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46.0 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
Be me:

>Learns basic tracks
>Queues online game
>"Beginner friendly server"
>Gets ram from behind by a newbie that thinks a McLaren GT3 is a bumpercar
>Gets completly destroyed by aliens

Greatest game to ever exist IMO
Posted 23 February.
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9.1 hrs on record
Amazing game, There are no words that can discribe how goood the game is...
Posted 17 February.
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1.8 hrs on record
BEST GAME EVER, truly, a prof that coding has advanced very far
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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134.6 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
Very fun game, played for 24hrs and im still stuck in Dry Out
Posted 31 August, 2024.
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0.8 hrs on record
Em termos de performance:
-> Ter os graficos no maximo (ultra) ou no minimo (low) não muda nada
-> Cada vez que se dá um tiro o jogo trava
-> Cada vez que se faz qualquer coisa o jogo trava
-> As primeiras 4 vezes que joguei o jogo, travou 2 segundos e morreu
-> Com tanto lag, o áudio dessincronizava com o vídeo e houve várias ocasiões em que não havia sequer audio
-> Pela performance que o jogo pede do hardware, a qualidade está horrível
-> Partes escuras estão muito escuras e partes claras nem se vêm
-> Ajustar o contraste e o brilho não muda nada

Em termos de jogabilidade
-> (Escolhi a rapariga do gelo) As habilidades estavam bem feitas
-> O movimento era super imprevisível e "sloopy"
-> Já pra não falar que cada vez que entrava-se numa nova área o jogo travava por 5 seg
-> As 3 armas são boas, mas só a primeira é que realmente é "usável", a sniper e a shotgun são inuteis
-> A sniper dá pouco dano mesmo em headshot
-> A shotgun é impossível acertar consistentemente

Achei horrivel a experiencia, o meu computador que aguenta vários AAA games não aguenta este jogo... Referidos AAA games, com qualidade muito superior.

Os três personagens iniciais era o que tinhamos visto no video, pena não ter paciencia pra aturar o jogo a parar de 2 em 2 segundos.
Posted 2 July, 2024.
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193.8 hrs on record (39.3 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥ what everyone is saying, People expect their potato pc's to run the game with the "Default" settings that come with the game.My pc is also a potato ngl, My ♥♥♥♥ CPU (Intel-i5-6400k) with 16GB of ram and a AMD Radeon580 (12 gb of VRAM) with just a few changes to depth of field and some others, can get the game to the 30FPS they claimed
Posted 5 January, 2024.
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58.6 hrs on record (40.3 hrs at review time)
Best game ever created. What are you doing? BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT
Posted 1 July, 2023.
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104.2 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 16 April, 2023.
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183.4 hrs on record (86.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
just great!
Posted 7 January, 2023.
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464.2 hrs on record (76.3 hrs at review time)
Theres more grind here than in my grandma foot when she was removing her fungus

EDIT: The grind got worst... 200hr and 2 planes to get jets and only now started premium time

Posted 22 September, 2022. Last edited 10 February, 2024.
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