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Senaste recensioner av Mairo the bear

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2.0 timmar totalt
Game that is super polished with actually fun gameplay and pretty humorous premise and plot, that you can finish in couple hours or complete in a day. Love these kinds of things and feel like the only reason it's free is because devs are scared that people complain paying money for such short experience.
Upplagd 7 september.
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184.0 timmar totalt (17.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
People having double standards downvoting on mass. I see you guys owning Halo that requires Xbox account.
Upplagd 4 maj.
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6.1 timmar totalt
Animation is top notch and story is wholesome, but... why is this a game?

The main game mechanic of time doesn't really do anything, outside setting up a limit when you have to start the game from the beginning again. At least there is a way to skip mandatory sections in between with little gag, but the final mission you have to do at the very least couple times to get everything and it's identical.

It's tagged point 'n' click, but there's really not anything major going on or any level of coexsisting with the characters. You see gator, you ask same four questions from them, you move on. There's one, but you get it basically by doing this exact same thing.

Speaking of mandatory mission, there's a lot of games you get to play with characters, but none of them are fun, they're extremely simplistic mindless things. One of them is literally Wii U eShop loading screen you play because you are waiting for the store to load, it's there for you to fiddle when there's nothing else anyways but in this game it's full on minigame. Half of the time, they're full of broken mechanics like I had ball go out of bounds in pinball and had to ALT+F4 whole game as nothing worked.

Finding stuff isn't fun and it's mostly frustrating because of stylized cursor and enviroment, so you miss those two pixels you were supposed to click repeatetdly before specific event. I liked this mechanic in Layton games a lot, but it's just bad here. On top of that there's zero in game mechanics to check what you have missed, at all, so you are forced to whip up external list and then manually check every single item if you got it or not.

Which goes to another problem which is the game just wastes all of your time. Game is on nvme SSD, why is the loading screen still taking 5 seconds to slowly fade in and out? Why is the intro so loud and unskippable (well, ended up replacing webm files in folder with 1 second long furry video which worked for that)? Why is the final timed event mandatory? Why with family tree I have to go to specific NPC instead of having that with me so I could figure out the family tree as I'm talking with gators instead of not remembering half of them when getting back to it?

This is not even touching games achievements which are whole another ordeal and makes you basically play the game through couple more times to get everything unless you figured out to check these before even starting for the first time... Then half of the achievements are so impossible and broken they have their own guides just how to manage them even if the premise is as simple as "get points in pinball".

Even with characters, I would love to focus on animations, but the portraits are so huge and all speech is text, so I'm just constantly reading text and have to stop reading to see the animationwork before continuing reading. With this I'm not sure if it's UI design stuff or am I too close to my screen or something, but it's even more time consumption for stuff.

I really want to like and love this game, but everything in it is so frustrating. I rarely do this, but it's most likely nicer experience if you buy this as gift for a friend and watch them play through it on discord or something instead. Can even have friends do funny voice acting at the same time.
Upplagd 17 juni 2023.
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2.3 timmar totalt
This reminds me a lot of 428: Shibuya Scramble, where instead of having super boring visual novel experience, you can manage the outcome of stuff not only by your choises as going through the story, but additionally by your choises as other characters that you interact during the story. I started to get bit overwhelmed after couple endings, but luckily the game does have paths visible under endings menu, even if bit hard to follow it was still enough to understand what's going on without looking up any walktroughs or similar.

Game is also short enough that it felt like the story got it's closure and I managed to solve it fully, so this would be like single chapter on 428, which is also pretty great, so you don't feel like you need to quit and get back and not remembering what happened.

Story itself I really loved and I felt like choises made actual common sense. Played too many games where choises are basically the same but structure of sentence changes what happens, which makes things feel like guesswork, not in here, I had full idea what was the motivation for the character and possible outcomes from that, so I felt like I was in control at all times. Felt like there was also a lot of stories to teach about many things in life that felt realistic.
The final ending felt bit predictable with the lead up, so the impact wasn't as good and final scene was also bit cheesy, but it was still satisfying closure nonetheless.

