Dude, the rank is not metter, believe uself not To complain uself ,if u think u r suck, try better , spend more time, make more goals, if ur mind is only think of winning so u will lose, lose is a part of life, but after lose is victory.
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mangoes and oranges 13 Feb @ 3:07am 
myawww ^w^
mangoes and oranges 13 Feb @ 3:07am 
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mangoes and oranges 21 Sep, 2023 @ 1:24am 
Куколка ✦ 3 May, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
hii.. (sweating nervously) are you new around here? Couldn’t help but notice you have a few hours on FFXIV… you play catgirl…? You rp…?
depresión 26 Oct, 2022 @ 3:40pm 
:-) hi i love u
depresión 12 Oct, 2022 @ 3:44pm 
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