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Reseñas recientes de Dumblenutz!

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109.1 h registradas (56.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I freaking love this game, clean and simple
It's amazing. Replayable and great fun with friends.
Quite difficult, but once you get the hang of it and how to tip the scales it's duable.

ALSO the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE. Do NOT play this with music off, you'l be doing yourself a disservice.

10/10 Would get stunlocked by a Bugged Succubus again
Publicada el 17 de marzo de 2023.
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0.0 h registradas
Her power is fun to use strategically and has more to it than just camping 3 gens until the survivors give up. Community is too short sighted.
Publicada el 7 de marzo de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
4.6 h registradas (4.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The game can be fun but it's extremely frustrating to play Killer due to stuns.

Playing survivor is fine, but playing killer is horrible because it's simply too easy for survivors to stun you all the godamn time. Find a survivor? They turn into a big prop and immediately bonk you on the head and run away.
Actually down a survivor? You can't take them to a chair because 2 props rounded the corner and bonk you.
Trying to stop a prop machine from being repaired? You get bonked just before it finishes and have the survivor who bonked you finish it on your face.

It's simply too easy to constantly stun the killer and it lasts far too long as well. You can hit the survivors as they stun you but since they naturally regen their health it barely means anything since you can't follow up after they stun you anyway. All they have to do is round the corner and turn into a miniscule prop as you recover from your unecessarily long stun.
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2022.
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2.6 h registradas
Literally unplayable.
No, i mean it. I can't play the game.

For some reason it disconnects and boots me to the initial screen every few minutes. I've tried messing with servers, crossplay, and even verified the files, but nothing changed. Most of my matches end prematurely due to the game disconnecting. I physically cannot play the game properly.

This is the only game i've ever had this kind of issue with. Pretttyyyyy sure it ain't my fault.
Publicada el 4 de agosto de 2022.
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12.6 h registradas (12.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Game is unpolished and unbalanced. Because Laggy hosts are frequent, combat feels really clunky and wierd to the point where you're better of just holding W most of the time.
Not just that, there are way too many stuns and annoying bogus you can't play around.

If the opposing side rolls Primal Fear for example you just instantly lose the fight simply because they got lucky and you didn't. Some characters also have ultimates wich are pretty much stun + instakill combos which are very frustrating to get hit by since you're just staring into a screen as your HP drops, without any input. That and the global slows + corrupts that are unavoidable ♥♥♥♥ yous that can easily get you killed since there's no counter other than having a get out of jail free ability yourself.

Oh and also Hackers. There's hackers. Every other match there's this one guy who's absolutely zooming across the map.
Publicada el 26 de marzo de 2022. Última edición: 26 de marzo de 2022.
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13.4 h registradas (4.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Game is charming but would be a hella lot better if you didn't get absolutely destroyed by invisible ghost bullets wich you have no way to react to or dodge because they don't actually exist on your screen.

Please fix this, it's freaking impossible to reliably fire fight anyone because you just take random damage out of nowhere because you can't dodge what you can't see.
Publicada el 28 de agosto de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
2.5 h registradas
Currently, the game is alright i guess but i really wouldn't reccomend it unless you're willing to commit to becoming an absolute sweatlord at it.

Trust me, don't be fooled by the game's simplistic looking design. It's RIDICULOUSLY hard.
For perspective's sake, i was merely on day 13 and i got hit by THREE BOSSES AT ONCE, one of wich was a BUFFED version of a regular boss too. And they were accompanied by a huge horde of regular enemies.

Despite me having some gear that seemed appropriate, i was still somewhat squishy and needlessly to say i perished in the face of such a huge swarm. And that was on EASY.

Then again, i was playing Solo. The game is likely better if you have a gang of nutjobs to play it with.

Alone tho, i really can't reccomend it. It's just way too much pressure. You can't evolve your gear because you're constantly getting swarmed by huge waves of enemies, and because you can't evolve you're eventually gonna get outpaced and die to said huge waves of enemies. It does seem beatable but it would require massive amounts of tryharding and commitment to do so, and that's not exactly fun for some people.

All in all, it's not a bad game, but you should only play this if you're clinically insane or masochistic.

...I regret never getting to mine Obamium tho. That's some top tier end game gear ore i'm betting.
Publicada el 3 de julio de 2021.
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107.6 h registradas (7.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you ever want a "Your Game Crashes every 10 minutes Simulator", try this game's Multiplayer. I can guarantee you almost everything you do will result in a freeze and subsequent crash.
Publicada el 5 de diciembre de 2020.
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500.4 h registradas (71.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
>Join Server
>God Sniper on the enemy team
>Can't play the game because every time you show your face you get instakilled

Repeat till you get a server with no snipers and maybe THEN you'll be able to enjoy the game but until then fat chance

Valve please for the love of god get rid of quickscope headshots
Publicada el 3 de junio de 2020. Última edición: 19 de agosto.
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1.1 h registradas
I tought i could have some fun with this,but it has been anything but enjoyable from my experience. I keep getting matched with experienced deck out players thanks to this terrible matchmaking,wich just leads to me getting destroyed.
Gameplay also felt boring and lacking.

As survivor i had no fun whatsoever as once the hunter found me there was basically nothing i could do since i had next to no perks or items and the scaffoldings are near useless,your stamina lasting about as long as a sneeze,and hiding din't work either because hiding = not doing extractors,and even then,hiding was also innefective considering the hunters can just scan the area and find me easily since i had no time to look for a decent spot,let alone learn one.

As hunter,again,i got matched with pro survivors so i din't stand much of a chance since they knew all the best hiding spots and were full of perks and items while i had nothing. Plus it just felt stressful to have to manage extractors.
Plus it was buggy as all hell and is swear to god sometimes my power did not even work.

Could i have invested more time into the game and get better? Yeah. Would i have enjoyed it? Absolutely not.
I'd rather refund this while i still can and get something else over getting good at a game i don't even enjoy.

Guess it's still DBD for me. Sorry Monto.
Publicada el 9 de mayo de 2020. Última edición: 9 de mayo de 2020.
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