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Évaluations récentes de Dart

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
724.8 h en tout (624.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Theres a lot of people reading Warframe reviews right now that have probably seen the influx in Youtube videos on Warframe.

I myself have, and that wave of enthusiasm finally got me to jump back into it.

I've been playing for a long time, but its been off and on throughout the years. Accumulating to 623 hours of playtime as of this review.

I regret none of it. The game only continues the grow. The new player experience is overwhelming, some things can be a slow starter but it picks up. Its a well crafted grind in my opinion, with a variety of experiences.

I main the Warframe Nezha, fast and durable. Hard for me to change off of him.

The content variety in the game ranges from standard procedurally generated missions with various different objective types. Defense, Excavation, Mobile Defense, Spy, Elimination, Capture, Assassination, etc.

There are open world areas to run through as well, one of which is a separate Rogue-Like.

Customizable companions, Customizable ships.

And entire space station dedicated to your clan that you build and interact with. Players aid in research together to unlock blueprints early on for equipment within their Mastery Rank.

Mastery Rank: This is essentially just your profile level. You gain this by leveling Warframes, Weapons, Companions, etc to 30 for the first time. When your mastery rank bar is filled you will do a short test and then boom, some rewards and now you want to check equipment blueprints for any equipment usable to you now.

Dozens of Main and Side questlines that deliver lore on the universe and specific Warframes.

The worst the microtransactions can be is for minor inconveniences like Equipment Slots (which can also be obtained as rewards in game), or 24-72 hour crafting timers (which can be rushed with Platinum, the in-game premium currency).

Everything else is typically all obtainable in the game aside from cosmetics. But the kicker is, Platinum is tradeable. Meaning you just need to play missions for valuable resources to sell, as well as selling any extras you don't need to other players. So even the Premium currency is its own reward for the content, given you can make a trade.

The game doesn't make me feel like I need to pay money, at all. I've played 623 hours, I've spent some money on the game, definitely. But when I thought about those purchases as I was making them, I found myself thinking "I've put so much time in this game, for free. Haven't they earned something from me?"

For logging in daily you have a chance of getting some INSANE discount coupons that last 24 hours when claimed. That only aids the rationale as not only do I feel the purchase is completely justified, but also, dang with some of those coupons those prices are tasty.

Still on a long play session in Warframe now to catch up! Hope some of this helps!
Évaluation publiée le 27 octobre 2024.
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12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
226.7 h en tout (78.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Opening this review with: If you are a fan of Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 from back in the day. This game scratches that itch and then some.

More complex squad and commander elements. Commander, remember that role in Battlefield 2 where you drop vehicles, supplies, artillery, and UAVs? Think that but more complex and requires more teamwork to accomplish.

Advice for anyone trying to be Squad Leader. Talk to your Squad, let them know what your plans are. Some players prefer defense, others offense. Telling them your plans lets them know if they need to switch squads for a better Squad Spawn point.

As Squad Lead you want to place an OP is very strategic positions, giving your squad an optimal spawn point for offense or defense. Also as Squad Leader, listen to your commander. Without good offensive and defensive garrisons, you'll more often lose than win. So take the extra responsibility, and make sure your lads have a good place to spawn.

With 78 hours to the review, I've not played Commander yet. Mostly Squad Leader and Medic. Anyone that always likes playing an Engineer class, you're always needed. Enjoy having a pivotal role to the battlefield.

Make no mistake though. These matches can last up to an hour and 30 minutes. Spawning takes time as the battlefield has multiple mechanics and tempo. You have to take your time, or spawn out of artillery or else be prepared to die immediately and then wait 30 seconds minimum to respawn.

This isnt your run and gun FPS. Treat each life like its the only one you have. Until its time to rush a point.

Anyone can be anywhere shooting you. You just have to accept that you can't control the fact you'll die. Stop focusing on your KDA, thats not what these types of games are about.

Drop the philosophy of being a run-and-gun solo shooter. You're in the trenches now with the rest of us. Get ready.
Évaluation publiée le 4 octobre 2024.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
43.2 h en tout (21.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Stronghold 2 is a very relaxing castle building sim. If you haven't played Stronghold, you control a king and an entire castle. Each mission you face different challenges as they introduce more mechanics to you. The game features a main campaign with 2 different endings. Online Skrimishes, AI Skirmishes, Invasions, and sieges.

This game isn't as hard as say Stronghold Crusader which is VERY MUCH combat and skirmish focused.

If you want a more relaxing experience this is the game for you. Its not perfect but its far more functional than Stronghold 3 and the price is extremely fair.
Évaluation publiée le 26 mai 2022.
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7.5 h en tout (3.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you are an old fan of Spongebob back when it originally aired on Nickelodeon, then this game is for you.

This is old Spongebob at its best in video game form and this remaster is an excellent job done.

The game looks and feels good. Everything feels like it did when the game came out but remastered for PC.

So what is Battle for Bikini Bottom? The easiest parallel is Mario 64. Adventure zones separated by a world hub but not exactly in the same sense as Mario. It feels way more seamless and natural. Even though I referenced a hub world, every location in the game is part of the item hunt.

It controls extremely well on my Switch Pro Controller which I have hooked up via Steam's own configurations.

The ONLY downside I can even think of is at times the voice acting is spotty but this is the original voice acting from the original version of the game I think. As we know sometimes they cant get the original voice actors for these extra projects so you'll notice some of the voice acting doesnt match the characters or were poorly performed. But thats it.

I really don't have a downside to this. Its cheap, its a really well done remake, its fun, easy to control, and FEELS like original Spongebob.

Im hoping they remake more of the Spongebob games.

Évaluation publiée le 30 janvier 2022.
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253.6 h en tout (51.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
What can I say about Valheim?

At first I wasn't sure how good this game could be. This game was gifted to me by a dear friend and what a gift it has become.

I must say Valheim is excellent and the current state of the game offers countless hours of fun with friends. I really enjoy the character system and being able to go to multiple seeds with the same character.

But what about the game? Currently I am sitting at 51.5 hours and the game runs very well. For an indie survival game of this scope, releasing in such a clean state is VERY impressive especially for a small team.

I've wondered why this game excites me and hooks me. Its very immersive for me. I enjoy creating work camps and roads, scouting new locations. The work feels like work but also not a grind.

The combat is basic but enjoyable. I have NOT played with ANY sort of PvP so I cannot speak to how good this game is from a PvP perspective. From my experience this game is great as a co-op PvE game.

I won't go into further details but Valheim has so much to offer, I hope the best for the developers. Maybe they can hire a few more people to their team, all I can say is if you want to be more successful long term DON'T LET SUITS RUN YOU INTO THE GROUND.

Seriously, buy this game.

And thank you devs.
Évaluation publiée le 24 février 2021.
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10.9 h en tout (10.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Excellent VR title. Story will certainly interest any Half Life fans out there.

Please get this game.
Évaluation publiée le 28 mars 2020.
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125.6 h en tout (125.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
One of the best games you will ever play.
Évaluation publiée le 18 mars 2020.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
19.2 h en tout (13.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game starts off smooth. You get to know the basics and there aren't an enormous amount of walkers.

But as you progress slowly there are more and more of them. Roaming the pitch black halls of a walker infested school is certainly intense.

This game is great. For the most part it feels good.

My only complaint is that the combat in comparison to, say, Boneworks isn't fluid. Boneworks was the smoothest gunplay I've ever seen. However this game is still good.
Évaluation publiée le 16 février 2020.
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44.9 h en tout (44.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is excellent and well worth the price. One playthrough for me was 33 hours long and there were still secrets I never found. I got a completion score of 108%. The developers added around 3 updates of content to the game since its original release.

The story is excellent, the lore is deep, and the characters and locations are interesting. Music and Art Style are fantastic.

Truly an absolutely fantastic game. A well made Metroidvania. The only negative in my opinion is the fast travel could've been better.

Buy this game.
Évaluation publiée le 15 mars 2019.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
37.9 h en tout (36.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Subnautica is an underwater survival and exploration game on an alien planet. You crash land and are left to survive until you have the means to escape. During your time you will solve a mystery pertaining to the current state of this alien world.

Subnautica is different because for the most part you have no means of killing things. What small weapons you do have are very weak especially to the larger animals.

Make no mistake this game is not a relaxing vacation. If you happen to fear the dark depths of the ocean this game can make you go from 0 to traumatized in seconds.

I had a lot of fun with this game, in a way this game is like the Metroid of survival games. Very atmospheric, tells a story through logs, scans, and voice journals.

I think my playthrough of this game lasted around 38 hours and it was definitely worth it.
Évaluation publiée le 15 janvier 2019. Dernière modification le 15 janvier 2019.
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