Ein Krosseng Bitte
speedyll : tev u are the bernd das brot of tempus
Jump Academy Head Teacher

[D|Count V] Charlie : you're like if opposite day was a person

Former Tempus Admin

speedyll is not real evidence collection:

* [S|Count IV] speedyll : is tev married or friendzoned

* [S|Count IV] speedyll : !!! lila va france

* [S|Sir IV] speedyll : if my mom didnt tell me that I sholdn't do what others stuff I wouldn't done to me
* [S|Knight IV] tev : what
* [S|Sir IV] speedyll : i woudl be very racist

* [S|Princess IV] speedyll : my friend (male) once refused a kiss from a classmate (male) because he said he's too sigma for that
* [S|Princess IV] speedyll : what did he mean by that

* [O|Christmas Ghost IV] speedyll : tongue kissing
* [O|Christmas Ghost IV] speedyll : french
* [O|Christmas Ghost IV] speedyll : sclop cshlopsr ~~ shae

speedyll9: I guess the newer jumper generation is just very inbred

* [S|Knight III] tev : havent heard northeners
[O|Sir IV] speedyll : so like antarctica?

* [O|Sir IV] speedyll : holy crap that's so smart tev
* [O|Sir IV] speedyll : i forgot that if the triagngle is more \ then the \ is longer and the rocket travels longer

* [S|Wraith III] speedyll : life sucks, go to sleep, wake up, life sucks, wallpogo, life is good (i have brain damage)

[S|Princess IV] speedyll : ok
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : page 1.
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : you
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : page 2.
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : are
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : page 3.
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : retarded
[S|Princess IV] speedyll : page 4. From: Dear Tev

* [O|Rockstar III] speedyll : I could make you spaghetti a la cannibalism with the dead skin cells from my mouse alone

I am a net positive, trust:

* [S|Baron III] fred : mommy tev

* [S|Baron III] fred : tev is the textbook example of a tsundere

* [S|Sir III] sgt Bytheway : you're toxic in the best way tev

Richard I of England : is tev m or f

* [S|Bauble Boy I] Resistance : tev you'd get reborn as a cupcake

* [O|Emperor] vice : dink nice tev time


[S|Archduke] xXx_B4LD_SP0T_xXx : im an uwu kitty

[Unranked] treyfrew69 : i just faced the ground and shot it lol

[9:47 PM]
the sissyfication of the western male

[10:31 PM]
think i might have to remove the sexist manifesto i wrote on my map

[D|Noble III] fred -CC : i believe all women should jump_back_into_the_kitchen_vMakemeasandwich

* [S|Madam I] Chi -cfc : december 2014 to january 2024
* [S|Madam I] Chi -cfc : 13 years

* [S|Madam I] Chi -cfc : ok, so 9 minus 23 is
* [S|Madam I] Chi -cfc : 12

* [D|Baroness V] Robin inda Hood : asians always so happy like they live in anime

In the middle of the flames, the dog says "this is fine", which means it's going fine.

Do you think you defeated me? Not so fast , CHECK YOUR MOM , I WIN !

╔╦╦╦╦═╗Put this on your page
║╩║║║╔╗if you give free hugs.
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Za1Ger 19 Feb @ 4:08am 
Xtral 13 Jan @ 8:43am 
this man smokes
speedyll 15 Dec, 2024 @ 10:19am 
Ich liebe diese Musikart und Sorte schon mein ganzes Leben 🎉 , das is eben diese Kunst 🎭 so gut singen 🎤 zu können . Natürlich in Englisch ‘ verstehet sich von selbst . Thank you 🔥💧🌈🔥💦🧢🎩🎤🇩🇪🔮🛎🧭💧🗝💃🎹🎤🇩🇪
Barmy Deer 𝝙 30 Aug, 2024 @ 11:06pm 
offone 12 Aug, 2024 @ 5:05am 
Barmy Deer 𝝙 15 Jul, 2024 @ 10:01pm 