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1 person found this review helpful
64.3 hrs on record (62.3 hrs at review time)
This is the game that makes you go back to it again and again without getting bored. The best example of a live service used to its full potential. It has in-game premium currency, but you can earn it with ease through grinding. Overall, it's a massively entertaining, constantly evolving, very fun game, despite being a bit difficult at the start. Would definitely recommend.

EDIT: It's lost a bit of its charm after we got used to it, sure, but it's now become a game that I can just pop open when I want to relax for a bit, to unwind by shooting alien scum, coordinating attacks, the higher difficulties being balanced a bit made a whole new niche for this game in my eyes.
Posted 25 March, 2024. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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24.3 hrs on record
I really didn't expect much going into it, but alas, I was met with genuine fun and interesting lore. A beautiful game, in short. Would definitely recommend.

CODE VEIN is an easy game to get into if you're into the Soulsborne genre, all the key mechanics are there. The story is quite enjoyable (in my point of view) and it isn't shoved into your face, you have to dig deep to get to the sweet bits of lore concerning your companions and such.

Oh, did I mention? You have companions in this game, and they're quite fun to play around and experiment with (comes with the added benefit of making you feel less lonely!). The builds you can make are plenty, but not infinite due to how builds work in this game: You earn codes that act as pre-determined builds. You also get stylish armor which you can swap and upgrade as you please.

Character customization is another strength here - half of my time was practically spent making my character, the other half was finishing the game. There are simply so many options to choose from that it makes you struggle.

My only criticism would be the fact that enemies can get repetitive at times - but it is not too important, as they make up for it by varying the move sets just enough to throw you off and force you to adapt.

Not a must play for the Soulsborne fan, but this game will genuinely keep you entertained and make you love it in a matter of an hour or so. I love this game so much, and can't wait for the sequel.
Posted 17 April, 2023.
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16 people found this review helpful
8.6 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
The only Dark Souls game a Turkish Steam user can afford. Worth playing, do not mind the disclaimer it gives you over SOTFS. Buy over SOTFS without a doubt.
Harder than Elden Ring, easier than Dark Souls 1.
Graphics shouldn't be an issue in Dark Souls, but if you're so inclined, there are mods that remaster the game better than the remaster.
Mechanics can be a bit frustrating especially if you started with Elden Ring first, but easy to understand and master.
Customization is extremely varied.
Story and lore are tied to DS1, but still understandable and enjoyable even if you haven't played it yet. (Quite understandable given how overpriced DS is on Steam.)
Lacks that wackiness Miyazaki tends to give to characters and bosses, but still pretty interesting designs.

In short? 8/10, do not skip it.
Posted 28 February, 2023.
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210.3 hrs on record (123.6 hrs at review time)
I want to praise this game so, so very badly. I love this game to death, I love the combat, I love the open world, I love the lore, I love it all. Why did I rate it negatively, then?

Because I wanted to delve deeper into the official Dark Souls experience and buy their games, but they upped the prices of their games sixfold in poor countries such as Turkey, and thus,

DARK SOULS REMASTERED: Costs about a week's worth of average wages, same price as ELDEN RING for some reason.
DARK SOULS III: ULTIMATE EDITION: Oh boy. This is about the entire monthly paycheck of most people in poor countries. For a game that is THAT old.

Still, it's a great game.
Posted 14 January, 2023. Last edited 5 November, 2023.
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1 person found this review funny
123.1 hrs on record (72.3 hrs at review time)
"Ooh! This game has a lot of collabs with franchises I love, let's check it out!"
"I get to play as Michael Myers AND Albert Wesker!? Cool!"
>get into killer queue
>get decimated by iridescent survivors looping me for hours, teabagging and being toxic post-match
>delete toxic comments on my profile
Posted 30 November, 2022.
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137.4 hrs on record (39.4 hrs at review time)
No DRM, steadily improving, and comes along following an amazing revival caused by the anime. Would definitely recommend, on sale or not. Performance issues are still a thing, however, it isn't as major as it used to be. Love it!
Posted 25 November, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
284.5 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
I love HyperMotion 2 and the new cutscenes and such (Unlike FIFA 22, which left PC players in the mud), and I also like the fact that player career mode was improved enough for clubs to actually want to transfer you when you're one of the best in the world. However.

1. Highlights is pretty much broken in player career. I miss one position playing as the top club in the league, and suddenly, the relegation candidates have scored 5 and the match has ended. What? Please balance it so that goals make sense in highlights.

2. So many bugs. Celebration fails, wrong passes and shots, players flipping over 20 times after being touched. The last one might be happening IRL, but I don't want it in my game.

3. The god-awful FPS drops. See, I've had no issues with EA Anticheat so far, however, the performance is horrible. The cutscenes make the game drop to about 5 FPS for some reason.

4. EA Anticheat itself. Slows the game down, ruins the game starting with its slow loading, and prevents so many players from even playing the damn game.

EA; this is the last game you can make with the FIFA license. Please don't end it on a low note. I will, and I do want to believe in you in the slightest improvement I see. Help me make this a recommended.

They've added the top 100 songs from all FIFA games into this game, and although this is a lovely gesture which I truly appreciate, some issues still stand. The anti-cheat is less extreme now, however, the World Cup mode is disappointing due to the fact that our selection of national teams to add to a custom tournament is so limited. At least add a qualifiers mode and the teams that were knocked out in them to make a complete experience.
Posted 17 October, 2022. Last edited 23 November, 2022.
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38.1 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
kojimbo masterclass
Posted 4 October, 2022.
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285.7 hrs on record
at least it launches
Posted 4 October, 2022.
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706.5 hrs on record (31.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Enjoy your plummeting userbase due to your oh-so precious trust in EAC. There is a reason why games that listen to the players thrive, and those who don't, get buried in history and become forgotten.
Posted 27 July, 2022.
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