in dog we trust
🟆 🦊 🟆 🐱 🟆   Manchester, New Hampshire, United States
Hi there! Come on in, make yourself comfortable: you can leave your shoes by the door.

a warm welcome
You can call me Kyri - or any fun nickname you've thought of, if you like. ♡
I've gone by a few names online, 'Decessei' being the one I used longest.
If you feel we might have met before but aren't quite sure, you're welcome to ask me.

I'd describe myself as a comet learning how to be a star, letting go of knowing how to reflect light in order to then shine with my own. They/them pronouns are preferred, but if you want to call me a girl (or a boy), I won't stop you.

Please surrender all your vanilla-scented and flavored goods as you exit this profile. Leave them in that corner over there: someone will come to pick them up! It will likely be me. Scented candle tasty yum

aural refreshments, on the house 🎵

Tutara Peak - Trident & Torch

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I couldn't help but notice that we now live in times where ideological divergence - both between individuals and the larger whole of a society - is no longer something that many persons and groups know how to handle.

Times where terms such as racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism are called to the table not to highlight actual acts of discrimination and injustice, but rather the very discussion of them from a differing perspective - regardless of whether or not that perspective is antagonistic. Days when the mention of certain names, such as "Adolf Hitler" and "Francisco Franco" as historical figures is equal to self-labeling as a Nazi or extremist nationalist in the minds of an ever-increasing number; a time in which some are ruled by their emotions in such an extreme manner that they assume affirmative sexual consent can be revoked retroactively, simply because their views of a person have changed.

These are all things that I cannot agree with, and will not ever defend. Discussion of catastrophes and injustices, however massive or petty, is necessary to acknowledge their reality; discussion of ideals different than our own does not dictate approval or agreement with them, but rather culminates in the same effect.

The Holocaust happened. The genocide of thousands of natives across all of the New World happened. Racism and ableism are real, and transphobic and homophobic acts happen. Sexual harassment is still as extant as it was yesterday.

And yet, Adolf Hitler was a person - just as much as Angela Merkel is now. Governor Ponce de León was a person as well - as much of one as Urayoán and Agueybaná, leaders of the rebellion that led to the genocide of over 8,000 of my home island's natives as they fought for escape from the chains of slavery and artificial impoverishment. I highlight this because people have reasons for things, no matter how misled, wrong, harmful, or uneducated they are, or how far they are from being based in reality.

When we change the facts to our comfort or liking, we create lies which ultimately prove harmful. When discussion of something is outlawed, education becomes more difficult. The reasons other humans had for their causes, crimes or simply actions are forgotten to time and bias, making it all the more difficult to "see things coming" and depriving the majority from absolute understanding of a problem. With this comes the sad inevitability of seeing history repeat itself time after time, for knowing is the first step to a solution and understanding the second.

I will talk to you about the weather with the same casual tone as I will about the darkest facets of human existence. I will talk to you about cute animal people and cat GIFs with the same smile that I will talk to you about religion, science and mankind's ultimate quest to know more, and through this, I hope to preserve in myself the acknowledgment of the duality of human nature, no matter what I agree or disagree with as an individual.

Finally, I will ask you to promptly excuse yourself from my friend-list and, honestly, the entirety of my life, should any of this be the slightest problem to you.

:8bitheart: Otherwise, stay awesome.
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In Chat
ETCetera 27 Nov, 2024 @ 9:31pm 
< 3 <3 :SILLYFOX: <3 <3 MISS YOU ALWAYS ~ Rawy
GrenFlem 21 Oct, 2020 @ 8:18am 
Shlorpaderp 10 Jun, 2020 @ 9:49am 
good lad :3
GrenFlem 27 Apr, 2020 @ 12:42pm 
Felsi 26 Dec, 2019 @ 3:35am 
merry belated christmas :>
Borked Doggo 25 Dec, 2019 @ 11:17am 
I don't know where you are, but a
I hope you have a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Years!