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1 person found this review helpful
15.0 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
When I saw that a friend gifted me this game I was at work and so excited to play this game. I'm totally into metroidvania games.. note: I do play this game on my controller and I don't know if this game is playable on keyboard and

In the beginning I was practicing to keep the controlling in my mind. Check! When I entered the first area to get back the backpack I thought this is easy. It was but after that I went to the next area and I started noticing several things I didn't like:

- hitboxes of the monsters are way too big but your characters hitbox is way too small
- controlling isn't good.. it's sloppy.. for example by shortly pushing the x button you can't do a small jump.. this sucks when you want to run through the area with the rotating blades moving up and down.
- sometimes the battles feel like a barrier.. the dodging doesn't work even if you push the button to dodge. Learned the pattern of the monsters but c'mon.. it's not workiiing properlyyy!
- the money is hard to earn and both thingys you can buy in the shop at the diner are too expensive.. like for real? How many hours am i supposed to spend on this game to raise my def and att?
- the big fat worm with the pink head is too strong.. you get attacked two times and you're running on 20HP.. wow.. in the Bloody Den area you have to conquer this mf two times (maybe more? IDK BECAUSE I DIED AGAIN!) these mfs are just too strong. :<

- it has gea love ♥ and I really adore it!
- music in general is cute and nice (especially the battle music >:3)

Even if a friend gifted me this game I'm a bit upset because this game didn't make me happy.. with all these issues it's not worthy to buy with this "amount of money".

PS: I only have almost 13h on it because my clumsy a$$ fell asleep with all my elecs on. q_q
PSPS: maybe I will change my opinion when these issues get fixed.
Posted 17 December, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
137.7 hrs on record (109.6 hrs at review time)
If you don't want to play DbD because it's triggering your anger issues: try this one - Slime Rancher!
It's funny, cute and calming and if you're a big fan of farming - just go for it.

Even though this game is a sensory overload of colours and noises I always enjoy it.
Posted 7 April, 2023.
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3.7 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Drei Stunden damit verbracht eine Freundschaft zu dieser Steuerung aufzubauen. Es ist zum kotzen!
Bis auf drei Games spiele ich wirklich jedes Game auf 'nem Kontroller und bei Weitem hat mich kein Game soweit in den Wahnsinn getrieben wie dieses hier..
Keine Geschmeidigkeit, alles eckig (hoch, runter, hoch, runter - der Stick bricht mir weg), die Kämpfe sind ätzend und in gewisser Weise verbuggt (du schlägst auf das Monster ein, der Hit landet nicht aber umgekehrt funktioniert es), im Allgemeinen wie viel Zeit man auch mit dem Verkaufen verbringt (keine Möglichkeit dies zu beschleunigen).

Was mich unter anderem auch angekotzt hat, ist die Tatsache das man nur eine Möglichkeit hat seinen Fortschritt zu speichern: RICHTIG, eine Runde schlafen gehen und dann wieder auf, auf ins Gefecht. Klar, es mag für diverse Gamer einen Reiz darstellen aber ich kriege da mega den Brechdurchfall. Bruder, meine Tasche war voll mit Items und Ästen und dann kommt die Gang und knippst mir das Licht aus? Duuu.. fühle ich nicht so wirklich..

Drei Stunden gespielt und natürlich habe ich keinen Plan wie die Geschichte zu Ende gehen wird aber jetzt ist's mir auch egal. Aber hey, der 8-bit Stil hat mir gefallen. Ein wenig Nostalgie kam da schon auf.. :D
Posted 7 April, 2023.
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2.9 hrs on record
fears and tears - in the beginning I felt uncomfortable but somehow I got used to all the scary stuff. The closer I got to the ending the more I understood and I tried to accept but daym.. you made me cry..
Posted 15 September, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
3.6 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
It’s a struggle AND it’s triggering my anger issues. Gut game!
Posted 2 August, 2022.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries