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Anyone who isn't an idiot realizes that SC2 is an abomination of a game. Well from the people that made it that way comes Stormgate, and just like with SC2 they learnt nothing. The focus for this game is purely on PvP, aka the one thing no one cares about, and just like with SC2 it's designed to be a hyper aggressive salt match. I'll give it some respects, I wouldn't really say it's as micro intensive as SC2 or BW. APM is still important but having to click 300 times in a split second is more on the low end and it does have some interesting ways to alleviate the clicks such as automatic buildings for workers and training. Still though the focus is on fast paced action rather than actually watching your units fight, AKA the selling point of any RTS game. Also much like with modern video games they really seem to hate anything that takes longer than 5 minutes. Aggression and expansion is still key and you'll find OG resources run out well before the mid game actually starts. Worst yet is that the only option to play this game is 1v1. There isn't even official 2v2 or more. The game is just trying to hard to be an esport which no one cares about, and since this game is *free* I can't really comment on the PvE part because they don't even throw you a bone in that area. Not that it matters, I'm sure if you scroll down you'll see more than enough posts about how awful the campaign is and overpriced heroes and map packs are and in general, how lack luster co-op is.

The best part as well: No tutorials on how to play the game. I mean yeah, there is the basic one where they teach you how to left click your mouse and wipe your butt, but nothing that actually teaches you the real game. Blizzard has always had a very interesting way in teaching players how to actually play their factions and not just the game. This game offers you a 3 minute youtube video that gives you a quick run down on some basic mechanics and then expects you to just learn on the go by doing PvP or some private skrimmsh map against passive AI.

i'm sure you've heard this complaint a billion times as well, yes the art and visuals are pretty bad. However it's less to do in the graphical sense and more to do with overall art direction. Not only are most units very bland and uninspired, but the human and angle faction feel like they dumped 30 lego sets in to a big box and ask their kids to make characters. The designs are just all over the place and make very little sense even if you don't think about it. Why do the humans have giant buster swords. a D.VA mech and Paladins? Why do the angles have wings of light, but also random mech walkers? The only faction that has any kind of thematic coherence are the deamons, which for a faction that is all about edge they sure do lack any points, looking like cutesy wootsy plush dolls of deamons you'd see at Hot Topic. In fact this game is just so bland to look at that I often don't know what I am looking at because my mind just wanders from being so uninterested. As much as I ♥♥♥♥ on SC2 and how bastardized it's art style became, it still had a lot of interesting and iconic designs. In Stormgate nothing really stands out. Even the mighty dragon thing that the deamons get is so boring and unintimidating that I've forgotten it was there.

In general, this game is another proof that money doesn't equal good entertainment. They may have raised 50 million plus dollars, but when your dev team is to afraid, lazy, or stupid to take risks you get another live service game that will be forgotten about by months end. Maybe I'll give it a few more tries, but as of now I don't feel like there is anything more to see or learn in the time I have spent.
Publicada el 19 de agosto.
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Publicada el 15 de febrero.
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Yes is a bit of a stretch. For the most part I find it pretty fun but there are just so many balance issues. It very rarely feels like a proper match. Either The ghostbusters bust the ghost and it's portals in 5 seconds flat or the ghost is an unstoppable god. While I understand this is supposed to be a game of cat and mouse and as the ghost you shouldn't be getting caught but the ghost side just feels horrible. Even playing with AI it never feels like you are properly haunting the place or scaring people. It almost seems magic when things start to click and fighting ghostbusters is even worse. They really should have just done what everyone wants: Vermintide/L4D but Ghostbusters.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2023.
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77.5 h registradas (21.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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A train simulator mixed with an MMO RPG. That sounds like a combo that a crazy person on drugs would say when coming up with a video game idea. Surprisingly.... it works WAY TO WELL. Currently in very, and I mean very, EA, you are tasked with starting your own rail company. You aren't just driving trains however no, you have to do everything from laying the track to loading the cars. The current map is huge with enough industry and landscape to make some pretty wild and crazy lines and there are quite a lot of detailed trains and cars that will definatly satisfy any train lover. As of this review however the game lacks mini map and lots of QoL things. IT's also not very single player friendly so if you do decide to make a train with 10+ cars good luck! Like I said, you have to do everything by hand even loading and unloading. I'm sure more will come soon. Devs have been pretty transparent on their developement and what's going on behind the scenes. I really can't stress enough that this is a very rough and high concept game, but I do feel like it is still well worth the money and support. hopefully it's full potential will be realized. Maybe wait till the game is on sale, but I still highly reccomend this very ambitious product.
Publicada el 1 de agosto de 2023.
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7.8 h registradas (7.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Clearly inspired by games like Evil Genius, One Military Camp puts you in control of raising an army to fight the goofy and over the top not Hitler Cobra Command villains. Style wise it's pretty impressive for an indie game, lots of very detailed buildings and animation. Game play is a shallow as a half dug trench. All you are really doing is just sitting there watching your soldiers train. You don't really have to design anything and as for managing most of it is or can be completely automated. A real odd design choice and disapointment is how despite you having to train tank drivers, air force and mech piloting super soldiers you never actually need to manage or see any of their equipment, just watch them do push ups or reading books really goofy like in their pre-made training facility. Like Evil Genius, missions just require you to have X amount of minion type and then you get to watch a timer count down to completion. There is some "chose your own adventure!" pop ups that ask you to make a decision but I haven't really noticed any difference and frankly the game is so boring and slow that by the time you wake up to send your men out on missions they will be over leveled and have no issue completing anything. Devs have stated that there is not going to be any RTS or combat segmanets and well it shows. Even when your base is attacked or infiltrated the only way to defend yourself is if you have turrets. You'd think a game about owning a military base would require you to command your troops but nope, they are completely useless and just do about their day durring a drone invasion. The game feels completely half baked and to make it worse the devs have literally stated that all the ideas that would actually give this game some depth and seperate from the others are not going to happen. If you want to pretend to own and manage a military base, just download Company of Heroes and put the AI on easy while you have your mechanics build sand walls, you'll have just as much fun and for the same price.
Publicada el 1 de agosto de 2023.
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Very fun and unique tycoon game. Like a weird mix of Majesty, Sim City and RCT. You really do create an MMO. Classes, monsters, spells and quests are fully customisable all the way down to the animations. There are hundreds of highly detailed props and buildings for you to decorate your world and even more features all the way down to zone partical effects and colors. It's very ambituse and well somethings are better than others. It's a very rough game and has a bit of a history of update gaps. Even despite this the dev has been pretty transparent at lest with giving people info on what is going on and what is currently being worked on.
Publicada el 11 de julio de 2023.
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A year later and many of the major complaints and issues with the game are still not fixed, basic features still missing, or have been deemed "A feature/all part of the plan, you just suck at the game!" from community members and devs. Despite the game constantly going on sale it still has yet to be wroth the price even if you are a backer like me. It is clear the devs have hit their compitence level and are now in full "gamers are bad!" mode to shield themselves from anyone who dares point out how bad their game is and all that is left of the community are loyal drones who will make sure that your issues and complaints are just you CLEARLY aren't playing the game. If you really MUST play the game go sub for the live service while it's still only a dollar for the first month and play it there. This game is only good for the occasional AI match and day dreaming about a better game.
Publicada el 13 de agosto de 2021.
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2.6 h registradas (2.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'm a pretty big fan of Triskel. Even though they only have 1 game (2 if you count Lethis Post office but that never came to the states) I simple adorded Lethis: Path of Progress. The style, the music, the classic gameplay. If there is one thing Triskel has done is creating a wonderful world that is Lethis with so much charm and character. So while I was a bit disapointed in their next game not being a builder, I was excited that it was going to be an adventure game set in their world.... And then got confused when they said it would take place actully off world. A literal huge departure in both setting and gameplay.

Lethis: Daring Discoverers focuses around Lethis's steampunk space program, where the program instead shoots explorers out of a giant canon in to space and on to the planets in their solar system. Unlike most common adventure games most people think of like that of Day of the Tentical or the Walking Dead games, Lethis is a mix of open world exploring, combat of Undertale, and that of a classic adventure game.