Technical execution is also top notch. When I threw Stadia and Dualsense controllers, they Just Worked™️ and prompts could be changed from settings. UI design is extremely thoughtful and I didn't even realize at first I was playing game made with ren'py before opening up settings menu for the first time. Everything is super cohesive and game specific. And this is before even talking of accessibility stuff in general, really great work that sometimes is overlooked by many indie devs.

My main issue is that somehow this has swedish, but nobody helped with finnish translation smh
Upplagd 12 juni 2023.
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3.8 timmar totalt
Why is this game VR?
This is basically my main issue here. I do not mind more calm exploration games, even in VR, but this was the thing I was constantly and consistantly thinking when playing this game.

I'm standing in the middle of the my room still, looking forward, ever so slightly looking up, I only use my right hand to point at thing and then press trigger to click it. I love how screenshots are with bird flying mid air, because that's 1%, rest of the time the bird is sitting and blocking your visibility to stuff you need to do. You don't feel like the bird, you feel like the bird is in the way and slow.
This is exactly the same thing I could already do on computer with mouse or TV with controller but bit more comfortabely.
What this should've been is just regular game and for better immersion and VR mode as alternative, because I would've most likely wanted to play it without VR if I had choise.

Even that aspect out of the way, I did not like the game. It's like escort mission, the game, but now the escorted person is also extremely slow and annoying constantly talking child. The scream they do when you try to zap them sounds actually distressed and that is impressive, but because that also stops the child can't do that as they stop walking. Weird thing is that I'm not usually the kind who tries to do bad things in games, but this game is so boring that I started to form habit of wanting to just cause harm in some manner.

The puzzles aren't that impressive either because zapping basically never does anything outside designated spots and only way of puzzle solving is moving between designed spots. Moving between spots is automatic and slow and after you do that, only after you move the child starts to move which solves the puzzle after waiting for minutes. It's like conga line, but there's lag from start to end and you are yelling instructions to start from the end of the line.

Graphics I was genuinely thinking that my game was bugged and lowest quality LoD was constantly showing up, but it turns out it's just the style of the game. Even if this is the style they tried to go for and it looked good, the whole game world also just looks exactly the same. It's similar enviroments with similar color schemes (excluding the prelude) and it all just blends together.
Upplagd 9 mars 2023.
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9.8 timmar totalt
One of those games that I would want to give it a neutral, especially when there's clearly a lot that has gone into creation of the game.
but if someone asked me if they should buy the game, I would most likely say no.

Basically everything you can see in steam store page is great. Graphics and UI design are amazing, music is also pretty great. With UI I do not like the notion that your heart upgrades show up immiditely but simply do not fill up before you get an upgrade, was confused why hearts didn't fill up health.
Small technical problems like no resolution and Dualsense doesn't work without forcing Steam input, but other than that works flawlessly.
Story is kinda whatever, mostly annoyed with writing being weirdly paced and having spaces at the beginning of sentences?
100% completion is relatively easy and simple and takes under 10 hours so if you're completionist, this ain't the worst game to pick up.

Levels become mazes, which in itself is not bad, but the problem is that exploration feels bad. Travelling feels slow enough that when you get somewhere and you realize you need to be elsewhere, the feeling of annoyance is bad. This also wouldn't be bad because of checkpoints, but for whatever reason the checkpoints cost money, so you avoid hitting them, which prolongs level even further if you decide to not spend the money. Map maybe would've helped here if traversing couldn't be done better.

This is contrast with stuff like Shovel knight where checkpoints are automatic, however if you do decide to want a challange, then you are given extra money. It's insentive, where with this game it feels like punishment.

There's powerups, but they have limited use (single use initially) so you avoid using them but even when you do decide to use them, they are so inconsistant to use and not really required basically anywhere so I just completely forgot I even had any. Can complete whole game without any of them outside granades, but granades also had several cases of throwing three, all missing and then needing to go get more somehow somewhere and get back.

Running and jumping is mostly fine, but whenever there's enemies that do not line up or you are on semi-autoscroll stages, controls simply don't feel consistant at all, sometimes you feel like you should be able to double jump, sometimes feels like there's less momentum there should be, when it's couple minutes long scroll and you die at the end, it's so annoying when it was clearly your fault, but you still feel like you want to blame the game for it.
Just can't stop thinking about Celeste where you are immidiately quickly drop back into action and try again.

Also no option to back out from level once you enter, even accidentally. So if you get frustrated and want to do small level in the meanwhile instead or go grind money to get upgrades to make stuff easier, too bad.

Just overall really frustrating experience, especially when it feels like there was a lot of work put into it.
Upplagd 28 januari 2023.
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1.0 timmar totalt
Opening executable brings Unity launcher to change settings, but none of the settings actually work and you have to change them in game anyway.
Starting game first option is "FREE DLC" to unlock pr0n, because they want you to play this with that free DLC really badly btu can't sell to kids if they just have it by default.
The dialogue is words, but they just become meaningless mumbling basically immidiately.
Gameplay is basic tile matching game but they tried to do the huniepop hearts exploding effect, but it's still essentially exactly like mobile game with three star rating and scoring - which neither ultimately doesn't matter because the only reason to get good score is to get "Target is reached" faster so you can end the level as fast as possible, but then the game won't let you as it still explodes rest of the gems for you for tens of seconds after finishing the level.
I'm also not sure what's going on with the artwork being so inconsistant, even on store page the characters look bootlegged from several places.

There's many actually good furry games which contain nudity as well on steam and this is one of the worst.
Upplagd 16 januari 2023. Senast ändrad 16 januari 2023.
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31.6 timmar totalt (8.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
VIP edition basically makes this Future Tone / Arcade version of the game fully available on Steam with couple exclusions for relatively cheap price. That on paper is super amazing. Modding seems to be pretty vibrant as well.
I'm still more of a fan of PSP, Vita and PS3 games visual style and gameplay, but feels like Sega is stuck with just re-releasing arcade version at this point which suck. If they do release F and F 2nd again on Steam I will pay for those is what I'm saying.
Upplagd 24 november 2022.
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4.1 timmar totalt
It's choose your own adventure, but instead of there being adventure, it's groundhog day of same bar evening where only thing you do is look at your phone, the difference between "what are you doing here?" and "what are you doing in town?" choises is difference between you breaking up and the bar burning down and in neither ending you really know why that even happened.

I already hate people who read way too much in between the sentences and this game feels like it's only that. And I didn't even touch graphics, settings and everything else which is just, bad, only reason why this game runs and holds together is because unity engine keeping it all together.
Upplagd 2 februari 2022.
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9.6 timmar totalt
The first 5 hours of game up until "the end" achievement are really pleasant, so buying for sale and stopping there the game is pretty great. The problem is the package as whole.

With gameplay, I cannot understand who the heck thought that double tapping direction to run was great idea? There's also many areas where you are supposed to run but then also change directions and running stops when you switch direction. You already only use arrows and one button on overworld, having second button as run would still make the game playable with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NES controller and I guess they aimed that kind of vibe for the game, but then also have high resolution effects and sub-pixel movement...

Most enviroments also are just black enviroments with some dots on them to show the way vaguely and rest feel like RPG maker example levels.

The main gameplay is fine, but it's definitely more like bullet hell on lanes, rather than rhythm game.

Minor spoilers here onwards.

After you "finish" the game, you basically need to replay the game again and revisit every single place and character, this feels cheap and annoying regardless of story context. After you have done this and be reminded constantly how "end is near", that's only halfway through and you are constantly just wishing that the current level is actually the last level finally. I actually ran into bug where start menu opened in front of the gameplay as the story sequence required pressing that button and couldn't do anything and last save was couple levels ago, so I was already quitting at that point because "oh well, I was almost done with the game anyway", but no, there was still hours left. The game keeps constantly shoving onto your face how the end is coming and reminding you of the characters of the game by showing them but I have no interest or investement on almost any of said characters so it started to feel like rotating the assets and saying how "hey, remember this thing from half an hour ago?"
And of course at the very end you have to have still reminder that of course there's secret stuff in the game left and how there's now NG+ as well if you want to indulge even longer!

It tries too hard on world building, character development, fourth wall breaking and everything else, but it doesn't success on any and just end up feeling like cheaper copy of other similar games which there has been many even recently.
Upplagd 13 januari 2022.
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