Paul K   Kentucky, United States
Backlog Steam Games Progress Tracker:
- Owned Games (Not Tests/Duplicates/DLC/ETC): 1423
- Not Beatable: 166
- Beaten Games: 557
- Unbeaten (and Beatable): 452
- Multiplayer Only: 35

- Ignore (Test/Dups/DLC/Not A Game): 30
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25시간 플레이
Make Alien Isolation 2, you cowards.

Beaten - About 22 hours.

A phenomenal re-creation of a universe and the best film->game translation I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Incredibly atmospheric and dedicated to it's source material, Alien: isolation succeeds where almost no other game does. It is an AMAZING experience from beginning to end and one of the most tense gameplay experiences I have played.

Note: Wear headphones.

Update: A lot of people would complain about 2 primary things, so let me address these:
1. It is too long - In my opinion (obviously) the game is a perfect length. There is a section towards the middle of the game that provides a bit of a different focus (although not entirely different). I never felt the game was too long. It was paced very well and the story to accompany it provides context for what you are doing. It doesnt feel like they just wanted to make it longer for the sake of charging 60 bucks.
- In addition to that, there are challange missions (and DLC) to provide more of a reason to keep playing.

2. The Alien Doesnt leave you alone - So the game's primary antagonist - the alien - is basically tethered to you at all times (with a few exceptions). This means there is ALWAYS the threat of you running into it. This of course i meant to keep the sense of tension, never letting you relax for too long. This is consistent with the theme of the game and I had no issue with this. It would be boring otherwise.

Crew Expendable DLC - Beaten in 2020!
- A fairly short (Took me 1.5 hours or so) sequence where you have to complete a handful of objectives. A few of those can be in any order (Although the map suggests). There are no manual save points, only checkpoints. This is the main reason it took me so long. Much like the rest of the game, sometimes the alien is better at killing you than you would anticipate. IN addition, there is one sequence at the very end that the game doesnt really telegraph how to complete. Other than that, I had a good time and would recommend if on sale.

Last Survior DLC
- Even shorter than Crew Expendable. Basically, activate self destruct and GTFO. Took about an hour. Will likely take you less.
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Beat Bad Rats yet? You aint no king!