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2 people found this review helpful
72.5 hrs on record (71.0 hrs at review time)
​I'll preface this review by saying it is one of the best video games I have ever played.

This is a game where game-play is king. The mechanics are simple, with each class having four basic attacks, however the nature of game ensures that no playthrough is the same. As you progress you unlock new classes, all of whom have a unique play style, and new drops which are crucial to the variety in the experience you'll have during each of your playthroughs. Marooned on an alien planet you fight your way through each level in search of a teleport, which when activated releases a boss, or in many cases in the late game bosses. The longer you take to find the teleport and collect items the harder the game becomes, as indicated by an ever increasing difficulty meter. This introduces the dilemma of either speeding through everything with minimal gear against an easier game or stockpiling against a harder one. The basic layout of each respective level is the same with every playthrough, but the placement of the teleport and chests is random. Which levels you traverse are also random, with the exception of the last two (the second to last being my personal favorite) which are always the same. You can do an entire playthrough in about 45 minutes or less, or you can play for 3 or more hours continuously looping through the game again and again as the difficulty continuously ramps. While graphically simplistic, the stylized nature lends itself quite well to the melancholy atmosphere. Performance wise this game will run on anything more powerful than a TI-84, it runs smoothly even on my measly E5500 Dell work laptop with its 2.8 ghz Core 2 Duo, 4gb ram, and 400mhz integrated graphics; my gaming PC barely registers its existence. There is some slowdown when things get absurd (my weak laptop bottomed out at a still playable 28 fps while I was fighting against 3 magma worms and had more than 80 enemies spawned) which I'm guessing is engine related because I've seen improvements as the game has been updated. To be honest the slowdown was and still is rather helpful, like with certain NES games the drop in frame-rate gives you time to assess the chaotic situation you've gotten yourself into. The controls are tight and perfectly suited for the difficulty; I recommend playing with a controller. This leads into the challenge, which in this game is perfect. Never have I died and had it been the fault of the game or some cheap trick, each death is the result of my own mistakes which makes the game both humbling and satisfying.

I'm a fanboy, genuine 10/10.

Also: I got this game on sale for $2.49, and it is well worth the $9.99.
Posted 13 January, 2015. Last edited 13 January, 2015.
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8.7 hrs on record
The Good:
As to be expected from this franchise the graphics are fantastic. The game allows you to take on any scenario however you see fit, and the unique mechanics of the suit lend themselves quite nicely to this. You can sneak through an area undetected using your cloak to move from hiding spot to hiding spot, or you turn on your MAXIMUM ARMOR, rip a machine gun off its mount and shoot everything that moves. Both are equally satisfying, but my personal preference is cloak with a silenced shotgun and sniper rifle combination because of the fear and confusion it instills in the ranks of the enemy.

The Bad:
Quite a few bugs, nothing particularly game breaking but at one point I transitioned from a cutscene to a firefight only to realize I had no weapons and was promptly killed, I respawned and everything was normal again. The game is rather short, I beat the campaign on normal in just under 9 hours; better players will probably run through this in about 6. The ending sequence leaves much to be desired: You have a final showdown against 4 Elite Cephs, which up until this point the game had been foreshadowing rather well, however I found that they were easily disposed of by repeatedly melee attacking them effectively stun locking them until I beat them to death. This was then followed by a mundane QTE finale of you crawling along the ground until you throw yourself down a hole. Also, the entire game takes place in New York City, which became repetitive after a while.

Overall: great graphics, solid gameplay, average story, bit buggy, weak ending; 7.8/10
Posted 13 January, 2015. Last edited 13 January, 2015.
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4.1 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Fought pirates in a thunderstorm.
Posted 17 December, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
"You need to have used this product for at least 5 minutes before posting a review for it (3 minutes on record)."

What is the competative speed run time for this totally worth the $19.99 game?

Posted 15 December, 2014. Last edited 15 December, 2014.
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116.9 hrs on record (99.7 hrs at review time)
What began as an attempt to forge claims to a five-hundred square mile island off the coast of Sweden by my humble nation of Denmark, resulted in a twenty-seven year war against the Holy Roman Empire, Poland, and France. I, King Mikkel of Denmark won, gaining twenty-thousand square miles of south Sweden, northern Germany and Poland, dissolved Pomerania (because really, who cares about Pomerania?); and earned the title of "The Great".

You can also wed your archrival to a woman with mental retardation and a stutter; as well as attempt to usurp a county from your four year old half-nephew, resulting in him(or at least his regent) initiating a civil war lasting three years, upon capturing him after crushing his rebellion, you can leave the seven year old to rot in prison for decades.

Posted 31 October, 2014.
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6 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
BIT.TRIP BEAT is a Pong pseudo rhythm game for players who prefer memorization and repetition, a niche I do not belong to. With only three levels (and a bonus level), the game is incredibly short and lacks of any kind of difficulty/learning cure as a result. If the flurry of erratic zigzagging bullets wasn't enough to give you a headache, the game attempts to distract you with a barrage of particle effects and objects in the background, many of whom are the same colors as the bullets. The music is underwhelming, especially after playing VVVVVV and Hotline Miami. Rarely does a game leave me as unsatisfied as this; if this game wasn't part of a bundle I would never own it.
Posted 11 August, 2014.
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395.9 hrs on record
Game was definately worth it when I got it with the Orange Box back in 2008. Going free-to-play along with all the cosmetic changes really turned me off to the game; but Gaben's gotta fund Ricochet 2 somehow.
Posted 6 August, 2014.
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85.6 hrs on record (81.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I played about 40 hours of this game in the first week I bought it. Highly addictive and with new content every week the developers make this game well worth the $20. I've never had it crash and it runs just fine on highest settings on my high-mid tier PC.
Posted 6 August, 2014.
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203.7 hrs on record (124.3 hrs at review time)
Great game, what more can I say, I love the Elder Scrolls series and the modding community takes it to a whole new level. I've lost hours of my life exploring the far reaches of the home of the Nords as Babbi the Coward, merchant extraordinaire and his 3 hired goons who do all the heavy lifting (killing) while Babbi hides in the corner counting his gold.
Posted 30 April, 2014.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries