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Évaluation publiée le 1 mai 2020 à 5h42
Mis à jour : 1 mai 2020 à 10h11

Nothing to expect from game`s support except new characters and skins.
Many people compare to overwatch but there are many differences like paladins having: mounts; cards and talents (for various playstyle); character levels; own voice packs for most skins.
Removed content in game`s life cycle: payload mode, vip system, radiant chests, skins part system, purchase character`s levels, no more big events, essence currency, OB64 (just google it), daily login rewards (devs put it in battle pass free track instead so you have to grind a lot if you don`t buy it), top play.
Currently there are 45 champions but you are not gonna use half of them. Matchmaking is terrible most times, in ranked usually players are worse than in casual by performance. Servers are divided in seven regions, China had own game version that was shut down.
22 maps across all four game modes: unranked and ranked siege; team deathmatch; onslaught and king of the hill (both in one queue). After match you can commend your teammates only (daily limit is 8 commendations).
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3 commentaires
ballsack stapled to ceiling fan 5 mai 2020 à 11h20 
The game's got a stable flow of content... I don't like that. I want events back, for sure.
ClubChick YT 1 mai 2020 à 8h15 
Zbby, true.
SKULLED 1 mai 2020 à 8h13 
oh not to mention they have the best customer support ever. Submit a ticket and wait for 2 weeks (1 month approximately) like me and they'll eventually answer you and sometimes they'll just say it was received and it'll be ignored without any response, like a ticket i submitted one year ago and till this day it's still active. The game is overwhelming exciting but the company running it is..... not.