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投稿日: 2018年1月21日 8時45分
更新日: 2020年2月21日 5時51分

I wasn't sure if I should buy this game but I had nothing else to spend my money on.

Long story short: this game exceeded all of my expectations. I've never been so emerged into a game in this way. The story is GREAT, the characters are very well defined, with unique traits, qualities and flaws. The soundtrack is a masterpiece and I wouldn't have expected anything less from CDPR. This game is a truly amazing experience.

The combat doesn't suit everyone, but it's good enough for my taste - not too lame nor too hardcore. There are a few flaws that can be ignored very easily and they don't have a huge impact on the overall gameplay.

In the end, I wish I could erase this game from my mind and play it again, for the first time.
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