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1.6 hrs on record
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Hentai Hack-Her is a nice little adult game that gives you a little background on the Steam page, but overall, you basically need to explore the desktop and find out how to get random things to work or go right, in order to install and hack from a source you gain in the game. It’s a bullet hell once you progress to where you can “hack”, and while background scenes change over time as score goes up etc., you will unlock more scenes to view. There is also a feminine voice making sounds in the background, which have connotations of adult variety in nature.

Given how I feel these games are difficult for me, and I get frustrated by no Bloody Casul option or easy button, I think this is my biggest issue. Sure, I can spend a while trying to get a high enough score, but if I don’t get the right boosts… say, shield enhanced - for example (as that is what I always need in this game to make any progression… well, I end up failing every time.

Graphically speaking, I don’t find it stunningly appealing, but it has its own charm to it in ways. Not a ton of actual variety in the bullet hell part, and only seems to be a single hack target for me. If this changes, or if I missed something, I think if my above mentioned gripes were acknowledged on this one and a few others by Greather Games , I’d be more inclined to give it a thumbs up.

I think this “tit…” *sneeze* title is better than the other games I played, but it still needs a bit more polish and attention. I also hope length will improve and have more choice after release and time. Would like to see a couple more at least, and please… difficulty options! It’s challenging, but for people on about five medications that say “may cause drowsiness”, and having several diseases that wreak havoc on my nervous system, I’m gonna be a bit slower than I was a few decades back in time.

I would consider grabbing on big discount, but it’s not the worst game out there for what I would personally price around the Steam minimum at the moment. If you see this at around $0.99 or below, maybe worth a try. It’s a borderline call, but I feel it’s an improvement over some of their other titles I took a crack at. Snag this if you like the above mentioned style of game, but do be cautious, and do not have gigantic expectations. Barely going to give this a positive, but if there were a middle-ground it’d be around a 5.5 of a “1 - 5 being bad”, “6 - 10 being good” kinda scale if that makes sense.


This one stands out to me as being unique and I do think it gives it a major upside with me, since I have dealt with hundreds of slider puzzles with 6 pictures that take all of ten minutes to complete in their entirety and finish the “game”. At least it is thinking of it from outside the box, so I like the fresh approach being used, and not some simple copypasta slider with a few lewd pictures.

It is an improvement over the previous games I played. Could be just me, but I like that the development is moving into a more enjoyable direction with their games and how they are presented, from what I Greather. Oh. Oops! I mean… gather.

The bullet hell is fun, but I do not like the imbalance I feel. I also do not really know how to feel about the overall difficulty. Bullet hell isn’t my favorite genre, and it isn’t the easiest kind of game. Well.. the word “hell” should tip somebody off if they didn’t already know about them.

You have to use your noggin to figure out what you need to do when you start the game. Experimentation aspect is pretty nice, but it does have slight guidance as well, so I like they added that in a bit. You’re not just sitting there thinking, “What do I do?”. I take that back. You probably will be pressing random icons and such on the desktop wondering that very thing.

While it feels somewhat similar to a few others I played, two of which I never wrote store reviews, due to just not knowing what I wanted to say about the games, they were a bit too convoluted and disjointed for me in ways.

They have high scores! Weeee! Heh heh… heh… “He said high.”. “Shuddup,

There are boobies and other things that we gentlemen (and let’s not forget the ladies!) of culture prefer, with our highly distinguished tastes. I like them, though the art style is an acquired taste of sorts, it’s delicious in its own kinda unique way. Reminds me of a comic in its stylized approach.


Price could be a consideration, depending on the amount upon launch, but at a low enough price, it’s not too bad. Just needs more material. This is a big sticking point for me.

It’s a bit simplistic. Do not expect to see renderings that have 10 series graphics card minimum requirements. It’s still very unique and interesting and has its charm, but I would like to see a bit more. It feels very pre-alpha state for me? So, if it goes nowhere, I may change my review to negative, but if more is added later, or other changes are employed, I’ll leave my review positive.

I do not like the difficulty in this game. Back when I was a really good gamer, it would not be an issue, but for a general audience, I highly recommend a difficulty slider of some sort, or some options.

More chicks. We need at least two or three more to feel a bit more “wholesome”. Another hack game I played had maybe twelve or fifteen if I recall correctly, and had some interesting ways of creating elaborate bullet hell mechanics to gradually survive and “unlock” said bonus if one completed enough of the picture.

More power-ups would be nice. Options to tweak things, like difficulty, aircraft styles, maybe upgrades that were permanent to allow for easier time for those trying to make progress, but not able to do so because of the issues with the difficulty.


I think I pretty much addressed my opinion near the opening bits. Basically, barely passing. I feel like I want to make it a negative review, but at the same time I’d like to give the development a chance to make new things happen, so as a hopeful romantic, (see what I did there?) maybe some improvements will be made if more feedback out there ends up being in agreement with possible balancing issues in difficulty.

Does it have potential? Yes. Is it difficult? For me, a very loud and abrasive YES. Will you get annoyed with it? Probably so. Does it feel finished? Not quite. I’ll give it time to soak up some sun then see if the game gets tanned up at all.

Be careful with this one and go into it with an open mind. It isn’t the prettiest game, or the most advanced game you’ll play, but the charm is enough for me to say tentatively and objectively that it is hypothetically worth a look. I’d watch and see if any improvements are made before jumping on this title. That being said, it is passable and enjoyable enough, even with the difficulty problems and lack of immediate content at the time of writing this review.

I hope it will enlighten the possible purchasers interested in the game, and I also hope that it will get a notice from someone in development. There is enough of a game here to say it’s worth a chance. Grab it at around $1 or below if you are going to play, or if you like to collect naked art.

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 14 May, 2021. Last edited 14 May, 2021.
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24 people found this review helpful
5.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
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Full review right here on SCT due to limitations character count. Check it out!

Anna: The Series Test is an adult (R18/21+) visual novel with an interesting bit of choices and a strange twist where a choice has to be determined each round, but you do not know where they are going, or what may have happened, or be happening to them. There are around six various people to choose as to who to visit, and I am not sure if time has any influence (as far as wasting time sleeping, or other methods of skipping the day).

I like that the unique angle taken has a direct participation in trying to find a conclusive strategy as to when or why to remove somebody, and how it changes the eventual outcome after the fact, since the character is gone from the usual story-based interaction, but it is still possible to experiment with some things even after the fact, which can even help figure other things out that were otherwise not as easy to discern. It has a nice premise, and while it is not extremely hardcore so far, it does deliver a bit of some suggestive and revealing scenes at times.

The game itself has nice art and the style is interesting, adding a layer to the overall setting and general feel for me in some sort of way. I like the direction of the stories for the most part out of what I have encountered, and while the ideas are written well, I find that the grammar is really tough on the eyeballs if you are kind of like me, and prefer clear and well-written phrases, grammar, and punctuation - proper and suitable “diction”! Pun intended. Who am I kidding?

Graphics and rendering movements are nice, but a bit cut in pieces, depending on the scene. There are some motion-based animated scenes as well. So far, not much has been revealed beneath the waist for me, butt (I had to do that) there are a lot of nice shots of the said region to muse over as you play. I find them quite likeable myself. I don’t necessarily find most of these robotic women(?) too attractive in the facial area, but their body styles are really sleek and nice. It’s also more realistic in terms of the skin not having that icky (to me) overly shiny and bronzed body, like somebody at a muscle competition that puts 4 gallons of baby oil on their body and sprays themselves until the appear more orange than a Halloween jack-o-lantern of a creature descended from carrots who was once a president somewhere in the world.

All jokes aside, the game is fairly okay and promising so far, aside from a few technical “out of the gates” just released game issues I found of slight bother, but I will be taking a few notes and maybe reach out once I have compiled all I think I can figure out. I’m happy to pass along some editing if it can help as I go along. I still have a lot more “inner workings” to delve into and examine fully to really understand the context, but so far so good!

Appears there is replay value with multiple endings. I do not know of the price yet, nor do I know of what sorts of other steam-related tweaking it may have added, such as achievements, cards, or any other types of bells and whistles. These things will help with how I feel about the game in regards to total cost so far. I still need to play out more of the game myself before I can give a solid answer to the average per hour estimate, which can help me figure out how I would calculate the base value (in a money per hour kinda way). Of course none of that matters anyway if a game is bought and just collects dust for years. It can be the best deal ever, and yet by not playing it, there is no real value since the potentially enjoyable experience itself is missed out on, given such a case.


Interesting approach to the visual novel core elements. I like the way it’s going so far, and it’s not a borderline game where “the graphics save it” because of the genre. Not a lot of quantity so far , but the quality is excellent, which totally makes up for it.

The rendering and art of the game is great, as I mentioned. Looking forward to… looking at more? More to come?

The combination of driving elements regarding each encounter and their story, the overall bigger story to try and figure out, and and the glue of the setting and graphic style round this out to have major potential, but I would advise caution and maybe try a little bit of the game, since you do not have to commit to a purchase if you meet the extremely skimpy and limited (more skimpy than the clothing I’m seeing in this game!!) Steam refund requirements.

A completionist would really enjoy this, since it has multiple endings, replayability and a lot of choices to make. I do not know to what extent some of these choices change eventual outcomes, whether it is elimination-based, removing characters each round, or just picking between a response when given the opportunity, and how that in turn affects other aspects of the game.


The grammar is very very tough to read. It’s pretty rough going, and in need of a serious overhaul. Nearly every text bubble has something in it I can find that just doesn’t really work together with the phrasing, or the tenses do not match, or punctuation has issues. Random stuff like that.

Riding off the previous grammatical issues that need attending to, it is and (especially near the beginning) was hard to understand, and there is no real difference to distinguish if one speaks or is thinking, aside from parenthesis, which I found to be missing in spots if that is what is being used, and this lead to further reading to clear up the confusion of what was meant, since it could have several different interpretations otherwise, based on how one broke the wording down, which parts they read seem like thought, which are speaking, and so it kind of gets hard to understand in a few spots until a bit further along.

So far, not many cons beyond those few grammar things. Sometimes the pixels freaked out in certain sections, making it appear slightly blocky or flat. This may have been intentional though, given the theme of the game, so I am not sure if it is a problem or intentional use of the aforementioned concept. I noticed it a few times in certain parts though, where it would be that way for a scene, or would flicker a time or two.

I would like a few more options in the settings, as well as a way to change the font style and also possibly the color. It can be hard to read when it’s got certain backgrounds near the wording, due to how it is structured.


This has been a pleasant surprise all in all, and I am happy I have had a chance to work with the game a bit and critique it. I hope it resonates well with others who play, and I hope the development will consider some of the issues. I am willing to offer assistance with edits if it would be helpful. I cannot devote a ton of time to doing so on my free time, but I am thorough.

Final verdict rests on the price, but for a completionist, the visual novel fan, people who like the thriller/mystery genre, and just overall lewds who have a mix of the above tastes and likes, I’m going to say you’ll get a decent amount of hours out of the game if you go through all it has to offer at first glance. I'm sure I've read larger visual novels, but also many that were much shorter. /cut the rest to top link.
Posted 10 May, 2021. Last edited 10 May, 2021.
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39 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
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Witch 2 Hell Adventure is an adult (R18/21+) side scrolling adventure, with a speed that sort of reminds me of a few certain walking simulators in terms of gameplay movement. I definitely feel a little slow overall, but each area isn't too big. Still it is probably one of my only really big problems I had, as I have not finished each ending or tried certain combinations of things. So, what is your purpose here from the start of the game? Get out of your prison, collect keys, and return to where you came from, leaving this strange and hellish land you’re currently trapped in. You are aided by another, who rescues you from your initial compromising position, and has a certain amount of bullets as you travel, which can be useful for various reasons. There is a keeper for each key once interacted with, and also a particular enemy that will at random times try to hunt you down. You will know when this is about to happen when you hear strange voices get louder and louder, followed by a slight screen change as far as how it looks. It kind of seems more tinted or something. You will also hear a “RUN! RUN!” whisper while you are being targeted by this particular entity.

The game offers choices in dialog, and has multiple endings depending on which choices are ultimately made for that playthrough. One of the very interesting things in this game is outfits, and how they change where you can go, and sometimes what happens in the game with your overall adventure. There are some save slots to toy around with a few various scenarios. Art is done very well, and the overall game itself is a bit longer than the usual game of this genre. All things considered, it is pretty enjoyable so far while I've been tinkering with it.


Choices matter, there are some small secrets I have found here and there, and it has some interesting ways to travel around with these mirror-like portals that will move you to other spots on the map.

Some choices will lock you out of endings for that playthrough, or may open up other options previously unavailable, which makes it interesting, at least for me.

For some, the simplicity of actions and the way it is designed won’t give you a really rough time moving from spot to spot.

Outfit selection is important for certain doors in the game, so be aware of this as you play! Gaining new outfits requires meeting conditions of whatever/whoever speaks with you, depending on what choice you make.

The moving H-scenes are uh… nicely done. The quality is very good. The only issue I have is the abrupt pause between changing scenes in some cases, as many have multiple clips sandwiched in together, so that can sort of break up the immersion a tiny bit, since it’s not all connected into a more smooth transition.

The length of time spent on figuring things out has taken me far longer than I expected. I like the fact that this game wasn’t over in “20 minutes or less” with 100% completion.

Music works with the game for me, and the looping doesn’t really have a giant pause. It’s there, but not as notable as in some games where it really bugged me more.


While there are ways to get to particular zones faster the overall character movement is way too slow! For a game with multiple endings, I would like to acquire a way to go faster. ”GOTTA GO FAST!”

At first, this game could prove a bit confusing and takes time to get used to. The premise alone is a bit more on the unique side, but it is not too hard to pick up on once things happen and you figure more out as to how to go about various things in the game.

If I do not hold the shoot button down, the initial image will appear, but regardless of whether a bullet was fired or not, I will lose a bullet in my inventory. Just make sure you hold it down for a sec or so at least for the animation to complete or this could happen to you also.

The costumes are a neat idea here, but I wish they had more innate functionality as well aside from just opening certain areas within the game. I’d always be wearing one that “makes me faster”. Maybe a blue one? First review here! See what I mean? In all seriousness though, wish they had some special features to each one while moving around.

I don’t really use a lot of buttons on the game with the controller. I wish there were a few more action moves in the game.

For dialog, there are usually choice, and a “Quit” option, not to be confused with quit game. I think maybe another word choice such as “Back” or “Previous” or “Return” - something relatively similar in meaning.


Personally, I really like this game, since it’s not simply some really bland and basic motif and concept. There is some substance, albeit not extreme in its impact, but it has left a lasting impression that just kind of works well for me, and I do like the core idea and mechanics behind a lot of the game itself. Kind of a “fetch this for this”, but it depends on choices you make. This in turn leads to costumes which unlock areas you previously could not go to try and gain a key in the keymaster’s room for each zone on the map. Your other stats on morality and things of that nature can make an impact as well, so this can be important to gauge at times.

I wish there was a better way to navigate, but R2 (on controller for me) brings up a general idea, since it gives you the order of the zones, and which you are in. I would love to see more enhancement here. I also think the slowness of the character you play might throw a lot of people off if there are no speed changes at any point. During the chase parts it might be good to employ a slower speed like this for more intensity and that in turn may make it more thrilling, but I don’t like it for the main part of the game, honestly.

The game itself is fun for me so far, and I believe it is close to a true finished game. I am used to seeing games being released everywhere that have seemingly no testing or quality control standards set in place. In other words, they are a mess. This one actually is close to right on for a real release, so I give development/publishing high praise on their work so far with the state of the game itself overall. I only found a couple of glitchy spots and almost no error in dialog so far. Very well done! I hope this game will garner some attention, since it (and many others, to be honest) deserve(s) a second look from any fans of the more dark or lewd genres offered on Steam.

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 29 April, 2021.
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31.8 hrs on record
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Othercide is a turn-based strategy involving some future event, and the need to produce daughters to circumvent this event that seems to be at some point in the future or past, during the opening of the game. Gameplay involves a good bit of grinding at its core concept. You can gain points to invest into direct abilities, and unlock things in each zone as you go along. Losing a few times is actually not such a bad thing in this game near the beginning, since you will accumulate more to spend on some of your unlocks, which you can then use to give you a slight edge.

I want to make one thing fairly clear though. The game itself is not actually extremely difficult. I do not consider this roguelike either. Permadeath is there for your current run, but it doesn’t really fit many other qualifications for the genre. I would say the difficulty is in a sort of ”battle of attrition”, meaning it’s grindy, and time-consuming to raise your daughters, of which there are several classes with varying abilities. The learning curve is the only problem, then it becomes somewhat clockwork in nature.

Some of the daughters were unbalanced when I played last. The big issue with the way the grind system is set up is that inherited traits of classes are the same for each class type, and you only get one, which is in red on your skills for the daughter that received the benefit from a daughter of a higher level, where the lower level will inherit the said trait. This is why the game is so grindy. You can also pick up random debuffs/buffs to stats that can be permanent, or practically permanent based on things your characters do while in battle. Another thing upon leveling is you gain extra usable battle skills. You can choose one or the other and it can vary depending on which you want to keep, given the situation.

There were several types of situations one might end up in, ranging from surviving all waves, to reaching a goal, or escorting missions and some other various types. You may choose to skip right to bosses, bypass bosses altogether, or do other things depending on how far along you are in the game. I thought some of the bosses were hard, but once you learn what they do in each phase, you can find ways to take certain counter-measures. Most are not too hard to figure out, but there was a bit of randomness and trial and error for me. Supplementing with a guide for ideas on how to effectively play is useful, since the game didn’t really explain it too well at the time I played, in my opinion.

Pretty graphics, with a noir and red style of background. The daughters reminded me a little bit of 2B or something similar, and the music paired well with the game’s overall feel and mood. The setting and plot are hard to understand much about, but things get revealed to you as you go, and there are sections to examine for unlocks, extra enemy information (which I cannot stress the importance of enough, as it reveals attack patterns, weaknesses and strengths to take advantage of), and other such things, which can be viewed in the menu any time once you’ve unlocked them.

You can gain other abilities which can be applied manually to your daughters when you meet the right conditions. They are usually chance-based, but if a condition meets all unlock requirements, it’s possible to get these orbs which can be later added. They are removed after a game ends. Your daughters you lose can be resurrected as well later on as you open up more abilities, so a complete wipe isn’t necessarily a bad thing in many cases in this game. Early on you probably won’t really be worried about specific daughters, and may instead try to get a few with some good overall stats, since these can vary.

While I think the game is good, I also think there is a lot of untapped potential in what is possible with this system and the way it was done during the time I played this game.


Lots of customization is possible. More is possible with further optimization and unlocks, further adding to possibilities.

Nice graphics, and the gameplay is fun early on, as I got introduced to the game. It can get a little bit repetitive, due to only a few classes of daughters to choose from, thus limiting your movesets.

I liked the counter-attack system, and the attack time grid at the bottom of the screen. This could be somewhat exploited early on, but as far as I’m aware, most instances of this have been hit with the nerfbat.

Decent amount of variations, and different ways to play, based on how you choose to set up your party. Good to strategize, since you can only fight once per day and need a rest with daughters. There is an easier mode where resting gains life. I never tried the other mode as of yet though.

The game could use more enemy types, varied attacks, and different characters and encounters. While the game is fun, it is still tedious and a bit predictable at certain points, depending on how familiar you get to creature habits and how to move your daughters efficiently to get the most out of them.

The roguelite elements are only having to do with earning extra currency to buy more skills as you unlock them with progression. This value only decreases in the current game, and you continue to gain more as you fail.


Very grindy when I played. This is what ultimately made me take a break from playing. I still don’t really feel like finishing this yet, but I do believe it will be enjoyable to jump back into playing again sometime and see how it is now compared to when I played it in October or November.

The battle speed was a bit slow too. Even speeding things up, it was a bit of an annoyance to wait on everything to finish turns.

Just felt inefficient and unbalanced having to grind and keep levels close, so I could then add stats in sacrifices.

Good foundation here, but I see a lot that could be built upon. I personally felt that this game should have been in Early Access or beta still when I played.

Way too expensive for the amount of material in the game, however it still feels like a higher quality game than many out there, most likely thanks to publishing and development making polished and crisp graphics a big priority. The scenes and action bits are quite nice in presentation, so I did enjoy some of the cutscenes.

Some of the voicing would mess up, be silent, or overlap. Not sure if this was corrected or not. It’s also a bit repetitive since there are not a huge amount of phrases.

No 9S in this game. Why can’t there be some dudes around?!


I’m probably out of room now, but this one is tough for me to swing one way or the other. Paired with the expensive price, I recommend this but with some caution. It’s not a game for everybody, and the tags are a bit misleading. Buyer beware! Still a nice game overall, but I hope there have been some improvements since I last played. I’ll update if I decide to finish the game and go for all the achievements! All in all this one is worth a go, but do not run into it with majorly high expectations!

Game curator review made possible thanks to Simetria League for allowing me to review this, courtesy of Jogos Grátis Brasil!
Posted 23 April, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 26 Apr, 2021 @ 2:10am (view response)
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0.7 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
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HENTAI PRINCESS is an adult content game with a gameplay emphasis on two phases, the first being a clicker style to destroy the random objects bouncing around, which, upon completion allows a second drag and drop puzzle that’s sliced up into various shapes, kind of like tangrams, for lack of a better comparison for some sort of visual comparison. While it is the same two repetitive things, it’s still a little more ambitious than a lot of even simpler projects.

I like that something is happening here, and that there is some variation, but I do wish there was more than illustration, which is fairly well drawn up, and the varying two puzzle types. That being said it is a step ahead of many of the puzzles where you alternate squares and just swap their places, over the course of about ten or twelve drawings. I can at least say there was some reasonable efforts made to make this game a bit more interesting than a lot of similar style games in this sub-genre of puzzle-based R18/21 games.

The level of lewdness is fairly mild, but there are some below the belt depictions. Also acts that could be considered sexual, putting it in the mid-range of the milder scale for me. It doesn’t have a lot of music, but you can change tracks in the menu, and also at the main menu there is a place to view puzzles you completed in an archived spot, and a couple of other small features like removing censoring, turning music off, stuff like that. Some of the buttons can be also used mid-game.

Depending on asking price, I think it is probably worth it for what you get. Especially if you are a collector of true cultural artifacts. Nice for the budding researcher out there to improve their skills. It probably helps eyesight too, but I won’t make any claims since I am not a licensed doctor, so I cannot substantiate such claims as such.


Some nice art to view of our princess, which is not in another castle.

More options than a lot of games in this style, which is nice to see. I like seeing the boundaries pushed a bit as far as it not being the most basic simple puzzle slider type ever, with only a handful of puzzles. It takes longer than ten minutes to play at least, kind of like my… wait, she may peek over my shoulder or read this on Steam. Better not finish that sentence.

Several tracks. Some have one repetitive track. It’s more than one, but not a huge amount of different tunes. Still didn’t bug me too much at a lower volume, or detract from my immersion experience.

It’s got some achievements, but from what I gather the only way to fail at this is to simply not play the puzzles or clicker areas. It’s pretty forgiving for the filthy casual out there, much like myself.

It’s got drag and drop and also clicking, making a single hand player experience a very definite possibility.

Value-wise, I’d say this one will be worth it for the time investment, especially if it's at the projected $0.99 USD range. The extra effort on the puzzles alone is worth commending, since many games I have played in the adult puzzle genre are much lazier in the way they are made. This has a little more substance.


Redundant in the way it’s played from level to level. You can expect the same types of puzzles. The art could use a bit more… I can’t really explain it… Maybe the word I’m looking for is brightness? Still it’s pretty decent, but feels a tiny bit lacking and flat. Some people like flat though. I won’t judge.

Not quite enough options or variation in the style and how it’s presented, which ties into the above redundancy, but, playing “Devil’s Advocate”, I’d say it’s got more to it than a lot of games in the lewd genre. Just needs more cowbell. That’s the only cure for this fever.

I would like to see more moving bits and such. I think a couple of the first few puzzles may have moved, but then again it may be my eyes. I take a lot of medications for my illnesses, so if I hallucinated on the first few, that’s why my brain saw moving where there was no moving. If it was really moving, then I’d like to see that employed a bit more throughout the game itself.

Interaction with the game itself would be nice in some way. Text and questions, or choices, or other random things like that could make it a lot more interesting. Still it’s moving towards where I’d like to see more ambitious projects head towards. This is heading out of that boring safe and lazy zone into the ambitious and bold zone. I am glad some out there might be listening to the part of the community that does favor gameplay as well as the 18+ aspect.

I cannot think of a lot of other cons besides the above really. All-in-all you’ll get what you see. It’s not super fancy, but it’s not like some that I even had to idle to review, because I finished the game before I had enough minutes to actually be allowed by Steam to write a review. And I wasn’t even speed-running through the one or two incidents where this happened either!


If you like boobie games and you like princesses, much like Mario, then you’ll probably like the overall feels this one gives off. It’s nothing spectacular, but it’s also not one I’d be quick to remove due to the “cookie-cutter” style of many. It has a bit of variation, so I do have to give credit on that point where credit is due.

I hope in the future, we’ll see more ambitious projects from the developer. Otherwise, kudos for making a first step towards a little more progressive changes in the adult games movement. If we can keep this momentum going, maybe many will stop considering it “just porn” and start considering more of the games in this genre actually not about the cleavage or skin shots, but about the overall sum of gameplay along with the nudity or other sexual aspects the genre is notorious for. You don’t think having good gameplay mixed into my boob games is such a bad thing, do you?

All in all, it’s simple and not perfect, but it offers what it should, and I recommend this game. You can always try it and see how you like it if you go through Steam. Check out their refund policy if you are on the fence and don’t know all the details. For most enthusiasts of the genre that are not too picky, this one isn’t the greatest ever, but it’s not too bad. That’s why I can recommend it as a reasonably good choice to try out.

Special thanks to Simetria League for their support!
Posted 23 April, 2021.
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Hentai Day - Ringsel in Trouble is an adult (R18/21+) puzzle game with around sixty total puzzles and it offers about three variations in terms of style of puzzle. The game took me around three hours total at a fairly relaxed pace. The puzzle size totals probably average about thirty pieces per puzzle, if I were to take a guess. Completing each puzzle adds images to your gallery and moves forward in the game year as you proceed through each month. There isn’t a lot the game gets into besides simply puzzle after puzzle, revealing some nice rewards for your efforts. Just do not expect any sort of elaborate story on this one. All the speaking is pretty much covered by the art in this game.

You can use game money to buy and/or skip through puzzles from the main menu, but I found that doing this method caused problems with the monthly completion achievements popping when I tried it mid-game. I manually tried to select puzzles of the months I hadn’t completed, but that did not work for me. I redid the entire month and that seemed to work as a fix. I would probably save any main menu buying for late game, or buy off a new game once you are finished with your initial playthrough, if you are after the extra achievements as well.

You can easily keep doing older puzzles to collect money if necessary, which could be useful as well for the money-based achievements. Honestly, if you do not frivolously spend what you earn, and do at least several puzzles in a row each time you are playing, you should have more than enough towards the end of the year on the game to do whatever is left if you happen to care about that sort of thing, since it’s not necessary unless you’re going to grab the achievements as well. Besides a lack of funds possibly happening, the game isn’t too grindy overall, aside from the redundancy of puzzles over and over in the varying styles offered.

I have to say, the art is something that initially drew me in and gave me an interest in playing and reviewing this game. On that same tone, the art is extremely well done in the game, and it was enjoyable to see the various depictions that the artist uses, as it gave the game personality and an identity of its own. The gallery images can be viewed at the main menu or around that area, they are fairly easy to navigate, and there is a slideshow button that can be used, three window sizes for each image in the gallery and maybe a few other options there. On occasion, solving puzzles also reveals more than one picture, which can be remedied by sliding a panel to the right as well.


The art contained within this game is spectacular. You simply complete art in the form of puzzles each month, revealing and adding to your game gallery.

The asking price is pretty reasonable for the amount of time one on average will most likely dedicate at the very minimum if they are a completionist.

Many of the slider puzzles of the genre have only a dozen or so puzzles, and nine or twelve pieces each in many cases. This one has a nicer volume of content, and I think the quality of the work is much better and wholesome as well.

Flow and pacing are nice, and the user interface and way in which the puzzles were presented made me like this game a lot. It managed to set itself apart and be unique in a rather uneventful sub-genre that I am probably too critical of in most of my personal adult puzzle reviews.


In the Steam overlay bar it shows the game as “Hentai Day - Ringsel in Troubles”, while it says “Ringsel in Trouble” in every other spot to my knowledge. I hope it can be easily fixed somehow. Not a big deal, but I think it’s worth a mention, since it is cosmetically incorrect.

The music is a little redundant, but it wasn’t to a point where I focused on it too much. I just kept it fairly low volume.

A little bit light for me, but still tasteful. Oh well… Can’t have it all… Never enough.

Sadly, it was simply puzzle after puzzle on here. No story or anything like that. Still liked that it offered variety not often provided in games that are similar to it.


I think I basically said most of what I wanted to say here up at the top, but for the price of Hentai Day - Ringsel in Trouble, I think the asking price is about right or maybe even below what I’d expect, even from a sale. Good buy for fans of this style. It’s got a lot of content for the type and style of game, all things considered, so basically it’s worth every penny.

Overall, I think this is a nice buy for the price. Many of the Steam adult puzzle games at .99 are much simpler, and usually take around five to twenty minutes to complete the entire games, so it’s refreshing to see a game that takes a couple of hours to complete at this price, has some pretty stunning art, all of which has been showcased in a cleverly done manner to attract not only more fans, but hopefully lend more visibility and support for the artist, development and publishing of the game as well.

The artist deserves a lot more credit, as do all those involved in what has turned out to be a surprisingly good game. I’ve played a fair amount of puzzle games of this variety, and this one does stand out for both its quality and its quantity. Get this game. It is a keeper, through and through.

Recommended for the collector of pretty much all lewdness levels, as this one’s pretty tame. Great buy at base store price if you’re looking for a game of this type. For those that didn’t randomly end up here accidentally (or purposefully), I very highly suggest at least giving this game a try sometime. Solid grab for a quite stale and mundane sub-genre.

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 1 April, 2021. Last edited 1 April, 2021.
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1.6 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
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Sexual Void is a simulated game that has a main focus around a sort of “story” with an AI named Vicki. She instructs you to do various things that are sexual in nature, and you can buy various outfits and such with “JOI” games that give you more money to buy more stuff. The premise is simple, but it is hard to understand some of the functions and how to exactly do what it is saying. I cannot find an option for control settings, what buttons register, and such.

The gamma is also set way too high so it’s hard to read! I had a lot of trouble with my screen at least, so that could be adjusted for more contrast and less gamma and brightness. The “JOI” games are kind of boring and repetitive, but it’s an okay game overall. I wouldn’t recommend investing a lot into it, since it’s rather simplistic, but maybe $1 or $2 maximum USD. It’s a little over-priced based on my initial determinations thusfar.

Other small things are conversations, in which one unlocks something, as well as some variations in the games, like dominant, neutral, and poses in JOI games and other such random things out of what you have at your disposal. Good premise, decent voicing, and it speaks to you as the MVF (Most Valuable Fapper). Those are some pluses. It’s also somewhat uncensored and the acts are sexual in nature in many poses. While I hope there are some improvements, additions and touch-ups, all in all, it could be much worse.


Math is hard. Let’s go SHOPPING! You can buy various outfits as you make money in JOI games ranging from 1 minute to 20. You can also stop them with some commands in the games, so don’t feel like you’re stuck in them for the duration.

The voicing is direct, and it’s more “fourth wall” in nature as far as talking to the audience who plays. It’s fairly sexual in nature, and that is something to take into account if you like getting talked dirty to, and don’t feel like it’s Poison… Had to do it. Ugh… opinions aside, yeah, that is worth of a BAD PUN!

The poses are nice in a few cases, along with the actions. It’s pretty smooth. The JOI games are also pretty good as far as how movement is, but could be better. It’s decent so far. May there be updating in the future, however!

The customization is nice and the ability to change various poses, clothing, and conditions for your “JOI GAME”! Again, that’s kind of the goal, if there is one, in this game. Unless your goal is to “unload some stress” with the help of AI.


Vicky is a bit boring. She’s in need of more output, in several ways, if you know what I mean, and get my uh… drift.

It’s very simplistic, and not much going on. Almost like a clicker simulator in ways, as you gain money to buy more, and gain more money doing “JOI” games.

The gamma is too high. I can’t read the text with the white background. I hope for an option to change backgrounds as well at some point as a suggestion.

Price is a bit inflated compared to what you’re getting, I feel. Get this at $2 USD or below.

Could use some improvements, but it’s off to a good start if it’s not in its final form yet.


I’d recommend this to the hardcore collector of lewd and suggestive explicit content. It’s pretty alright, but don’t expect a lot of variation as far as play. The selection and customization are nice, and the voice is fairly good in the way it’s worded. Kind of interesting unlocking various outfits and such. Some would really enjoy, or should I say - en-”JOI” this, and others would not. It’s up to you to try it out and determine within the refund period.

I say give it a chance. Hell, it’s fairly alright so far. It could get better with age and time if development works on more features and adds some extra content. I’ll give this a slightly passable recommendation, though I am kind of hesitant on certain things about it. If you are okay waiting, get it on sale if you can! Avid collectors should probably add this to their sexual library though. Vicki is a pretty strict, but a fair and fun teacher! Who knows? Maybe she can teach you a thing or two!

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 10 September, 2020. Last edited 10 September, 2020.
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0.6 hrs on record
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Sweet Story Wet-Bottom Pie is an adult-based simple match style game kind of like memory, where there’s a moving picture behind the scene as you remove cards that are blocking the scenes by matching them. I went ahead and did the regular content first, since last time I installed the 18+ dlc, the achievements did not pop up until I removed it for some reason.

The premise is pretty quick and easy to understand, and there are only a few pictures to go through, so it won’t take you long to finish either the three first ones that aren’t locked, or the nine or so that are there in total. I like the art a whole lot, and I wish there were more involvement, since the way they do these makes it feel sort of like I’m detached and I don’t quite feel involved deeply in the story. This is both due to length and the disconnect of just seeing pictures of nudity and sexual nature, but not really being able to piece together the whole story. It’s a lot of guess-work on what why and how for most of these, as they are kind of vague these days.

Anyway, a free patch, no real storyline, and some background graphics that loop and are slowly revealed along the way as you make matches that uncover spaces behind so they are visible a bit more. Also has a kind of mundane and strange soundtrack, some small vocal effects from the server lady, and some good skin shots overall. Her hooters jiggle around a little bit, which is nice. Bonus points there. I’m waiting for something new from Pen in Apple though!


It’s not broken at least from what I can tell. Seemed to work fine. The art is cute and I liked this one a little more than that one with the smarmy cop dude in it.

On the uncensored parts, the images are moving, but they just repeat in a loop. I still like the way they depicted all the action. It’s got some good parts!

Even a dolt like me can solve a matching puzzle game, so it’s a no-brainer just flipping cards until you find similar ones.

It’s a little over a half an hour long for me, since I redid the first three puzzles in regular and then uncensored, where they all reset.

Your server is very nice to you. She serves you well in your short time meeting with her, but not nearly enough to satisfy! I would like to see a bit more of this server lady. Who is she? Where is she from? Did I get her number in the game? What else does she do for fun? Why are we in this restaurant doing these lewd acts? Is that smarmy police guy from the Sweet Story Bad Girl going to put us in jail? Things like that are bugging me after finishing, so I am at a dilemma and quite torn with these ponderings.

Again, the art saves it. I like this chick, so that gives it a thumbs up, since you can see a bit of her with the free 18+ patch located on the Steam store here! She is built pretty well. I’m sure she will have beautiful children one day. I will miss her...

Very simplistic, since you just have pictures behind cards, and some tunes, along with a few sound effects. Good, for what it is with the knockers and lower shots with some slight progression, but it needs a bit more, so grab this on sale if you want to watch this woman get grabbed!


Same cons as usual for this one too, as it’s a lot like some of the other Sweet Story games from the developer(s). Just a redone version in my opinion, so nothing really new or innovative, which is kind of disappointing.

It’s short. Only about nine puzzles, and matching pairs of cards are fairly quick to figure out, even for my sloth-like approach and memory comparable to that of a potato.

I hope the price will be $0.99 USD! If not, it’s still not worth it for the few puzzles it has featured. I do like their art style enough to say there is hidden potential there, but I think they need to change direction and try new things!

For many, the time investment may not be worth it, when there are games that are around the lowest base price and take a lot longer to finish, have a bit more of a direct story or plot or reason behind them, possibly more interaction physically or mentally through story or controller/keyboard/mouse, and also have a bit more variation in content.


I would love to see the art branch out into another direction instead of a similar match game to others I tried and touched on a little bit up above by Pen in Apple studio. I’d love to see it be more fluid. For instance, maybe some dialog and choices. I’d feel less disconnected from the overall premise. Something in a little different direction that offers a bit more would be nice here. Something with feel! Something that has a meaning to it, and sort of does more than just throw random matching pictures at you to unveil a scene behind it. I know you can do better and actually put something new into the game. It’s just kind of barren aside from the few naked scenes with the 18+ stuff. Anyway, we need a story on some of these! Hire me! I’ll do some great writing for you!

Seriously… the same thing the last few I played, almost to the letter. Or… picture. Or, just the overall layout and design. Mechanics are identical. Same music, which I do not really dig on, and the colors, while vibrant, are too stylized, almost like each game feels “type-cast”, for lack of a better term, into being basically the same game, different name, and some varied drawings to boot. I would like to see some changes, but it’s alright I guess. Your waifu material won me over enough not to rate this as bad. By the way, she owes me one! It’s definitely one of those “grey zone” games that isn’t horrible, but it’s too lackluster to really say it’s good with confidence.

Borderline, but I’ll say it’s a go for a collector, the distinguished gentlemen culture and fine art hoarders. Not great, but okay overall in its finalized format. I’m giving it a very weak 6/10.

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 21 August, 2020.
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Put in is an interesting puzzle game that’s quite intuitive, using a… male *cough*♥♥♥♥**cough* piping apparatus to get to a female’s area for mastication. So, basically if you understand what I’m getting at, it’s got some innuendo, but in the form of the classic rotation-style of puzzle, where you move each piece to form a continuous line from point A to point Blow, for lack of a better reference. It’s pretty cheeky if you ask me, but you won’t see any movement of any cheeks. Still, this is a great concept that I have not really seen around in this format.

Plenty of games have featured this style of puzzle. Mini-games on many hidden object games come to mind, as well as action, adventure, RPG and a few FPS style games. Well, you get the gist (I could have been downright crude with that word just then). There is a timer, and you have to make a continuous line before it runs out. Scoring three stars is kind of hit and miss here. Sometimes more pieces are already aligned in your favor, and other times you are going to be clicking a lot to turn pieces (which I often tend to over-click on accident as I’m trying to move too fast). Failure creates a somewhat enjoyable fart-like sound, and you limp away with your pride no longer intact, and your endowments looking like they just got finished marinating in a cold cold body of water.

Quite a fun and unique premise, but only around fifty levels, so it’s fairly quick and basic overall. I do like the idea, and there is an censor/un-censor button, which is fairly nice if you like viewing pipes. The art is very suave and chic, and there are some display scenes to view on the opening title screen, but not much in the game, unfortunately, aside from the aforementioned pipework. Pretty fun, but due to the three star achievement unlocking early in the game, I finished the levels in around 20 - 30 minutes of time.

Normally I’d give a game like this a hard time being priced so high at $2.99, and I do believe it should lose that first 2, in all honesty. It just does not have enough levels or variation for me to warrant or even hint at paying full price. The unique idea makes me go easier on it, since it’s fun, witty, and crafty. I won’t ♥♥♥♥ around with my descriptives anymore. Onwards to the pros and cons!


The idea is a simple yet interesting concept on a rotation game I already enjoyed from other small mini-games within many games I have played. Did you catch that? What I did there?! Clever!

You can’t play nice in this game. You are forced to be a ♥♥♥♥, which is forced… umm… skip that. I can’t elaborate further. Nevermind.

All the pipes are in working order! No problems putting my spin on this one! Just head to the right. I’m on a roll with this one! I hope this review is allowed to stay put! Put in! At least it wasn’t Vladimir. Wait! What if it was?

Cute "bee-itchy" map with your current level, highest amount out of three stars obtained on each completed level, and locked levels beyond. Also, "imminent rear" on the end of the map, as well as a hidden chest being set free from a close encounter of a top half kind. “Tatas” are set free, as they naturally should be! Never keep them caged in those man-made torture devices! They deserve better. Wouldn't you want better? I just want to make it clear that I am abreast with this issue.


The timer is quite short, so these are quickies for sure! I’m going to have to consider that a bad thing, given the delicate nature of a puzzle such as this. Every moment should be savored, and not rushed.

Very short for the amount it costs. Well, these pipes are by no means short, but the length of the play time is not long enough. Should be around the $0.99 USD mark, so if you like these themes together, get it on. Get it on sale! Yeah, that's what I meant.

Do not try this at home. If you own this kind of gear, I think your pipe would become quite damaged if it were forcefully bent and contorted in such ways as these examples tend to show. They can be fragile, so do exercise caution. You have been warned!

I would have liked to see extra cut-scenes or more of the bodies in the art. It’s pretty tame, but still NSFW. Especially with the filtering off. Just don’t do it at work. No Put in. If you really really want to, do so at your own risk. I'm not here to advocate or condone such debauchery, but I can't act like I'm all high and mighty either or "holier than thou". Just be careful. You don’t want to get busted while you are trying to bust! Schnitzel-blocking is the wurst! Brat-wurst?

Again, buy on sale. Price is too high for the amount of time to complete. Kudos for the concept though, since it’s fairly original, and touches on the basic concept of why we are all here, created together on this planet at this time reading this in the first place. Thank you pipes, and thank you recipients of piping! By keeping the flow, you keep the flow! That’s how humans go!


It’s pretty okay, but I hope one would find this in a bundle or something similar. It’s fun, but short. You may see disturbing and graphic images, so be sure you are aware of what you’re getting yourself and your pipes into! Women mouthing off, twisted kielbasa being eaten once it’s prepared properly, and a finished product, where you see stars for your efforts.

I think that’s about all I have to say about that. Now some of the depictions in this game. Well, they cannot speak because they’re quite hungry. Will you Put in, or will you stay put. Either way, I hope you like my jokes and whatnot. It’s not meant to be taken too seriously, so if you happen to have a problem, please relax and let it go. I’d rather get lucky any day of the week than get angry. One satisfies everybody, and the other can manifest explosive consequences.

At any rate, I would not call this a diamond in the rough, but I will mention that this one totally comes with nuggets. That is all for my lewd, dark, and overtly ridiculous jokes. Nice little game, but get it when it’s on sale. Better to drop your pants than drop your wallet. On a game like this I want to stop telling jokes, but when you’re connecting a pipe to another source, it gets hard! Okay, I’m done. Totally.

Special thanks to Jogos Grátis Brasil! and Simetria League for their support!
Posted 17 August, 2020. Last edited 17 August, 2020.
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River Legends: A Fly Fishing Adventure is a pixel graphic fishing game with around eight to ten types of fish, and some various unlocks you can get as you make progress. It’s got a nice feel to it, but a little pricey for the amount of time it takes to unlock everything. The concept and actions involved in the game are relatively easy to follow, and fish aren’t very selective when biting, which would be nice to have a bit more mix and match.

Your goal? Fish, catch, and then either release for experience (which is easy to get and unlocks new areas to fish), or keep it if you’d like gold instead, or if it’s too small to produce experience, or if it’s your biggest catch, for instance. Didn’t test any to see if a release still counts in your trophies, which is another aspect this game has available to view if you’re on the main menu.

Fishing is basically a back and forth motion with the mouse or whatever you’re using, and then releasing it at the appropriate timing, sort of like real fly fishing. Unlocks are useful, but some are a bit situational, or very vague. Same with a few of the trophies I didn’t manage to snag. They should add descriptions about how to unlock them, and maybe incorporate them into Steam’s achievement system as well.

When fishing, there’s a “sweet spot”, which is shown as green, and you click the mouse button to keep it there, or hold it down if the fish is really fighting. Above the green zone is a yellow high tension zone, and a blue low tension zone beneath, so trying to keep it stable can be challenging with bigger catches. I unlocked a few things to help this a bit early into the game, but even if you’re at the top of the green zone, some fish are just too strong to haul in, I found. It’s kind of random in how they will react in their behavior.


The game itself is quite fun overall! I just wish it was a bit longer and had some more options at your disposal. More fish and more places as well.

Once you get the system down, you can just stick to it and catch what you need in each specific area. It doesn’t take too long to get the experience you need to unlock everything. Maybe two or three hours max. I spent a little more trying to figure out the vague trophy missions, but to no avail.

There’s wildlife and the scenery is created with a nice calm feel to it. I really liked this aspect of the game, since fishing should be relaxing and peaceful.

Some unique things you can do on some levels, and interesting spots you can traverse. I liked the little easter egg areas and so forth which gave it a nice touch.

Game ran very well, and what is offered is a pleasant, smooth, and nice experience. Currents are kind of interesting too, as they’ll travel quite a ways on some levels, and it can be fun to dodge rocks as your fly drifts along.

I didn’t get mauled by any grizzlies, polar bears, or mountain lions, thankfully. Nothing too vicious or savage out there in the desolate countryside.


I definitely think it should be a bit bigger for the asking price it is at currently. What you get is fun, but it is just too simple to hook fish, and you will probably get all the unlocks at a fairly rapid pace.

Not only could it use more length, but more fish, more unlocks, and other things like that. An experience system that correlated with the ability to snag fish would be cool, and more bait to add in, with variation based on what fish likes what types of bait. I didn’t find any real advantages to buying the other baits in the game. Most fish are not picky at all.

More in each area you can unlock would also spruce things up. A couple of extra fishing spots, or maybe ways to get into the middle of the water, since I would fly fish in rivers up to around my waist at times, wading out into the water a bit. Boats or other methods to get further out would be nice.

I’d like to see Steam achievements going with those trophies, and an explanation as to how to obtain each trophy if you wanted to know more about, since it’s a bit vague in that area.

More gear, differing rods as you level, line strength upgrades or color changes depending on the weather or water conditions, or what types of fish you’re catching, and other things would also make it more interesting.


Excellent little game overall, and I do recommend it if it’s on sale. It isn’t really too large, but what is in the game is done nicely and I had a lot of fun with it. A few tweaks, some additional content, and I’d be extremely happy overall. Not complaining too much though, since it is quite an enjoyable experience!

I had a few little glitches, like fish that got stuck around rocks. I ended up netting them from off the screen even at times if I let my line drift far enough away and a rock formation was in the way. Just something odd I noticed as I played, so I kept a mental note about this oddity. Happened two or three times when I was playing, though. Also having to be in the high tension zone ahead of time on some difficult catches. There is simply no other way to catch them in the green zone even with everything unlocked at times, but this temperament seems very randomized.

Recommended for the angler and the avid nature fan alike. Almost anybody would probably enjoy the concept here, as it’s laid back, easy to get the gist of, and is entertaining. Kudos to the creators for the job they did creating this game. I’m very satisfied with my game experience, so I’d recommend it to most anybody who’s even remotely interested in fishing!

Game curator review made possible thanks to Simetria League for allowing me to review this, courtesy of Jogos Grátis Brasil!
Posted 15 August, 2020. Last edited 15 August, 2020.
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