cut them out again, without rebalancing the game to cut players some slack who literally can't buy stuff that seems to be really needed (P2Win).

As for me, it's quite important whom you are supporting with your money, I honestly think such a warning, albeit not directly tied to the game at hand, is a good thing to do!
Posted 14 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
331.8 hrs on record (71.0 hrs at review time)
Game's great.

It gets review bombed, because... people have to create an account with Sony.

That's where we are in 2024. That's the reason for a review bomb. While the game AND the anti-cheat system collect your data (which today, most things do!), which was never a problem (because today, most things do!), it's the account that sits in the background and does nothing, that makes people bat their eyes.

We have a problem with these kinds of reviews: people have no clue.

Game's great. Get it!

(Review just done because I saw the average went down due to no reason at all.)
Posted 4 May, 2024.
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23 people found this review helpful
64 people found this review funny
5,386.6 hrs on record (5,298.2 hrs at review time)
Very boring game.
I was a bit late for a refund, though, I noticed!
Posted 20 January, 2024. Last edited 20 January, 2024.
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