Cees   Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
"Watchman, what is left of the night?" The watchman replies:
"Morning is coming, but also the night."
:OL2bible: Isaiah 21:11-12
You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See to it that you are not alarmed.
These things must take place, but the end hasn’t come yet,
because nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
But all these things are only the beginning of the birth pains.
:OL2bible: Matthew 24:6-8


:104: Hello and welcome on my profile. :104:


Watch What You're Doing

Mamma killed a chicken
She thought it was a duck
She put it on the table
With its legs sticking up

Papa broke his glasses
When he fell down drunk
Tried to drown the kitty cat
Turned out to be a skunk

You gotta watch what you're doing
Didn't you know
You gotta watch where you're going
Didn't you know

Well everything's fine
Till things get bad
Then you sit around thinking
Of the good times you had

But it ain't no good
To lead a life of sin
If you don't shape up
You know you'll never get in

You better watch what you're doing
Don't you know
You oughta know where you're going
Do you know

Some folks smile
They seem alright
Then you later find out
They were like angels of light

Try to love everybody
But don't be blind
Cause some kind of people
Try to mess up your mind

You gotta watch who you know

Some people say that
The good Lord is dead
That He doesn't exist
Except inside your head

I wonder how many
Gonna be surprised
When they look straight up
And see Him coming through the skies

You gotta watch what you're doing
Don't you know
Cause He does, yeah
You know He watches what you're doing
Yes He does
You'd better know where you're going
Yeah yeah yow

Music and lyrics by Larry Norman

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Out of Reality.
207 192 21
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Isaiah 2:4.
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184 125 15
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Dutch version below. / Nederlandse versie hier beneden.

The Ukrainian Paint Jobs Pack is another addition in the series of country skin packs. It offers 4 skins with flags, colors and a country specific symbol, just as all previous country skin packs. So nothing new here. But the difference with this Ukrainian Paint Jobs Pack is the emotional and humanitarian value. The income from this pack will be donated by the developer to a charity, focused on helping the victims of the war in Ukraine.

There are people who say that you must not buy this pack because of the official political statement from SCS (the developer). But this statement doesn't differ much from statements from all over the world. And it is completely understandable, because former Czechoslovakia has its own history with Russia. And let's be honest: don't we all have an opinion about what is happening, be it good or wrong, pro or contra?

There are also people who say SCS shouldn't release the upcoming Heart of Russia map. I like to ask you: if you own the Beyond the Baltic Sea map, do you avoid the roads in Russia? Do you refuse to take cargo's to or from St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Luga, Pskov and Kaliningrad? Do you also ban map mods like RusMap, Volga Map, SibirMap, Promods and others? And do you also refuse war games with Russian guns, tanks, planes and ships? Or Russian trains in train simulators? Or Russian trucks and areas in Snowrunner? Or Russian buildings in jigsaw puzzle games?

Russia is populated with millions of nice, friendly and hospitable people. They want to live their life in peace. And play a (truck)game from time to time. Releasing Heart of Russia doesn't change the political relation between Russia and Ukraine in any way.
There is only one good reason why Heart of Russia shouldn't be released. And that is when Poetin and his generals are playing Eurotruck Simulator 2. But I think they don't. Because if they did, there wouldn't be a war.

To my Ukrainian and Russian friends I would like to say: stay friends, be a friend, no opponent! Now is the time to prove we are the #BestCommunityEver !

To everyone I say: feel free to buy the Ukrainian Paint Jobs Pack. For only 1 Euro it is not a bad buy and you are helping victims of war.
Rating: 9/10.

(The trailer skin can be found in the workshop.)

Nederlandse versie.

Het Oekraïene Paint Jobs-pakket is een nieuwe toevoeging in de reeks landen-skinpakketten. Het biedt 4 skins met vlaggen, kleuren en een landspecifiek symbool, net als alle voorgaande skinpacks. Niets opvallends dus. Maar het verschil met dit Oekraïense Paint Jobs Pack is de emotionele en humanitaire waarde. De inkomsten uit dit pakket worden door de ontwikkelaar geheel gedoneerd aan een goed doel, gericht op het helpen van de slachtoffers van de oorlog in Oekraïne.

Er zijn mensen die zeggen dat je dit pakket niet moet kopen vanwege de 'officiële politieke verklaring' van SCS (de ontwikkelaar). Maar deze uitspraak verschilt niet veel van uitspraken van over de gehele wereld. En hun uitspraak is volkomen begrijpelijk, want het voormalige Tsjechoslowakije heeft zijn eigen geschiedenis met Rusland. En laten we eerlijk zijn: hebben we niet allemaal een mening over wat er gebeurt: goed of fout, pro of contra?

Er zijn ook mensen die zeggen dat SCS de aankomende Heart of Russia-kaart niet moet uitbrengen. Ik zou je willen vragen: als je de Beyond the Baltic Sea-kaart bezit, vermijd je dan de wegen in Rusland? Weiger je opdrachten van of naar St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Luga, Pskov en Kaliningrad te vervoeren? Doe je ook kaartmods zoals RusMap, Volga Map, SibirMap, Promods en anderen in de ban? En mijd je ook oorlogsspellen met Russische geweren, tanks, vliegtuigen en schepen? Russische locomotieven in treinsimulators? Of Russische trucks en gebieden in Snowrunner? Of Russische gebouwen op legpuzzels?

Rusland wordt bevolkt door miljoenen aardige, vriendelijke en gastvrije mensen. Ze willen hun leven in vrede leven. En af en toe een spelletje spelen. Het uitgeven van Heart of Russia verandert niets aan de politieke relatie tussen Rusland en Oekraïne.
Er is maar één goede reden waarom Heart of Russia niet zou moeten worden uitgebracht. En dat is wanneer Poetin en zijn generaals Eurotruck Simulator 2 zouden spelen. Maar ik denk dat ze dat niet doen. Want als ze het wel zouden doen, zou er geen oorlog zijn.

Tegen mijn Ukraïense en Russische vrienden zou ik willen zeggen: blijf vrienden, wéés een vriend, geen tegenstander! Juist nu kunnen we bewijzen dat we de #BestCommunityEver zijn!

En tegen iedereen zeg ik: voel je vrij om het Oekraïense Paint Jobs Pack te kopen. Voor slechts 1 Euro is het geen miskoop en je helpt oorlogsslachtoffers.
Beoordeling: 9/10.
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Adiel_Ch 7 de out. às 9:41 
Have a good week :funnycube:
Lilabeiby 5 de out. às 23:54 

Have a lovely Sunday dear friend :2017stickydrink:
Jetvessel 5 de out. às 16:01 
have a blessed weekend!
kevinbowser12 5 de out. às 7:20 
Thank you for last weekend's wishes, Cees! I hope you're having a good start into October & first weekend! :abiyoso:
Adiel_Ch 5 de out. às 3:28 
Have a good weekend :funnycube:
Tyler 4 de out. às 0:30 
I wish you a great weekend