Yakumo | toufusoup
Dikarus on Twitch, toufusoup everywhere else.   United States
Plants use capillary motion to suck water up from their roots. Do your best to keep the plants that have lost their roots moist.
- Yukari Yakumo, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (2008)

You think you're better than me? Good job! Now stop trying to ♥♥♥♥ me, I'm not your sister. [i.imgur.com]

Long-Term Name History:
toufusoup (Current)
Yakumo (Current)

I modded r/randomactsofcsgo and occasionally r/cheapcsgotrading. I've retired from trading in general.

Please do not send trades for my stuff. They will be automatically met with declines.

Counter Strike Ranking Progresses

CS:GO History : Silver Elite Master - Legendary Eagle (Hardstuck Master Guardian Elite/Distinguished Master Guardian, Ended Gold Nova 2)

Started off at 9 wins at Nova 1, floated between low GN before shooting upwards to MG.

CS2 History : TBA

There are good shots, & then there are the cheaters. I've been around long enough to acknowledge the difference, so rest in p(ie)eace(s), fagbags. I'll see you on r/VAC_Porn. :hp_kyu:

Knife History:

Flip Knife | Scorched MW (Gift).
Flip Knife | Safari Mesh MW (Downgrade).
Gut Knife | Rust Coat BS (Gift, 0.50 FV).
Gut Knife | Forest DDPAT FT (Key to a Knife, 0.185 FV!).
Huntsman Knife | Forest DDPAT FT (Knife plus Keys to another Knife, 0.157 FV!).
Huntsman Knife | Urban Masked FT (Knife to a Knife, 0.159 FV!).
Flip Knife | Urban Masked BS (Downgraded to Keys to a Knife (19 Keys, 0.51 FV..)).
Flip Knife | Boreal Forest FT (Traded out to Keys to a Knife (18 Keys, 0.156 FV!)).
Flip Knife | Urban Masked FT (Knife to Keys to a Knife (19 Keys, 0.158 FV!)).
Bowie Knife | Urban Masked FT (Knife + Drop for Knife, 0.193 FV).
Gut Knife | Crimson Web FT (Knife for Knife, first Crimson Web Knife Skin! 0.160 FV! ).
StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Urban Masked (Cash-Out to OPSkins Credit, Swapped Floats on CS.Money).
Bowie Knife | Forest DDPAT (Downgrade within CSTrade.gg, 0.070 Float, 2nd Best on Exchange).
StatTrak™ Bowie Knife | Urban Masked (CSGO.Exchange Trackdown, 0.156 Float).
StatTrak™ Bowie Knife | Crimson Web (Key Conversion, Made up with Paycheck, 0.240 Float, Current Playknife).

Side Accomplishment: Bowie Knife | Urban Masked FT (5 Keys To a Knife, 0.155 Float. TY Seda & a514n).

Glove History:

0.168 Driver Gloves | Convoy (Bought via 1st Paycheck)
0.152 Specialist Gloves | Forest DDPAT (Keys from Convoy)
0.219 Sports Gloves | Arid (Forest DDPAT Gloves + 35.5 Keys)
0.250 Driver Gloves | Overtake (Value Downgrade)

Currently Offline
Statistics, Acknowledgements, and Dross People Say.
Holy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥, I want Valkyria Chronicles.
a514n y tho

If you didn't click "View More Info" up top or read the text box, I'm not trading extensively anymore.

If you've a donation, here's my Trade Link if you are looking to get in touch with me or something. If so, I personally will give it away unless you want me to use it in some weird way :heart:

All that aside, this text box goes over PC Specs and memes, along with username mentions, as I feel they deserve a spot for the passerby STEAM users to see, as well as some random videos/vines. I'm also surrounded by raging lesbians.

Peripherals, Hardware, and Settings
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce ASUS RTX 4070 TUF Gaming OC
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700
RAM: 64GB G.Skill Trident Z 6400Mhz
Motherboard: ASUS TUF Gaming Z790-PLUS WiFi
Case: Fractal North
Storage: 34TB (12TB M.2s, 4TB SATA SSD, 18TB HDD)

CS2 Settings:
Ratio: 16:9, 2560x1440
All Settings Cranked
Sensitivity: 1.75 IG, 900 DPI

Keyboards: Dio v2r2 (Gateron 8008 Inks) | F1-8X RAW (Everglide Peacocks)
Mouse: IPI Piao w/ Huano White Silents
Headset: Sony WH1000-XM5
Monitor: DELL S2721DGF @ 165Hz (1440p)

Acknowledging those who have had a significant impact in the development in who I am right now along with those that have kept me sane over the varied experiences I've had on STEAM. For that, you'll always have a place here.

