Rose 🏳️‍🌈

No, it's not me in any of my profile pictures.

Male or female?
Look into the term genderqueer [] for a better though imperfect understanding of my identity. As for those nasty questions about what I have between my legs, I've never answered them and never would. It's not like you are going to be in bed with me, so stay away from this subject. Any questions about which public restroom I'd choose are also rude and irrelevant.

My location
I currently live in Russia but I have nearly zero ties to the nation, be it about the language, culture, the way Russians see the world, their patriotism or anything else.
The country is getting more and more fascist but I'm stuck in it.

^ That was written and published here years before the full-on invasion of Ukraine and it's even more relevant after the fact. For anyone new to my profile, it's worth saying that I've always vocally and consistently supported Ukraine, including in 2015 here on Steam. Whenever I post in a language other than English, that's Ukrainian - never machine or AI translated.

General ideas
I'm against many ideas that divide beings based on things they cannot control, such as racism, sexism, sexualism, ageism or speciesism []. I believe it is only important to care about one's personality and choices instead of what has nothing to do with who they are. I don't imagine being good friends with those thinking otherwise if I ever find out.

It should be obvious from my featured group, but sometimes people still ask if I'm vegan. The answer is clearly yes. In fact, my first profile picture on Steam back in 2007 was a reference to that. There is not a single valid moral, ethical or health argument against veganism. In reality it is quite the opposite. Think what you may, but when approached rationally and objectively, some things in life are undoubtedly better than others. Surely, you can talk about traditions, habits and tastes in this context, but these are not scientific or rational arguments. They're mere justifications on the path of abuse.

I try to ensure that all the Steam groups I'm in do represent my views, way of life and interests.

It seems that many people on Steam have a lot of random stuff they wouldn't even play on their wishlists composed of hundreds of games. In my case, there's a 99% chance that every item on my wishlist is something I truly want and will play. Feel free to use it as a recommendation as to what I see as having the potential to be a good game or software.

Other gaming accounts
Battle net: Rose#2293
EA: BloodyRosie
Epic Games and Social Club: RozziRoxx
GOG: Roze
Ubisoft Connect: RoseTheFlower
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squalie 31 Dec, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
! 🔴 ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟧 ʏᴇᴀʀ ⚪ !
❄ Нехай наступний 2025 рік принесе вам більшого, ніж приніс цей. Менше хворіти, мати гарний настрій частіше ніж поганий та просто бути хорошою людиною!
❄ May the year 2025 bring you more than this year has brought. Be less sick, have a good mood more often than a bad one, and just be a good person!
Barmy Deer 𝝙 31 Dec, 2024 @ 8:32am 
З Новим роком!:aod_salute::auyay:
com_ar4i !russia is garbage! 28 Dec, 2024 @ 2:00am 
дякую за добрі та приємні слова!
com_ar4i !russia is garbage! 26 Dec, 2024 @ 9:31pm 
Зірка яскрава в небі тривожному
Вість українцю показує кожному:
Мерехтить кажучи: Діва на сіні
Вже оповила Божу дитину!
Зірці різдвяній в цім боці планети
Зовсім байдужі ворожі ракети.
Хоче наш ворог свято забрати,
Та зоря сяє ясно й завзято!
Зірка освячує Схід благодаттю
І підглядає в окопи солдатів,
Знає, як хочуть в це свято додому,
Знає, що мають кутю вони й втому!..
Поки не згасла у темряві ночі,
Раптом солдат піднімає вверх очі,
Видно прохання у сильних очах:
До перемоги світи, зірко, шлях!...
artemm111 25 Dec, 2024 @ 2:47am 
Нова радість стала, яка не бувала,
Над вертепом звізда ясна світлом засіяла.

Де Христос родився, з Діви воплотився,
Як чоловік пеленами убого оповився.

Пастушки з ягнятком перед тим дитятком
На колінця припадають, Царя-Бога вихваляють.:Deer:
♡Hemeka♡ 25 Dec, 2024 @ 1:55am 
Merry Christmas Rose:happyquill: