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1 person found this review helpful
88.0 hrs on record
Important note: I used to play this game on the ipad.

My review is for ppl that used to play it back on mobile (when it was available) and are wondering if its worth picking it up again here on steam.

If you liked the game back then on mobile, def give it a go here!
especially on a sale. I was at first hesitant and not sure if I would like it due to different controls etc. but it's honestly a lot easier on PC. I breezed through all the levels very easily, also the new ones I didn't know.

The heroes from the DLC can be very helpful. espec the insane fire guy. he can clean mob waves rly good. just be aware that one of the items he needs to be crafted, is a silver ore! If u unlock him early in the store make sure to also grab one of these if u dont have one.

I like the fact that each lvl/map forces u to tackle things differently. if u stick to a fix formula/routine - u will have a hard time. figure out how the specific world functions and adapt. I rly like this aspect!

Having played the game on mobile first, will have teached u how to deal with pathfinding and dwarfs sometimes being stupid. I did not have any issues with that aspect at all.

In terms of DLCs if u start fresh on PC coming from mobile - here is my opinion:
I recommend getting these DLCs before u start a new campaign/fresh full playthrough
Heroes -> worth it. helps a lot! to get money easy and fast: fishing and then deconstruct the old boots u get from it.
Bosses & Monsters -> adds big/extra bosses to the existing maps. I rly enjoyed this one!
Abandoned Mines -> adds to the existing maps. it's free. get it!
Sisters in Arms -> this one also existed on mobile. I rly like the pets and the female dwarfs. especially the pets can be useful to keep the rats and nightly monsters at bay.

Grottoes -> nice to have, but not a must imo. get it on sale. adds to the existing maps

For later once u are done with the normal maps:
Heart of Evil -> new world/campaign // From all the new worlds I liked this one the least.
Lonely Mountain -> new world/campaign // I rly enjoyed this one! u have to tackle the map very differently. very nice challenging.
Temples of 4 Elements -> new world/campaign // I also rly enjoyed this one. Some of the fights can be quite tough. Be prepared.

DLCs not listed here, I have not tried.
Posted 10 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
254.7 hrs on record (243.7 hrs at review time)
I am normaly not really into roguelike's but a huge citybuilder fan. This game is honestly perfect and I think the roguelike aspect is adding that extra little spice. This game makes my brain tingle on all the right spots.

Even if u are not a fan of roguelike, gives this a go. Try the Demo (it's free!).
Posted 24 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
718.2 hrs on record (129.0 hrs at review time)
Not an easy game - but incredible fun and satisfying. Strongly recommend to look up some guides for different set-ups (especially at the beginning stuff like closed water circle for toilet/washroom and so on).
Posted 28 November, 2019.
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24.8 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
Well made digital Version of UNO! Great fun with friends - works fantastic to win over your friends online and make them rage ^-^. Especially enjoy the 2vs2-mode. A source of lot's of laffing.
Be aware though that you need to have an ubisoft-account as well. The game will start through steam and then as second step the ubisoft-launcher. You will need to add your friends as well on the ubisoft-launcher to be able to invite them to the match.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
408.4 hrs on record (398.0 hrs at review time)
TL:DR: The best, most fair and truely real free to play-model out there.
New League will start in december - be part of it!

There is no xp-booster, better weapons or all this "hidden" pay2win-items in the store. Just skins off all sorts and diffrent kind of bank-slots (you will be fine without those).

Now you might think: well if this is so great free to play it must be a trash game because other companys tell us again and again, that they need the pay2win-shops to be able to sustain a good game. It's the opposite:
Path of Exile is a fantastic game. Extremly difficult and challenging. And it get's more love from it's developer than most other games do. The updates and "Expansion" (they are called Leagues and are free) are extremly frequent and well polished. Every 3 monthes a new League get's published.
The developers are heavy connected with the fans and completly open about everything. There are news, roadmaps and much more on a daily base.

Since it's free: why don't u simply try it yourself? Keep in mind though: this is not some dumbed down easy walk in the park thing - it IS extremly difficult. The passive skilltree will blow your mind. You will enjoy your start into the game the best by following a well writen build-guide from the official forum. Pick a build that sounds fun and follow the level guide. It won't spoil the game for you! Because you will keep replaying the story and all.
Posted 25 November, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
44.0 hrs on record
5/5 happy Kitties. Absolutly enjoyable. No bugs, good story, good replay value (diffrent tacticts etc).
Posted 25 November, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
11.4 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Urghhhh wtf? *hits keyboard* what is... arghhhhh fk**** sh**... srsly???? *hits keyboard more and grunts meanwhile* are u kidding me?!?!?! I don't even... *hits keyboard with the mouse* :-@%$# son of arghhhhhh *hysterical lough*

I completely recommend this (if you’re crazy and get it for a good price or if u really like hitting your innocent keyboard) - 8/10 Kittens (^._.^)ノ

I got this game in a Humble-Bundle-package - would have never bought it, since this is totally not my cup of kittens. Started it to get the Steamcards and was bored enough to try it meanwhile... and got hooked. Played through the whole single player-part and had a blast failing hard in multiplayer. Absolutely worth a try - also for people normally not into this kind of games (In that case get it when u find it for a really nice price).

The 2 missing Kittens are angry on the following points:
- no real Tutorial
- to long waiting for not rated matches
Hope they will fix this before release and throw in some catnip - so the 2 can come back.
Posted 7 November, 2014. Last edited 27 November, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries