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5.1 hrs on record
This is a great VR mecha game conceptually, but is still lacking in content. However, if the devs continue to receive support and create more content for the game, it's on the right track for being one of the best mecha games out there.
Posted 6 March.
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44.0 hrs on record (29.9 hrs at review time)
The game needs a targeting system. If your gonna make us input combat controls and target enemies on the same stick, then give us a way to lock onto our target so we don't end up throwing a punch at the enemy 50 meters away from us and not the enemy that imminently kicking our ass. That's my nitpick otherwise a great game. Very repetitive though, you've play the same levels over and over again. Its very satisfying but i can see why someone might not enjoy that "grind" Otherwise it's a fun beat em up. I wish they would make a melee oriented sandbox, using this combat system. That would make me happy.
Posted 25 January. Last edited 29 January.
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8.3 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Though this game has massive shortcoming for VR, arguably to the point where you question the reason it's in VR at all, it's still a quite enjoyable arcade zombie shooting.

Pros: Fully coop campaign

Cons: The environment is disappointingly lacking in interaction, resulting a VERY linear gameplay loop. Hop in, kill zombies, walk in a MOSTLY straight line from point a to point b. There are small side areas to explore, and if you are OCD be prepared to check EVERY SINGLE CAR DOOR for ammo
The force grip is really short for no real good reason
The weapon and Item handling is pathetic. Especially when coming from a game like boneworks, be prepared to be disappointed in the combat of this game, and set the reloading to casual. The "advanced" reloading is an absolute joke.
The frame rate is smooth for the most part with some sequences when it becomes borderline unplayable in how choppy. Luckily those sequences are pretty short so far.
I get it, this is pretty par for the course when it comes to VR games, and its not terrible. It just makes me wish that a bit more effort went into making a vr game, instead of making a first person shooter with a vr mod. I would still recommend this game, because its a coop zombie game in vr that is relatively fun when you get the hang of it. But don't try to play it like a hardcore zombie survival game, you'll just end up having a bad time. I recommend starting the game up. Playing a little bit and getting a feel, then after a level or two, reconfigure your settings to suit you. You can do the advanced reload where you don't have to rack a new round every time you unload a mag, but everything about their "advanced" reload system is finicky and I've found its just not worth bothering with it. You want good gun gameplay, play boneworks or bonelabs. You want an enjoyable coop zombie shooter, just do the casual reload and save yourself the headache.
Posted 11 November, 2024.
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70.1 hrs on record (47.6 hrs at review time)
I want to say nothing but good things about this game, but unfortunately it's a bit half baked. The good news is that you can get your moneys worth out of this game, and the campaign, though short, is very good. You want to play the campaign on the hardest difficulty. Same with the operations, except replaying them over and over again becomes a real chore, when you are trying to grind up levels for each class. The PVP is meh, everyone's abilities are lame compared to the first game. The game only runs at a steady framerate WITH DLSS which is just an absolute joke. It sucks because the DLSS works pretty well for the most part, but anytime you see a huge explosion on screen you are gonna notice the significant artifact-ing where the DLSS can't figure out what to do so it just makes a bunch of MASSIVE black artifacts. It's sad that in the modern era game devs get rushed to pump out half baked games lacking in polish, and while this game is certainly more polished than most, it could have easily spent more time in the oven. That being said, as an introduction to the WH40k world, space marine 2 is an awesome game for it. If you haven't played the first game, I recommend going and picking it up. The campaign, though I waited 10+ years for it, was everything I hoped and dreamed it would be. I hope future updates have more xeno's than just the nids. I wanna see some Necrons, Tau or Eldar.

Amazing campaign short but very sweet
Graphics are phenomenal
The game play is simple but satisfying and fun

Very little content, the campaign is very short
The operations are a grind to level up gear and get cosmetics + level up each class (you will be playing the same 6 operations over and over again probably hundreds of times, especially if you want to grind out the cosmetics)
The game only runs as well as it does by using DLSS as a crutch, which to me is a symptom of rushed development. The DLSS is especially noticeable during during large scripted explosions, which kinda spoils the scene.

