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Recent reviews by Shark899138

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10.2 hrs on record
This Really Webbed my Fish. Good Game spent a good whole 48 hours just fishing with friends and catching prehistoric marine life! 10/10 would recommend.
Posted 4 December, 2024.
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72.5 hrs on record
A Remake that surpasses the original in terms of Atmosphere and suspense. With replayability based on how much you really want to earn those hard but not impossible to get achievments.
Posted 12 December, 2023.
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70.5 hrs on record (53.0 hrs at review time)
A fun action packed romp through a Glorious Day in the USCM! It really hits all the marks to truly feel like you're in the aliens universe as a Colonial Marine. However I am remiss on how many modern aliens games don't want to give your Pulse Rifle the 99 Mag and Underbarrel Grenade Launcher but that's not anything on the developer! They do certainly make points to interpret the canon in a way to give their horde shooter varying enemies but it's for the best! Dog Aliens serve as canon Fodder, Drones Serve the purpose as an ambush Tank they can be annoying at the early levels if your team doesn't want to focus them though, and Warriors serve as the Defense Breaker, and Praetorians are the game enders. With new editions including the leaper which serves as a Squishy Ambush Type, while other types from Colonial Marines (sort of) make a reprise such as The Charger type that is built like the tank type, and Exploders but they're just normal xeno's that explode when killed unlike in CM where they we're quite old xeno's. That came with quick QoL updates for some classes
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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125.9 hrs on record (90.4 hrs at review time)
Played this on Launch on the Xbox before buying it on Sale for my PC. Playing this for the two years it's been out has been a more surprising experience then I thought this game would provide. on Xbox I achieved every medal except no damage and on PC all I have left to do is Normal and Ace S Ranks along with no damage. Game runs fine even before I upgraded from a 970 to a 6700. Mods offer real good skin options along with some Aircraft already having good skins. This game actually had me dig deep into Ace Combat and while the only other game I tried so far is 6 (Came bundled on Xbox) The universe and other games stories seem really engaging. The DLC provides perhaps the strongest single arc (Though don't engage it immediately unless your an Ace or you're about midway through your first playthrough) I eagerly await whatever is next for this surprisingly well made franchise.
Posted 30 May, 2021.
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49.5 hrs on record (49.2 hrs at review time)
After the RE:Makes which I enjoyed waiting for the next mainline entries in this game was worthwhile. It had a campaign I enjoyed playing and threw some twists that I certainly did not expect from all the media leading up to it. The Duke was by far the standout character next to Ethan who grew on me as the story went on. I actually went through multiple playthroughs for the challenges to unlock the items from the content shop (I have not beaten all challenges at the time of writing) Each lord brought a tonal shift to the story the Beneviento house being a particular favorite of mine. There were some minor story drop offs that could have used more time being written and while on my first playthrough I suffered little in terms of graphic drops on subsequent playthroughs some type of slowdown effect persisted throughout and I had no way of fixing no matter how I tried to turn down the graphics. Friends that played this on their own PC's reported similar though I can't say what their builds were my 6700 is brand new.
Posted 30 May, 2021.
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44.9 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
Fun Fighter Game with a nice campaign to run through. Star Wars: Squadrons provides something a bit more Heavy than Ace Combat in terms of combat but is still an enjoyable casual experience. Multiplayer can provide a good time and offers more customization than the campaign allowing for new strategies in these fleet battles that can be fun to figure out on your own. examples include running a hit and Run fighter that barely gets into Torpedo range launches and drifts out back for a resupply or a Rocket Quicklock Interceptor that excels in talking down corvettes or Raiders and can also fight against enemy pilots.
Posted 27 November, 2020.
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140.4 hrs on record (100.7 hrs at review time)
XCOM 2!!!!! A series I once saw way back and had absolutely no interest in. But upon the release of the trailer for this game I stepped back to actually look if I had missed out on something. So after watching a LP of Enemy Unknown/ Enemy Within then playing those myself. I was actually hyped for XCOM 2 and it paid off! I was unable to purchase this game day one but when I did purchase it I sunk to many hours into a game that offered a great investment. Planning my ways around the enemy and actually being to sometimes circumvent enemies entirely with stealth offered many different ways to play that sometimes had major upsides or consequences and even save scumming (only under the most dire of circumstances) didn't make the game any less fun. Though the only downside I'd say is that the modding community did more for cosmetics than I feel the base game
Posted 13 March, 2019.
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30.0 hrs on record (27.6 hrs at review time)
Dungeon of the Endless is a game in which it's nice to set out with your friends and just completely lose yourself to time for a good few hours as you just work your way through the current dungeon. Even solo just carefully planning your next move was fun. Plus side to having friends to play is the strategies you tend form with each other. In particular we each had a system where we all had one person controlling a certain resource helped set defenses up.
Posted 13 March, 2019.
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21.1 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Really Got back into the Game and it is so good I actually feel suspense when taking a character to a dangerous place and sadness when I can't fully provide my people I like the artstyle and the way Emotions can effect characters
Posted 12 August, 2016.
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22.0 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would recommend this game but here are some of the problems i get with this game not sure if its because im stupid or im just not paying attention enough.... There is no objective path to follow! Maybe its just me being dumb but I have found myself LOST IN CORNERS FOR HOURS ON END NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO I always eventually found my way but this was after I had the fun i had just had solving other puzzles and killing zen and marines faded it made this game REALLY REALLY dull its this game is still good but be prepared secondly this game is actually REALLY hard on the even the easiest diffuculties this game made me die ALOT even on the easiest diffuculty because it would throw to many enemies at me and then just when I had finished shooting an ENTIRE ROOM of enemies I would turn a corner either low on health or still on very high health to be either 1. GUNNED DOWN FROM ANOTHER ROOM OF ENEMIES WITH GRENADES AND STUFF! 2. turn the corner to be Instakilled by the one enemy sitting there waiting for me
Posted 3 August, 2015.
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