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1 person found this review helpful
17.1 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Are you a furry? Do you appreciate furries? Are you horny? For furries? Do you enjoy fast-paced ARPGs?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this game is for you.

To be honest, this game reminds me surprisingly a lot of the original Phantasy Star Online but with much much faster paced combat. It's fun.
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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2.8 hrs on record
I honestly recommend this game, in spite of its flaws. Purchased for $.99 but to be honest, I would actually be willing to pay the full 5 dollars. It's honestly just a charming little story about family and relationships. It's fairly short, as the negative reviews have said, but I don't think that's really a bad thing, it generally does what it sets out to do narratively, even if it has an anti-climactic ending. In many ways, it reminds me of Gone Home which also has its own, often overlooked charm. The game does feel somewhat unfinished. Some of the dialogue implies certain actions, even seeming like directions, that are never actually available to take (your mom and dad both tell you to shower before they do other things with you, but you're never able to actually take a shower, only saying "I don't feel like showering right now" and you never get to actually interact with your parents after that).

If you're looking into this game for the 18+ content, it's a very brief scene tacked onto the end of the game with a single CG. Frankly, it'd be nice to see that part of the game expanded into its own narrative with some actual development, but making games is difficult and time consuming. It's not terrible, even if it's not much.

Overall, I think it's a fairly sweet and enjoyable narrative game. It's not everything that it could be, but it's really not so bad, despite the negative reviews. Definitely worth it for $1 and if you don't mind a really short game, it might even be worth $5.
Posted 8 June, 2024.
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188.9 hrs on record (139.1 hrs at review time)
It's the definitive 2D farming sim of the modern age. If you like farming sims, you've probably already played this game. If you don't like farming sims, you're not even going to be looking at reviews. If you've never played a farming sim, you've probably already heard enough about the game to not need a review to tell you about it. It's fun.
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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69.9 hrs on record (31.9 hrs at review time)
This is genuinely one of the worst pay-to-win games I've ever seen with one of the most predatory designs ever. If you want to actually be competitive, you're almost required to spend money on the game. It is FAAAAR cheaper to just go buy any other kart racer, and you'd have a lot better time too. The game is atrociously balanced on top of its pay-to-win monetization focus. I have 31 hours in this game at the time of writing and I feel like I have wasted every second of that. Don't waste your time, go play any other kart racer and let this game die.

Update (37 hours later):
I have wasted so much of my life on this game. It isn't fun. It's genuinely the worst kart racer I've ever played. I hope that everyone who made any executive decisions in this game's development suffers in some way. They deserve it. The only thing this game has going for it is that it's easy to play with friends since it's free, but it's the kind of game you and your friends have to keep up with. It's the kind of game you've gotta all be playing at roughly the same pace, or else your friends are going to be racing with characters obscenely better than yours and there's no point to it. This game is dogsh**. Don't play it.
Posted 7 October, 2023. Last edited 4 November, 2023.
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159.2 hrs on record (149.5 hrs at review time)
DLC is expensive af, but workshop mods will make the core game way more interesting all on its own. If you like this kind of game, or are interested in checking out this kind of game, this is a great game to try.
Posted 1 July, 2023.
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12.4 hrs on record
This game came with the Pixel Pride bundle from humble bundle. It was the primary reason I bought the bundle, as the other two games I was interested in, I already own.

In short, this game should be called Disappointing Childhood Simulator 2021. I already did that once, I was hoping for a little bit better time from a game. The following contains spoilers for mechanics, but little to nothing regarding story.

As it says on the box, the game is all about growing up, experiencing various stages of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. You start as a baby, go to school, make friends, try to succeed in school, succeed at work, enjoy your private life, make your parents happy, and ultimately grow up to see what kind of person you become. The concept is great and the fact that it was gay enough to end up in the Pixel Pride bundle made me pretty hopeful for it, but a good concept alone doesn't make a good game.

The first major issue I have with it is the fact that each stage of school comes with one potential friend. Elementary seems to give you two potential friends, and if you don't like either of them, you just get to have no friends until middle school, and if you don't like the options in middle school, you just won't have friends until high school, and hopefully you'll at least find a friend in high school. In my first playthrough I didn't meet a single other girl until high school. Fortunately the girl it did give me in high school was a lesbian or I would have written this review even sooner and would have had nothing good to say about it.

The game did get more enjoyable when I had a character to interact with and follow her story. It was a bit annoying and stressful, feeling a bit too much like real life with parents expecting things from me constantly and never having enough time, energy, or happiness to do everything I want to do, especially since the things I actually wanted to do either made my parents disapprove of me (even when they specifically tell me to do an entertainment activity) or they made my character too depressed to do the rest of what I needed to do. It makes sense mechanically and as a "growing up simulator" there's going to be obstacles standing in your way a lot, but it gets stressful, especially when that's 90% of the game and most of the actual story bits you have to wait for.

This game also just isn't very gay, despite being in the Pixel Pride bundle. Gay people exist in the game, but sexuality has very little effect in the game except for who you can romance in high school. No one's character is at all informed by their sexuality, no one even mentions their sexuality until you ask them out (you get some vague hints at some sexualities in the post-game "where are they now" bit). Some characters, however, are canonically straight, and it sucks.

My second playthrough almost got me to recommend this game. After the first time, I decided to give it another go and it started out much better. I made friends with a girl in elementary school, we grew up together, went through a lot together, and finally in high school, after all that time, I got to the point in her story where I could confess to her, at which point she told me she's not into girls. It sucked! It wouldn't have been so bad, but she was literally the only girl I met throughout the entire playthrough. It gave me multiple boys to befriend (though one of them was hinted at being gay in the post-game), but only one single girl in the whole game. Giving these characters a fixed sexuality in a game with so few options for potential romance absolutely sucks, especially it seems if you're playing a girl character as it feels like other girls are in very short supply. There are not plenty of fish in this sea. If the game fails to give you someone with the right gender and sexuality through all 18 years of your life, it just gives you a choice at the end to choose if you want a man, woman, or don't care. My wife ended up looking almost exactly like my mom and had absolutely no romance story.

In the end, the game has a very fun and exciting concept, but it absolutely sucks if you care at all about your character having friends or romance with any kind of gender preference. It takes too long to get through a life for what little that life consists of, especially if you don't engage with the only three friend characters your character meets. The vast majority of the game is the same in subsequent playthroughs with the only differences being what characters you meet and what activities you choose to do. Your friends will give you access to different locations, but a lot of those can be accessed in other ways too.

This game sucks. I regret I bought the bundle for it. Needs more girls and they need to stop being straight.
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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20.6 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I kind of hate saying "no," because I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing this game and I really am excited for more, but in its current state (just released early access) it is not worth the cost. That said, it is still a solid and fun game with a delightful roadmap that, if the devs roll it out at a decent pace, should make this into a very good game. It's also proof that you can do stuff with Starship Troopers in 2023 and honestly, who isn't excited about that?

I plan to rewrite this review after phase 2 rolls out. It's an Early Access game and many things can change. It can still turn out to be a huge disappointment, but I am fairly optimistic, despite my lack of recommendation.
Posted 2 June, 2023.
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19 people found this review helpful
7.5 hrs on record
Not their best work. Whole thing feels really unpolished and some of the button prompts really don't work right. Great premise, writing is alright, but the gameplay itself is probably the worst of them all. The animations also look unusually bad. If you're not really into the series, skip this one. Go play House of Ashes if you haven't.
Posted 6 May, 2023.
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224.4 hrs on record (136.1 hrs at review time)
Epic can go [you know what] themselves, but hey, it's still a fun game I guess.
Posted 4 May, 2023.
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4.7 hrs on record
Genuinely fun and heartfelt visual novel about Sonic the Hedgehog dying. Like, it's a joke, but it's not JUST a joke. It's full of fun little references, great character writing, and a nice, story that feels like a love letter to Sonic and his fans.
Posted 1 April, 2023.
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