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9 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record
(Hours shown on steam profile are not accurate. I'm a mobile player with a manager level of 51 and at battle pass level 102, if that tells you anything.)

Really breaks my heart to rate this game poorly because I really loved it despite its flaws. However, the devs fired their main story illustrator yesterday in a knee-jerk reaction to a group of MRAs/incels who decided to target her for harassment. Not only is this a disgusting decision by Proj Moon, but also the game will lose so much of its beauty and charm without Vellmori's art. The whole studio has been tainted by this action.
Posted 26 July, 2023.
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1.6 hrs on record
Short and sweet. I really appreciate the simplicity of the audio and the display—despite the large amount of white space, I've found the contrast to be soft enough that I'm able to play to deter boredom in the midst of a migraine.

Like a previous reviewer said, it can be compared to the sort of stress relief you'd get from untangling a bunch of cables. I wish there were more games like this.
Posted 14 November, 2016.
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