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投稿日: 2017年3月20日 1時05分
更新日: 2019年1月14日 18時33分

People used to call this game 'Poor man's Overwatch', but now they don't. You know why? It's been a while since this game's out and every single update brings anothrer bugs, which makes it really frustrating to play this game (in fact, you can die and lose because of bugs). Also, you'll encounter many salty / abusive players in this game, maybe because this game is F2P, I don't know. Though I honestly see potential in this game, the devs (HiRez / EvilMojo) seem to focus more on bringing new contents / skins rather than fixing bugs. Go play Overwatch, it's simply better, don't waste your time on this game. I also switched to Overwatch recently and I have no regret :)
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