inconclusive, undeniable though   Isle of Man
often, the state of the kitchen is the state of the mind, confused and unsure men, pliable men are the thinkers. their kitchens are like their minds, cluttered with garbage, dirty ware, impurity, but they are aware of their mind-state and find some humor in it. at times, with a violent burst of fire they defy the eternal deities and come up with a lot of shining that we sometimes call creation; just as at times they will get half drunk and clean up their kitchens. but soon again all falls into disorder and they are in darkness again, in need of BABO, pills, prayer, sex, luck and salvation. the man with the ever-orderly kitchen is the freak, however. beware of him. his kitchen-state is his mind-state: all in order, settled, he has let life condition him quickly to a basened and hardened complex of defensive and soothing thought-order. if you listen to him for ten minutes you will know that anything he says in a lifetime will be essentially meaningless and always dull. he is a cement man. there are more cement men than other kinds of men. so if you are looking for a living man, first check his kitchen and save yourself time.
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Conocí a este moreno en prisión. Éramos compañeros de celda. Aprendí varias cosas de él y le estoy muy agradecido incluso hoy. En los intervalos de trabajo voluntario que hicimos para disminuir nuestra sentencia me enseñó sobre las computadoras. Hoy le debo gran parte de mi beca a este noble embaucador. Lo único que lamento de los tiempos en prisión es que no lo ayudé en tiempos de coerción sexual. Los otros prisioneros se aprovecharon de su fragilidad e inocencia para obligarlo a hacer cosas que solía hacer solo por elección. Pero de todos modos, son aguas del pasado... Me alegra ver que has superado toda esa violencia y encontrarte aquí en steam... Abraza y deja estos recuerdos atrás.
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