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10.7 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 2,479.9 h en tout (2,403.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 21 janv. 2017 à 20h35
Mis à jour : 16 nov. 2017 à 7h39
Produit reçu gratuitement

Updated Nov 16, 2017. As of the day of writing, Disney has officially shut down the game. The server will go dark on Dec 31, 2017.

PC has no major content update since Jan 2016 when David Brevik (founder of Diablo, Diablo 2, and Marvel Heroes) left. Biggest Update Ever (BUE) hit PC platform one year later after much delay. The update generally deemed as a major failure. The promised Omega Patch now delay for another 10 months and counting. The developer has abandoned the PC platform and moved into PS4 and XB1 only to face the brutal reality that just 1% console population stays on after 3 months of launch in Jun 2017. In short, this game is going down fast. Play, you may. As it is free. But think hard before paying. And yes, this is essential a pay-to-play / pay-for-power / pay-to-win game.


I am one of those passionate veterans who have played this game since closed beta, March 2013. I have clocked in 1,500 played hours prior to playing via Steam so whatever you see in Steam, add that to it. I am a content contributor of this game in YouTube making guides and more for new players. I have also contributed around US$700 to this game. Would I recommend this game to new players? Sure. You will get a decent 20-40 hours of fun playing as one of the Marvel characters free. But would I recommend you to invest time and money into this game? Right now, it is a no.

9 months of very little update promising a 'biggest update ever' for the fans, here are my views from the moment this update was live till now.

  • David Brevik the founder of Diablo has left Marvel Heroes and joined Path of Exile. The effect of his departure is certainly felt through this new update that is done by a new team.

  • It is obvious that they are focusing on (1) expanding into console (simplfying the game) and (2) new player base.

  • As a veteran, I feel that all my existing 59 heroes have regressed and we are being asked to farm almost everything again on the old content. This may not concern the new players. But remember, one day you will become veteran.

  • To follow up on the above point, I feel that most of my dollar contribution is used to fund a vast part of the update that either (1) I don't care because I don't play console or (2) change a vast part of the game that I don't like. You may think this may not concern you. But one day, you too will become a paying customer.

  • This game has adopted a pay to play / pay for power model. Earning XP and in-game credit has become harder. Item farming may become slower since they have slowed down the game. Costume crafting may not be as easy as before.

  • The pace of this game has slowed down a great deal and has become very clunky. In the genre of ARPG, you gain farm efficiency as you gear up and learn your hero. Now it is almost back to zero.

  • Good loots very rarely come by. Unless of course you pay a booster to have more loots.

  • In fact, with the new boosts that hit the store (patch 2.03), it is now become very clear why (1) we have to re-farm almost all the gears, (2) the game has slowed down so much, and (3) all the crafting recipes that in the past sped up gearing of alt heroes are gone. Because now, we have many good reasons to buy boosts in order to advance in the game like before.

  • There is still no new content, though they have set out a 2017/18 timeline. But to me, words are empty. And I have been hearing the same thing over months and years with this game. At the end of the day, words are just words. Action speaks. And as of now, GAZ has lost all the credentials.

  • Right after the biggest update that promised to update all the heroes, I have put in time to adapt to the new hero design. Some heroes immediately got another round of 'quality of life' update that in some instances, destroy build variety. This shows (1) that the biggest update wasn't ready (like many of us have raised prior to the launch) (2) and that there is a clear lack of vision and direction of where this game should go.

  • If inventory management was an issue before, inventory management now is a total nightmare with the new items to think through and the old items to go through. I think it is to promote more stash sales.

  • I am expected to swap gears and bear the cost of doing so among all my 59 heroes because they have changed the entire system. I have never seen any ARPG that does that.

  • Loot drop and UI is still a mess. I can't even see what I am fighting.

  • Buff and debuff icons are mostly non-existence. This is so essential as a ARPG.

  • And I still can't see what the boss does in this game. They should have done something about UI in the update.

  • If I want to play a D3 clone, I would play D3. And yes, Marvel Heroes in this 'biggest update ever' has attempted to copy Diablo 3. From paragon system to how gear is designed. Except, the copying wasn't that good. Instead of improving on the existing system, GAZ has decided to drop it completely and design a new one (or rather, copy from D3). But like all systems, GAZ would need time to improve and make them work. I hope they have thought of that before dropping what they had.

  • One last point before closing. End game in this game is close to non-exist. You could pay up to $20 for a hero pack. But the play time for me is just around 2 hours for each hero at the current state.

  • Com'on Gazillion. Give us the veterans new content. A reason to play.

Biggest letdown ever for me, for now. Sorry.

My view may change though, if Marvel Heroes has become better.
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46 commentaires
Sa1yan5pirit 18 janv. 2022 à 4h54 
I really wish they would've kept it as it was before the "BUE". At least it was nice this way even if it wasn't perfect and needed new content.
Sa1yan5pirit 29 oct. 2017 à 8h08 
19.01.2017 R.I.P. - Marvel Heroes. :'(
Wilfrid Wong 1 oct. 2017 à 20h34 
Thanks Bleachonce for the comment. Well put. That ship is sailed. It will take a new team to steer this ship back to track.
BLEACH 30 sept. 2017 à 12h17 
We didn't know each other on the forum very well, but I really respect you and your opinion. You made your points here and on the forum with class and real thoughtfulness. I really wish Asros would understand that not all of us want to play how he plays, but that ship has sailed.
.VM8RA 7 juil. 2017 à 11h31 
used to be such a good game as well like a year ago. I didn't even get to play all the advance pack characters I'd paid for (green goblin etc.. did the rest even come out? was only on to angela last I played)
AstroMelody 8 juin 2017 à 11h49 
Dang it, I really wanted to play the game since I've been catching up on some marvel movies I hadn't watched. :(
WhiteNight 20 mai 2017 à 9h53 
as of today May 21st...the game is in the similar state since janurary.

Couldn't have said them points better myself.
Petr[CZ] 21 févr. 2017 à 10h53 
Another sad story about decent F2P with good playerbase, destroyed by greedy, dishonest and incompetent devs....
Mittens the Maleficent 21 févr. 2017 à 2h55 
thanks for the indepth review of this new patch, almost decided to return.
Kwagga 7 févr. 2017 à 14h51 
Thanks Wilfrid Wong, your the only reason why still play this game. Since last year july update i started to play this game less and less. Each time i watch your video i want to comeback to the game. Now iam sad to say that i only login to get daily rewards and then quit the game. Thanks for being so open on this subject. Hope they will listen and make the game worth playing. Please dont stop you videos-- ill be watching youtube to c if i can comeback to this game again!