Before you shoot off you get to choose 1 of 5 different chracters. Each one has a different way of doing things. Some are better at combat while others are better with words. Each one though is already wonderful and full of personality from wacky scientist, to air pirate, to grandma (pro tip: Rose best character!) When you land you are not on a 2D plane or just have some limited space where you can walk around in. The game is about exploring planets! The first planet itself is already huge with villages, mountains, oceans and creatures and people you can interact with. The world even circles in on itself so you can literally walk in a loop. I could walk in a loop for days on this game cause once again, Triskel is acing it in the ambiance department. The music, the humor, the colors. LDD is a visual masterpiece with music that will stay in your head well after you exited the game.

Each planet has it's own lore and story behind it, in order to go to the next planet you have to learn everything about the planet you are on first. There are a lot of ways to explore aside from physically walking around. Much of it is done in tadition adventure game style of talking to people and collecting items for fetch quests and puzzles. Some times you'll even have to do a mini game, the most common one is that of tracing out hieroglyphs of the local peoples alphabets and words. Pretty impressive for much stuff there is till you realize there is no map so you literally have to remember where everything is yourself, and to make it worse when you die you lose everything and your location resets.

Speaking of which, you will die a lot. The game does have combat which copies that of Undertale. Your cursor changes to that of a heart and you enter a bullet hell type mini game where you doge attacks. Much like Undertale, I hate this part cause I'm pretty bad at bullet hells, but also because we have now come to the list of negatives.

Much like Undertale, there's a lot of cheap shots they throw at ya, but unlike Undertale, LDD decides to troll you even further with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You only have 1 health. Yup, one shot and you loose. Now add that enimies have 3 health. YUP HAVE FUN. NOW add again that the game still has bugs, the biggest and most common one is that the hit boxes either don't line up perectly or linger well past their dates. Then much like Undertale, attacking is actually super boring and shouldn't even count as combat at all. Enemy hearts spin around you have to hit them by either draging your mouse to the exposed heart or if you play as Monique or Rutherford, you shoot at them from a fixed spot.

Because of that, and that when you die you loose everything and then restart in a random location, the game becomes super tedious and very annoying to play unless you get everything right on the first time or you decided to draw your own map. You can kind of save your stuff back at your space pod but since you have no map this means getting back to it can take a while, or just never happen and it only saves writen data not items. Now you can find your body and loot it for the info and items you had on it but even that has a time limit on it. If you don't look your body in time you'll also loose everything, which when you spawn on the other side of the planet and have no map, well you might as well just start over. I haven't even gotten off the first planet yet because of this and unless I am missing something I don't think there is away to progress with out attacking something.

You're now going to ask why I don't just choose a character then that is better at combat? Well despite what the funny bios says, I don't actually think any of the characters change other than how they attack. Maybe it's cause I'm still on world 1 but I haven't noticed anything different being done by any of the characters in the game. All the dialog options are the same, they all move the same and they all do the same damage and die in one hit. The only thing that is really different is how they look. Again, maybe the effect just isn't as noticable on the first planet but you would think it would be even more noticable to let players see what is good at what and to figure out how they want to play the game.

The game is deffitnetly daring. A departure from their city building intro to an off planet adventure game is a throw to left field. But just like LPoP LDD is a step forward followed by a step back. We got some interesting stuff here. The combo of open world exploring, classic adventure gaming and the undertale style combat system is something that needs to be expanded on and refined. But again, lots of wasted potential and bugs are keeping this game for anything above an "It's alright" score. Hopefully it doesn't end up like with LPoP and gets fixed soon before interest wanes. I absolutely would like to see more of Lethis, and maybe even level 2.
Publicada el 23 de junio de 2017.
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55.9 h registradas (4.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I've been following this game for quite some time now, and if you don't want to read the rest of my post then here's my short answer: AMAZING!

For those of you who want to know a bit more Lethis - Path of Progress (LPoP) is a city builder game that draws inspiration from the classic Sierra city builders such as Ceaser 3, Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor. Instead of an ancient, historical setting LPoP instead takes the fantasy route with a well-crafted Steampunk esthetic. You won't find random gears on hats or pistons used as belt buckles. Lethis keeps the punk modest and doesn't go to over board. The designs for buildings and people look and feel alive and believable while still remaining stylized. Everything feels easy on the eyes while still being able to tell you what is what and who is who.

Gameplay wise might be Lethis greatest point. Veterans of the old Sierra style builds should have no problem finding their way around the UI, map or building their metropolis while newbies should have no problem learning even the most complicated mechanics of the game, which just about everything is shown in the very hands on and in depth tutorial.

As I'm sure you have already guessed too, LPoP also has everyone’s favorite mechanic: WALKERS! (Or as they call them "randomers) Yes, civic builds like wells, shops and tax collectors send out people to wander your city to make sure everyone is well fed, healthy, not cursed or being haunted by ghosts, entertained and all paid up and to make sure they don't stray off to far even road blocks are in the game. You can even click on randomers for a greatly detailed portrait, complete with what they do and even banter that reflects the current need of your city. And as an added bonus of detail all randomers also have both male and female models, each one with their own unique look to add extra variety to the people who walk the streets.

Production is also what you would expect from games like Zeus and Pharaoh. Farms, ranches, mines and more are in the game with over 40 different items to make, consume and even trade.(Yes, there is even trade, complete with an entire map for you to look at and make deals!) but this This is where a new twist on a slightly familiar mechanic comes in: Steam. Can't really have a steam punk game without the steam now can we?

Steam productions works a bit similar to both your regular industry and the aqueducts system of Ceaser 3. Special steam geysers are dotted in the map that you can build extractors on. Then you must build pipes to a singular steam holder. This is where it gets kind of odd since the steam holder can make both vials of steam that can be sold, traded and even be carried to certain buildings while a few other buildings much be hooked up to the pipe directly. By a few buildings I mean a few, only 2-3 buildings need to be directly hooked up to the steam pipe while the Spa and a couple other need the vials of steam.

And it is at this point where I start listing off the negatives. The steam pipe system is fun and unique but badly handled. It doesn't really make sense to build a pipe system at all when half of the steam is put in to vials. To add to that it makes even less sense that only a few buildings need to be hooked up directly to the pipes while others don't. If you can just put steam in to vials to throw wherever why make an entire pipe system!? Especially since two steam geysers make A LOT steam vials. A mechanic that could have been fun and set up just like Ceaser 3 only teases us of what could have been.

The second major thing is that there is no combat. A game that claims to be filled with ghosts, robots, and set in the industrial age where low wages, poverty, grueling work days and zero worker rights you would think there would be some conflict. We don't even get a police station! A steampunk world where everyone i just happy and fine? Guess someone stopped reading at the part where air pirates come in. This to me is the most disappointing. Combat in the Sierra games was simple and handled really well, and it's a shame we do not get to make armies of musketeers, zeppelin bombers or towering clockwerk men to conquer villages and destroy out enemies.

To add to this there is also no map editor either, a staple for all Sierra building games. While it does have a sandbox mode it only has one map to choose from.

Final nit picks and notes is that there is no voice acting for the randomers. While you can see that have a lot of personality it sure would be nice to have that cheesy voice work like the games used to have.

Game also has some odd lag issues. I have a town of 200 people and it has this odd jumping lag that happens every second. This game is not very demanding so it's odd that it would be unstable, especially with such a small population, but it is still very playable and I have not encountered any other bugs or miss haps besides of bleh animations and the trade balloon on the wrong (NOTE as I was writing this I got a pop up too from the LPoP steam saying that bug fixes are coming later today)

Even with ending on a smoggy note, I cannot wait to see how the game also progresses and how the team plans to expand this gem. It is not every day, especially now more so than ever that an indie dev that lives up to the promises of both a fun game that sticks to its roots while adds something new while also looking visually stunning. If you love the classics of Zeus and Ceaser, or just building in general, this game is top notch.

Lethis - Path or Progress lives up to its promises of an addicting, solid city builder game in the style of the classic Sierra Impression Game's series.
Publicada el 26 de junio de 2015. Última edición: 26 de junio de 2015.
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31.7 h registradas (24.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Game is completely unfinished and the devs at Double Fine have finally abandoned the game. Do not buy any Double Fine games ever.
Publicada el 18 de septiembre de 2014.
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