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4 people found this review helpful
16.0 hrs on record
They're coming out of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ walls!

Colonial Marines was a game I followed the development of after the first announcement. Hell, I think half the gaming community in the world were patiently awaiting Colonial Marines for three long years with bated breath. Would Colonial Marines be THE Aliens game?

Could we finally relive those tense silver screen moments many of us saw well before we were truly old enough to watch something like Aliens? In short, yes but Colonial Marines defiently falls short of what was promised and what was hyped over those three years.

I wanted to like Colonial Marines.

I really did. And in a sense it has been enjoyable. I've been playing it on co-op with mates and it's been good. The biggest gripe I guess from all of us has been the story itself.

The story starts well enough. You're a Colonial Marine that is woken from cyro, the last of your regiment. Everyone else has been enjoying the corpse party aboard the Sulaco and came face to face with the Alien menace. Many a Marine has been lost and used to increase the enemy ranks.

But this is just another day in the Corps. You strap up your armour, tie on your boots and throw on that brain dome of a helmet and slap a magazine into your rifle. We've got ourselves a bug hunt.

The opening is enjoyable and exploring the Sulaco is a feast for the eyes of the avid Aliens fan. And the first mission is what you expect, kill the Aliens, save your friends and try not to get hugged...

Then the game introduces our friends from Weyland Corps, building us a better future by all of a sudden amassing an army of PMCs. I wanted Colonial Marines to be like the movie, low on ammunition, low on allies but with an abundance of enemies. I just wanted to walk those corridors with my motion track glued to my face waiting for that dreadful contact tone...

Overall Colonial Marines is a game worth playing as an Aliens fan alone and is an enjoyable game when played with mates. However, as a shooter Aliens doesn't bring anything new to the table but it doesn't have any real short falls in terms of a basic shooter.
Posted 26 July, 2015.
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38.6 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Silent Storm was one of those games that when I first played it I loved it. I wasn't very good at the it, even the first mission (Allies) but I wanted to be. Seeing it on Steam is another win as now I don't have to track down those CDs everytime I build a new PC.

Silent Storm incorporates squad level, turn based strategy action with RPG elements and memorable characters. As a long time fan of the Jagged Alliance series I was immediately drawn to the similarities between the games and soon found myself lost in the eye of a Silent Storm.

Missions revolve around your Allied or Axis specialist squad investigating a mysterious foundation known only as Thor's Hammer and their background dealings with senior Allied and Axis leadership. Most often than not this leads to combat against both Allied and Axis troops but also Thor's Hammer mercenaries who will almost certainly be better armed with you.

As a big WWII buff and weaponry fanatic I was lost in number of period weapon choices and the attention to detail with regards to ammunition types. Default demage values are a bit odd but there are numerous mods out there that rectify several small issues that in all honesty, don't effect the game that much.

Sentinals is a continuation of the fight against Thor's Hammer immediately after the Second World War and introduces new missions, weapons and equipment.

The only oddity that I know throws a lot of people off the game is the introduction of walking tanks later in the story line known as Panzerkleins. These weapons are incredibly powerful when used correctly but more often than not can be easily defeated with an excellent marksman or hail storms of machine gun fire.

TLDR: 9/10 would Panzerklein again.

Anyone who really enjoyed these games I strongly suggest checking out Hammer and Sickle.
Posted 20 July, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
1,849.7 hrs on record (179.3 hrs at review time)
In the present poor state of the game and in particular the attitude of the developer ignoring critical feedback from players, I can no longer recommend this game to new players. This game used to be playable without squandering your life savings on a premium account and premium vehicles just to play. F2P games do rely on players that spend money, but those who do not should not feel pressured to spend money just to have fun.
Posted 12 December, 2014. Last edited 20 May, 2023.
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45 people found this review helpful
66.8 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Valkyria Chronicle was one of those big surprise games for me on the PS3.

As a bit of an anime fan I was immediately drawn to the graphics of this game when it was first announced in Japan. When the first english release came out I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I knew I wanted it...

Valkyria Chronicles can be best summed up in the opening lines of the game itself, "what follows is a chronicle of those fought, lived and died." Valkyria Chronicles is a character driven strategy game combining turn based elements with third person action.

Every soldier under your command is different, they each have their own capabilities whether that be accuracy or health and all have "Potentials". Potentials can range from something as simple as preferring to run over concrete or urban paths leading to a rise in defence to screaming "VEG-TA-BLES!" when they run over dirt...

Then their are your inter-unit relations. Most soldiers have three other soldiers with whom they like and if within close proximity during an attack, will lend their fire to the attack for extra damage. Then some soldiers just don't like certain individuals to one sniper hating EVERYONE.

The story is great and you'll find yourself saying "just one more battle!" just to see the next cinematic and seeing how the story evolves and what happens to your favourite characters.

Overall give Valkyria Chronicles a go, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Posted 30 November, 2014.
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12 people found this review helpful
186.9 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
I remember when the demo for this game first came out in an edition of Strategy Gamer. The concept behind it seemed simple enough but it was the story that piqued my interest.

Traveling back in time and changing history? First you had my curiousity, now you have my attention.

Then the characters began to grow on me. From the opening sequences as John I could already feel my heart pang for him as he finds the love of his life but it's already a million years too late...

Original War is a game where your soldiers as your most valuable resource. You are reliant upon only a finite number of troops and must manage these to the best of your ability and limit casualties. The game also features a bit of an RPG system where each soldier can develop as a Soldier, Engineer, Mechanic and Scientist where each class has its own strengths and weaknesses.

And these soldiers if they survive are present for the entirity of the campaign and depending on the choices you make, follow you to hell and back.

Overall I think Original War is a very fun and addictive game that never really got the attention it deserved when it was released.
Posted 19 October, 2014.
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4.9 hrs on record
I'm a sucker for a good, moving story and that's what To the Moon truly is. A story of love, a story of loss, regret and chasing one's dreams.

There's comedy, there's drama, there's tragedy... There's something for everyone to enjoy in this game.

Just buy it.
Posted 26 November, 2012.
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28.6 hrs on record
Like CSI but the characters actually use their brains, not technology to solve the cases.

Oh and gunfights.

Lots of gunfights.

"How long do you think you can hold out?"
Posted 22 July, 2012.
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