Benjamin   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I'm a person of various talents with a focus in music who lives in Vancouver, BC.

I like playing all types of games, but especially enjoy strategy games (like Europa Universalis) and first person shooters.

If you feel like playing a game sometime, just send me a message.

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Etalase Screenshot
I am very happy with this result.
hypodronic 24 Jun 2016 @ 10:45pm 
Damn, Daylight looked interesting at least. Oh well, nothing lost I guess.
hypodronic 9 Mei 2016 @ 5:56pm 
How are you *already* playing Stellaris? No fair.
flipp 13 Apr 2012 @ 3:45pm 
You'll probably think I'm crazy, but how attached to your TF2 promotional headgear are you? :]
flipp 30 Des 2011 @ 9:34am 
Thanks for Trine 2! So far, all I've won is 7 or 8 coupons and a copy of a shovelware Vgas-resort tycoon game :)
flipp 29 Sep 2011 @ 10:20am 
Thanks a lot! I thought it looked pretty creepy actually. :)