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#1 in the world globally for critical kills Black Ops 6 Zombies OwO
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$200 Fanta Cheats Only For A Tie? REFUND!
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3 752
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1 411
Торговых операций
I collect garbage
:8bitheart: Doggos :8bitheart:
Витрина обзора
497 ч. сыграно
This game along with the ENTIRE Bioshock series is hands down my favorite game/series ever. I can replay them over and over again and never get tired of the story and immersive gameplay. The concept of Rapture is amazing and they never fail to impress.
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My only friends are on the internet. - Открытая группа
I used to have friends... but... you know...
56 037
2 184
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1 068 ч. всего
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последний запуск 17 мар
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последний запуск 15 мар
Достижения   0 из 19
Erfaniom 18 мар в 4:41 
idk, you made it sound like you were spoon-fed, you would've talked about what you actually accomplished way more if you did indeed actually accomplish anything
YourFavoriteEgirl 17 мар в 14:29 
Yeah because everyone with wealth was silver spoon fed lmfao "Waaaa your life is better than mine you were given everything for free even though I know nothing about your life" :steamsad:
Erfaniom 17 мар в 6:02 
so you did nothing, really
then why are you flexing this "nothing"?
it's like me flexing that "i was born with a nose"
YourFavoriteEgirl 16 мар в 18:26 
You actually did generically ask a question so you got a generic answer... You didn't say "Tell me exactly how you retired".. I know English is hard... anyways.. My family is wealthy, bought property, I now own said many properties after years of working the business with my family and now collect residual income for the rest of my life. Let me know if you need my social security or date of birth or anything :)
Erfaniom 16 мар в 5:14 
i did not ask how you grew up
tell me exactly what sort of "opportunities"
YourFavoriteEgirl 15 мар в 23:52 
Smart family able to provide good opportunities growing up. White people ♥♥♥♥, the usual :trump: