❤ Roi ❤
Roy   Canada
Let 🙆👀 any fish 🐠 who 👏😂 meets my 👨➕ gaze learn 🏫👨 the 👏 true 😯 meaning of 👀😓 fear. 😱 For I 👄 am the 🏼👏 harbinger of 🎖 death. 🗿😭 The 🤛 bane of 💯🌊 creatures 🐶🐶 subaqueous. My 👣 rod is 😩 true and 🏻👏 unwavering. As 👦 I cast into 😩🚟 the aquatic abyss, a man 🤔😍 scorn by 🏼👋 this ‼ uncaring earth finds 🕵 solace 🕊 in 👏👉 the 👏💰 sea. My only 👏🏻 friend. The 👌🏼 worm 🐍 upon my hook. Wriggling, writhing, struggling 😫 to 💦 surmount the 👏 mortal 👊 pointlessness that 👉🚟 permeates this 👈😕 barren world. I am alone. 🙀🙃 I 👁 am 🚫🌈 empty. 📦😲 And 💦 yet. 👌❗ I fish. 🐟🐟
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noodle ♡ 27 JUN 2022 a las 10:59 a. m. 
+rep great teammate :Emily3_Heart:
dimsum 25 ABR 2021 a las 12:36 a. m. 
peepee poopoo :lovebs:
Winkle 23 ABR 2021 a las 5:16 p. m. 
………….……………………. „-/*"\„,„,
…….…………………….¸„-^"¯ :\_ / o '"*'"¯/' WOOF WOOF
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**¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-"
.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- GIVE THIS CUTE DOG
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
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Knight 21 MAR 2021 a las 9:34 a. m. 
Being a hentai actress must be so weird. Imagine this: you’re in a soundproof room pleasurably screaming into an 800,000¥ microphone about how much you love old man ♥♥♥♥ at 10:47 AM on a Tuesday in October while your 45-year-old boss oversees you through a glass window from the other room. You eventually look up after 2 hours of practicing your unnaturally high-pitched moans and see him give you a big thumbs up as you pretend to have an orgasm.
dimsum 21 MAR 2021 a las 9:05 a. m. 
Knight 8 ABR 2018 a las 6:02 p. m. 
What are you talking about? I don't know, I used to take part in the countless secret raids of my "Navy fleet of Al Qaeda, " More than 300 confirmed that he killed people. I was trained in the Gorilla Wars and even had an American army sniper. Yes, but only for other purposes. I've never seen this world, exact, my word. You think this thing can surf the internet? I thought anew. I've contacted my mystery, spies, United States, now that we have a better storm, ready for maggots. A storm that wiped away life. You and my girlfriend have sex with me anytime, anywhere, and I can kill you in 700 ways, it's just in his hands. The formation of martial arts skills is easy, but in the arsenal of the American navy, I use it to remove the unfortunate group of donkeys. If you know that you are ready to pay a little bit of a "smart " comment, you might start looking for him and follow the fall. But no, it's soup, you fool. Rage, the whole world goes to hell and sinks. You slept with my girlfriend.