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1 person found this review helpful
36.8 hrs on record (35.8 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game, standard grandia combat system which if you're at all familiar with you'll know is a joy to play. Reasonably good voice acting, which is a rarity, and a fairly good job done on the port.
Unlike grandia 1, does suffer slightly for the lack of optional superbosses or challenges, but not enough to make the game remotely unenjoyable.
Millenia is best grill.
Posted 12 May, 2016.
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76.0 hrs on record (70.4 hrs at review time)
Solid improvement over XIII. Battle system has been improved with the ability to switch control in battle, getting rid of the irritating resets when the character you're controlling dies but the rest of your party are fine in XIII. Addition of pets and levelling/fusing them, especially with the dlc offering plenty of unique and fun ones to use, adds some nice variety.
Plenty of freedom in this game compared to it's predecessor, you can choose which time gates to open as you like with wild artefacts in any order, and it allows you to do things in any order you have the artefacts available for really.
Chocobo racing makes a return a la VII's format, and is enjoyable.
Enjoyable story, characters and villain, if a little confusing until all the information is available.
The only real flaw with XIII-2 is it's lack of difficulty or challenge, even what passes for the superbosses in it aren't particularly difficult.
Posted 12 May, 2016.
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9 people found this review helpful
91.4 hrs on record (84.9 hrs at review time)
A poorly recieved final fantasy entry amongst most fans, and whilst the game does have plenty of flaws, gran pulse was a truly enjoyable experience. It makes the rest of the game worthwhile. Had the whole game been designed like that, we would have had a great game as a whole. Battle system isn't to my liking compared to other installments, relying on terrible ai to spread out and not die to aoe never goes well, but not a dealbreaker. Characters are all pretty good to me besides hope, another thing I disagree with compared to most it seems. And japanese VA option dramatically improves it. Not exceptional, but not as bad as people make out either, worth a playthrough - just be prepared to endure a lack of freedom until gran pulse.
Posted 12 May, 2016.
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66.1 hrs on record
Return to form for the series, back on par with dark souls 1 and demon's souls quality. Miyazaki really makes great stuff, absolutely outstanding game, minus the netcode and spells being fairly worthless.

Posted 12 May, 2016.
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9 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Decent endless driving game. The entire aesthetic of the world around the track is great, all looks super pretty, gives a good atmosphere, music is fairly good too - it hasn't turned the 80s dial quite all the way to max but it's getting up there.
It's comfy, which is all you should really be looking for from this game. The driving has no depth to it, it's all straight forward and super simple, and the course doesn't pose much of a challenge, so it's not the kind of thing you should be picking up if you're looking for that.
My main complaints would be the music slowing down when your engine slows down too much - I get the point of it, most of the songs just sound bad slowed down - and the inability to actually save the girl, makes me feel kinda bad everytime she dies.
For what it's priced at, if you're looking to just chill and be comfy driving mindlessly for a bit with a good atmosphere, I reckon it's worth it.
Posted 23 February, 2016.
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135.9 hrs on record (122.0 hrs at review time)
Overall fairly great game. For having a relatively short main storyline, I managed to sink some 130+ hours into it. World is decently sized and fun to explore, whole areas of the map that you will never need to go to to finish the game, but are full of large enemies, dungeons, destinations for sidequests etc.
Combat is fun with a good variety of classes to choose from all playing fairly differently.
Gear upgrading throughout the early to mid main storyline wasn't great, I did use one piece of armour from very early on until almost the end of the game, and whilst bitterblack isle gear farming is fun, it is a shame that there's no optional superboss or anything to put it to proper use on after you're done collecting it.
Storyline isn't anything to write home about during it, but once you finish it bits of it come together with the various endings, and the lore and characters involved in that are well done. Balthier voice acting also helped.
Special mention of the music, that whilst most of the games music isn't anything special, there are a few stand out tracks that are really good.
Port also runs well, looks as good as can be expected.
Posted 15 February, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
67.3 hrs on record (65.9 hrs at review time)
Exceptional in every way. It didn't grab me at first until after the first couple of bosses, but once it did it grabbed me hard. The DLC areas and areas towards the end of the game are particularly amazing. Rip bros, rip lonely qts. Also The Fair Lady is #1 waifu ;_;
Posted 21 December, 2014. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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66.9 hrs on record (47.3 hrs at review time)
It's Final Fantasy VII, doesn't need a review. As for the update, the character models are decent, although lack of d-pad controller support does prove a slight annoyance.
Posted 11 December, 2013.
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3 people found this review helpful
15.0 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Even better than the original overall I'd say. Just a real pity they never let 3 go ahead and wrap up one of the few surprisingly good storylines in the Star Wars universe and instead chose to butcher it.
Posted 11 December, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
228.9 hrs on record (146.5 hrs at review time)
Probably my favourite RPG of this generation still, even though it's far from new.
Decent story, great combat and customisation, tonne of sidequests and optional super bosses, and with a few tweaks to the .ini files it looks pretty gorgeous. If you buy one rpg, buy this one.
Posted 12 July, 2012.
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