I have not played the PVP modes yet (I have messed around with it a little bit but not extensively played it), I am sure they are fun and as an alternative to doing operations you can unlock cosmetics for your marine and weapons by WINNING pvp games. Note that you must win a certain number of times. That being said, if you just play the pvp to enjoy it, you will probably not find it to be such a grind. I have been enjoying the challenge of the operations, but i can see how it would get old for someone with less adhd than me.
Posted 4 October, 2024. Last edited 8 October, 2024.
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23.7 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
The gameplay is really fun but you have to use remote play to play it with friends. There's no reason in 2024 you shouldn't just be able to play a game online with a friend. I get it, I takes netcode and extra money, hopefully with the next iteration it will have just straight up online. Super disappointed though, Negative review. I don't care what you haters say.
Posted 15 August, 2024.
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67.3 hrs on record (56.4 hrs at review time)
Dwarf fortress is not just a game. Dwarf fortress is the ultimate fantasy simulator. It is the pinnacle of procedural generation and the amount of stories that are told through it's generation is absolutely insane. The only thing I ask is Multiplayer Dwarf Fortress tabletop game when?
Posted 13 June, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
13.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game rocks, Fun unique character builds, great pixel art, and fast-paced unforgiving gameplay. It's like hyper light drifter but with light-RPG elements and a unique biopunk/cyberpunk aesthetic. I'm all about it.
Posted 27 May, 2024.
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36.1 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far I love the idea behind the gameplay loop. It is trying to execute what tarkov has been promising for years, a single large and living map where you and your squad can go in and do objectives while other squads play out their objectives in real time as well. As far as execution is concerned, its rough right now. But there is heart. I love seeing not-triple-A game devs try to pull of such an ambitious idea. I know its rough now, but I think if the community shows faith, this game could be a true masterpiece in time. I believe grayzone is a diamond in the rough. But I have been wrong before, it's all up to the devs now.
Posted 30 April, 2024. Last edited 30 April, 2024.
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187.0 hrs on record (102.3 hrs at review time)
This would be a great game if it ran at 60 fps minimum all the time. But it doesn't and it doesn't to a degree that is petty ridiculous. I cannot recommend this game when I am running the most mid-tier consumer processor and this game (r4 5600x) and the game maxes out EVERY SINGLE CORE AND EVERY SINGLE THREAD 100% at the lowest settings and still doesn't get a consistent frame-rate. Meanwhile my 3060ti is chillin, 60% usage but that number is pretty much a lie, because ray-tracing is on and its not even getting close to heating up. That means anyone with a processor at or lower than my tech level is getting a worse experience, to play the game at a mediocre level. I love this game, but I cannot give it a recommend until the devs optimize it MUCH better than it currently is. I can't watch youtube videos while playing without my frame-rate dropping 15 to 25 frames, I cant stream the game to my friends on discord or watch my friend's streams on discord without losing frames. This is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke that a game gets released in this condition in 2024 and the devs ask for 70 dollars. That's like a billion dollars in half of the world. Unacceptable.

Edit: The game crashes every time I close it, and generates a crash report. When I switch raytracing off and put on variable resolution/turn every graphical setting to off or as low as possible, and turn DLSS to ultra performance I can play the game above 60fps MOST of the time, while only getting my cpu usage up to 80 - 100% from the game alone. My GPU at those settings sits at a cool 16% usage. This is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke. I turn any of the graphical settings up and nothing happens to my gpu usage. My gpu barely gets used by this game unless raytracing is on. Then the game sits at around 30% gpu usage and randomly spikes to 100% out of nowhere causing massive frame drops before dropping back to 30% and spiking again a few seconds later. How unfortunate. I don't need the best graphics in the world, but this game is beautiful when 90% of the pixels aren't being ai generated from the lowest possible resolutions. Go take a look at some of the screenshots I have on profile, I pumped up the graphics to take them. Understand, the game was running at like 12 fps when I was taking those. Its an absolute shame. If you are reading this, don't buy this game unless you are rocking the absolute best of the best when it comes to cpu and gpu. Otherwise, wait until this review becomes positive again. It is a huge disservice to everyone involved playing this game in its current state. You can have fun if you have specs like mine, but you will be constantly wishing you could see the game in the glory it was meant to be experienced in.

Edit: The game has now graduated to crashing literally every single time I go to close the game out which prompts a lengthy process of capcom gathering data to compile a crash report. Fix your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game capcom. Jesus.
Posted 7 April, 2024. Last edited 15 April, 2024.
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6.1 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
I should've read the fineprint, apparently this game is singleplayer with absolutely no form of multiplay at all, no coop nothing. With a name like "Project Wingman" you would think coop jet flying with friends but not its purely single player. Hope the devs either give a coop update or include a coop campaign in a sequal. Otherwise, it's like ace combat except you don't have to work around the anti-cheat to mod in ultrawide, which, for a jet flying dogfight game, you would think it would be a no-brainer to include support for. I just started playing this but the first mission of this and ace combat are pretty comparable. Fun, arcady, dogfighting jet-flying sim.
Posted 16 March, 2024.
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