Before I continue, major major gratitude to those that have chosen to accept/join me and/on my ridiculousness on Discord. Kairu, Yuna, Imp, Gang, Beer, Cactus, Dagoth, Jooks, downix, Panda, Jman, Kobra, Mythical, Nevrop, list goes on. Couldn't have survived the first year of college without y'all, and can't survive without y'all now.

:content: Traveler Again, my spiritive altruistic doppelganger, I enjoy every conversation we have and it's always a new adventure with you, isn't it? Good luck with all you've got on your plate, ♥♥♥♥'s hard but I'm always here.

:8bomb::heart: a51an The man, the myth, the legend. How we met is still damn peculiar. I hope your job doesn't work you to insanity, and I'll always be a message away.

:hp_aiko: Seda The legacy of Seda, I swear to god. I hope you're still doing alright.

:golden: Omeowlette Damn it man, I wish I'd gotten to know you sooner, but it's been a pleasure in every game I've played with you along with all the times I've gone with you go pig out/rant out. Good luck in college, I know you're just about to come outta there.

:sritona: DefaultWhiner Big Brother. Nothing else to say.

:BlackReimu: Driver I swear you're gonna get banned off of every game you play. I really hope the stuff pans out for you, but knowing you, it will, one way or another. Go get 'em.

:hp_kyu: Kairu and Yuna Hope the both of you are alright.

:ToyR: Sp00nerism Thanks for introducing me to twitch, being the first streamer I've watched, and kept the bad days from taking over. Give yourself some more credit, being the insane shot that you are, you humble ♥♥♥♥.

:2016watermelon: dingmongu (and your blood bro, the sexiest man alive) Thank you both for a bunch of old late-night throwbacks and generous mindsets. Both y'all are who y'all are and there is no shame in that.

:2016popsicle: fml_expert Kindergarten friend, never forget. It's been a huge while since I've seen you and I'm glad STEAM's kept us in touch. Here's to the future, my brother from another mother.

:tongue: Huvor You went from a broke baiter to a great shot. I miss you in CS:GO but the games we played will never be forgotten.

:hp_nikki: Silent Thank you so much for what is now known as my "Dividing Edge," previously an StatTrak™ Field Tested M4A4 | The Battlestar! Hope you're doing alright.

:hp_tiffany: raw.Toast I miss you man, but if you are gonna ♥♥♥♥♥♥' grind again, grind again. The top 7 ranks miss you.

:hp_beli: Kät Thanks for making chit chat with me and sharing a love for Touhou. I hope you'll rise through the ranks again within CS:GO, and good luck in college! Hope you're doing alright.

:111_: BassVity ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, thank you for the StatTrak™ Nova | Tempest! First fan mail ever, I hope your inventory will grow huge and propserous. Take care of my "Ghost Butterfly!"
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
This is also a continuation of the custom text box above.

These Items Are Not Up For Trade Due To The Fact This Is Simply a Showcase.

If you didn't see me advertising the thing you want, I'm not selling it. Don't be stupid.

My Wishlist:
1. Minimal Wear Sports Gloves | Omega for my 0.250 Driver Gloves | Overtake.
2. Minimal Wear StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Disco Tech for my 0.03 MAC-10 | Lapis Gator.
3. 0.07 Float Minimal Wear/0.15 Float Field Tested StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | High Roller for the Factory New StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Water Sigil.

If these seem unreasonable, you'd be correct, I don't really expect people to give me these, these are just items on my wishlist.

All items, except for the StatTrak™ and or Renamed Weapons, which are NOT tradable , can be offered for. If you're not sure if it's up for sale, then it isn't. StatTrak™ Weapons that are renamed are not and will never be up for trade unless I advertise it. If you wanna trade for them, you have to give me your item and a StatTrak™ Swap Tool first before I trade with you so I don't lose my StatTrak™ digits. Sorry, just how it goes :uritona:

I used to help moderate a subreddit that's dedicated to community giveaways for CS:GO skins and the like. Please visit /r/RandomActsOfCSGO if you'd like to give a gift, or perhaps get a gift yourself.

By The Way, I'm Totally a Hacker.
/s :hp_aiko:

Yakumo: gh
m1st: sux nibbas gotta cheat omg
Yakumo: unlucky, M4 spray caught you
m1st: biggest proof you suck at video games
m1st: when ur cheating so hard haha
m1st: must be ez having a program do all the work for u XD
m1st: VACation incoming haha RIP the acc
m1st: its not hard to cheat bro XD
Yakumo: sorry, let me translate your messages into something the lobby can understand

Pepper : ive played cs for a while and the only time ive seen people score that high in dm is when i hacked, so hes a hacker
-prezzure : wait, did you just admit to hacking?
Pepper : doesnt matter the other team has a hacker
Pepper : and he's not their top...nevermind hes the top frag
Pepper : Like i almost made it out of nova but nope the ranks say im silver, but he's so blatant
Joff : you belong in silver lol
Yakumo : LOL WTF

Mickey Mouse : You and your mom should be ashamed
Mickey Mouse : Especially when I fucked your mom 10 times over a few days ago
Yakumo : Stop mistakening your sister for my mother.
Dolphin Ship : rip

Admiral Ackbar : Fucking weeaboo
Yakumo : Dear Diary
Yakumo : Wrecked by Weeaboo
Admiral Ackbar : Your such a fucking faggot
Yakumo : *You're
Admiral Ackbar : Yakufaggoyt
Yakumo : You misspelled it
Admiral Ackbar : kill yourself
Yakumo : You forgot to capitalize that K
Admiral Ackbar has left the game (Disconnect).

Nicole Watterson : FUCKING WEEABOO
Yakumo : Damn dude, nice caps
Nicole Watterson : bitch
Loli-Explosion : Woah there
Yakumo : Nice bad word you have there
Nicole Watterson : what is up with all these weeaboos
Loli-Explosion : I don't know but you seem to attract them
Yakumo : Damn Nicole trying to hide it huh
Nicole Watterson : fuckingt weeaboo
*One Game Later, 54 Kill Victory, Nicole Loses by 5 Kills & 70 points*
Nicole Watterson : bonus gun scrub
Yakumo : Nice loss, I noticed you pressed G alot to not get shot
Nicole Watterson : 1v1 me
Nicole Watterson : i'll destroy you
Nicole Watterson : yea at the start (????)
Nicole Watterson : get good
Yakumo : Dear Diary, Can't win Deathmatch against Weeb

tv/JustReadTheInstruction : Fucking weeabos
Yakumo : dear diary
Yakumo : wrecked by weeaboo
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : go back to your pillow
Yakumo : Sure, at least I won't get aids
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : confirmned virgni
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : all these weeb pillows
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : and hentai go visit pornhub
Yakumo : You seem to know alot about the topic
Yakumo : If anime is virgins you should watch it then, considering your knowledge about all this lmao
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : If i wanted a cumback i would've gotten it from your mum
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : rekt
Yakumo : I mean, if you mistaken your sister for my mother, I don't think I would've wanted that "cumback" either
Yakumo : But then you're probably easily misunderstood with that dick in your mouth
Yakumo : hashtag wrecked
tv/JustReadTheInstruction : kill yourself weeaboos
Yakumo : *yourselves
tv/JustReadTheInstruction has left the game (Disconnect).

HELLO : Feels bad to be bad, huh?
Yakumo : Aren't you on double-secret probation for killing another hooker?
*Remains silent for the rest of the game*

Kaslicer: yak, you aim locking me just proves why you have an anime profile picture
Kaslicer: so many cheaters on T side smh i've never seen this many in my 1500 hours
Yakumo: That has the same amount of logic as saying "I looked at a girl, therefore she likes me"
Kaslicer: well, video games aren't women, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you
Yakumo: You're right, video games aren't women, but it would appear that you calling everyone a cheater when you die shows your ability to handle a woman in the first place.
Yakumo: Your mother must be proud that you said your father was cheating on her when he kicked your ass down the stairs.
Kaslicer has left the game (Disconnect).

Additional Information
Just here for a good time. If you happen to know what Touhou is, I will 誘惑する you.

I usually link my avatars and their sources, but so much time has gone by that they've been deleted off of Pixiv. Sorry about that.

Here's my current one though.

My avatar is from this game. You should play this game and spread the word. No, it's not an anime. :D:

My osu! [new.ppy.sh]

My Anime List Since 2014. Tiny, but I appreciate it. [myanimelist.net]

I have a shared smurf, Zinnia.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Recent Activity
160 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
0.9 hrs on record
last played on 6 Mar
1.5 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
🧡Narius🧡 23 Feb @ 10:24am 
+rep nice profile, experienced igl
Shalindis 23 Dec, 2024 @ 12:15pm 
+rep nice profile, calm in pressure situations
🌂Galace🎆 3 Dec, 2024 @ 10:43am 
insane Deagle plays
Windfont 1 Dec, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
Nice kill!
Boghma🕹 1 Dec, 2024 @ 10:38am 
let's play again
Shalore 7 Oct, 2024 @ 10:15am 
eagle sniper