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9 중 3 (33%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Becky's Happy Ending

We can rule together.
2021년 6월 17일 오전 6시 31분에 획득

Practically Perfect

You maxed out all resources and had nothing left to do.
2021년 6월 17일 오전 6시 31분에 획득


You visited the gallery after completing the game.
2021년 6월 17일 오전 6시 31분에 획득

Jessie's Happy Ending

Choose to give your heart.

Lottie's Happy Ending

Growing up is hard to do.

Lavinia's Happy Ending

Anyone can be a princess, if they try.

Ermengarde's Happy Ending

A loyal knight's service.

Mariette's Happy Ending

Wishes do come true.

A Future Of Someday

You have unlocked and viewed the bonus graphic.