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過去 2 週間: 0.0 時間 / 総プレイ時間:4,294.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,400.9時間)
投稿日: 2018年11月26日 5時00分
更新日: 2020年11月25日 14時46分

An awesome game! Its an actionpacked stratetgy cardgame somehow. Its well balanced, has active devs who constantly improve stuff and absolutely no p2w, which I think it quite unusual for this kind of game. Only bad thing I can think of is that its pretty addictive (check my hours ingame).
Update: Leaving Early Access this year didnt change much, since it was already fully functional long time before that. Devs are still releasing new stuff and adjusting balance when needed.
Still a good game.
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