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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe "rope," along with the "stick," are two of mankind's oldest tools.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe stick to keep the bad away, the rope used to bring the good toward us.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThey were our first friends, of our own invention.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤWherever there were people, there were the rope and the stick.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ─︎─︎─︎─︎ㅤfrom Kobo Abe's "Nawa"

Review Showcase
But not everyone will like it
Sam Bridges delivers the goods. His task is to reunite the cities of America into a single network, to establish connections between people and restore faith and hope to them. To do this, each time he shoulders a heavy burden and goes to the goal marked on the map, and along the way he fights with severe weather conditions, hides from the rain, which ages everything he touches, tries to ford the river, climbs mountains, wades through seemingly impassable forests.
Most of the time, Sam sees picturesque landscapes, nature. In the background, relaxing, often depressive trance music Low Roar plays. Melodies are periodically interrupted by audio messages from secondary characters. On the one hand, it is a journey to the west with the aim of uniting America. But, in a good way, this is a highway to nowhere: the final point of the path is an abstract, constantly changing concept, sometimes looped.
Often you have to go back. The hero endures all adversity - and something similar is required from the player sitting on the other side of the screen. This is where the connection is broken for the first time: as it turned out after the release, not everyone is tuned in to the meditative perception of the artificial world in such a time-absorbing format.
Death Stranding turns the perception of video games as such upside down, but for many it is not an achievement and an opportunity to learn new things, but the biggest obstacle. After the publication of the first ratings of the game, Hideo Kojima said in an interview with the Italian edition of TGcom24 that "it may be more difficult for some players to understand it, because Americans, for example, are fans of first-person shooters, and Death Stranding flies higher." And yet, Death Stranding, as a finished work in the format of a video game, is able to give more emotions and impressions if you overpower yourself at the right time and let the narrator guide you through the entire narrative to the end.
The world of Death Stranding is a big mystery, the solution of which takes a lot of effort. The lion's share of the game's plot is devoted to explaining the world order, but even more is hidden in numerous text files and interviews. According to history, in the not so distant future, a global catastrophe occurred, in our version translated as "Death Exit". After it, people hid in underground cities of refuge, the connection between which is maintained by couriers. Sam serves as an envoy for United Cities of America, the successor to the U.S. government. He also makes the second expedition in the history of the new world to the Regional Node - through the entire map of the country.
The narrative does not directly require delving into all the complex aspects, allowing the player, conditionally, to go with the flow forward and cling to different pieces of information here and there. An accidentally dropped phrase is not able to shock, but in a hurry, the collected grains of knowledge about one of the heroes of history together add up to a picture of a great life tragedy. The passage of the game is largely a contemplative process during monotonous work. When you make an expedition to the next settlement, you plunge into reflection and continue to exist on your own wavelength - you notice the details, try to understand the meaning of the words and terms previously voiced by the heroes. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to play in fits and starts, one task a day, being distracted, not paying attention to what is happening.
In the first hours, Death Stranding may seem too unfriendly in terms of the simplest things. So, Sam loads a hundred kilograms of cargo on himself and collects lost containers of other couriers along the way. It is not very convenient to walk with such a burden, so it falls in different directions, falls, loses boxes, and they get damaged and lose value. The courier's shoes wear out, fatigue grows. It is necessary to ford the river only after scanning the terrain, so as not to get into too deep areas and not swim a dozen meters downstream, losing all your luggage. Climbing mountains is a dashing undertaking, but how not to fall down and die halfway to the goal.
There are also obstacles of an unnatural nature. Deprived of work, couriers have united in aggressive groups, armed themselves and catch delivery men on the way. Fights with them are not very difficult, but the game strongly recommends avoiding such threats, hiding in tall grass, without making unnecessary movements and without making unnecessary sounds. The real devilry begins in the territories occupied by the disembodied BT - or Creatures, as they were translated in the Russian version. The hero does not see them completely, but can catch barely distinguishable outlines if he freezes in place. His guide through such areas is a BB kid in a capsule fastened to a suit and a sensor clicking with a mechanical beak - its direction betrays the location of the enemy, and the intensity of clicks and a sound signal - the proximity of the enemy.
For the first few hours, such moments are spent exclusively on stealth, and almost to the touch. It is worth freaking out and rushing forward - the baby will be hysterical, overtired and cut off. The ground under your feet will turn into a black viscous liquid, ugly creatures will climb out of it and begin to grab the courier with their hands, pulling him along. If you manage to escape, the cargo will still be either lost or damaged.
Then it will be easier. One quest will give Sam an exoskeleton for his legs, and he will be able to take twice as much weight. Learn to move more steadily, temporarily get acceleration for running. In the story, he will be given special grenades to "kill" BT. The courier will get motorcycles, start stealing trucks. He will have robots (in the first scene with a mechanical delivery man, I want to say in the voice of David Hater: "A weapon to surpass Metal Gear!"), Which will perform additional tasks on their own. Along with the need to put stairs across the river, it will be possible to build huge bridges. The closer Sam gets to his ultimate goal, the more options he will be presented with – all of which are aimed at making his life easier.
The game itself does not always keep up with the changes, so the difficulty level practically does not increase. For lovers of quiet walks, there is a super-simple mode in which the courier receives minimal damage, and in general he has nothing to fear. Local terrorists will add some turmoil, but they are the most interesting to fight - they will bring drive and dynamics.
Underneath all this lies a layer of interaction with other players and the notorious building of connections. Don't let this be misleading: Death Stranding is a deeply personal game for everyone, everything about it emphasizes this feature. In part, this personifies the world around, because almost all the time Sam is completely alone. However, by connecting a new settlement to the network, he begins to see the signs left behind, the buildings erected by other players, with which he can also interact - complete the construction, for example, by dragging cases with valuable resources. Finally, put likes. Get likes for your actions. And this mechanic is not devoid of touching moments: when you use the opportunity to shout something into the ringing void for the first time and receive an answer from an invisibly (metaphysically, in fact) nearby player nearby - goosebumps run through your skin...
10/10 GENIUS
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 18 Jul, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 17 Jul, 2024 @ 10:14pm 
Uohhhhhhhhh! Cute and Funny 😭
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 15 Jul, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 12 Jul, 2024 @ 9:05am 
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 10 Jul, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu Trade Banned 9 Jul, 2024 @ 8:23am 