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0.0 hrs on record
"Always good to get resupplied." (Apologies to Borderlands!)
Posted 16 February, 2023.
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0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Does not work with my game controller (Thrustmaster dual analog). Can access settings menu, but when game starts I see the flashing A, B, X, Y buttons on the screen, and the game is completely unresponsive. I have to press ESC to quit.
Effectively this "game" will cost you over £100 to play, because you will be forced to go out and buy a massively overpriced XBox controller.
Valve, it's a dumb idea to 'release' this. XBox is not the ONLY controller type in the world.
Posted 20 March, 2022. Last edited 21 March, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
A free boost for new(ish) players? Seems good to me. Tanks a lot! ;-) :-D
Posted 21 February, 2022.
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177.2 hrs on record (33.2 hrs at review time)
It's fairly easy to click through a few menus, select a tank, and then select the "random battle" option to start fighting. And you can repeat that process as often as you want. However, when you start to get a bit bored, and you want to explore ways of improving your tank, and improving the quality of your crew, and maybe getting a bigger and better tank, that's when you find all the problems with this game.
The interface is terrible, with very little help. It appears to have been designed by someone who was out of their head drinking a mixture of vodka and anti-freeze. There are all sorts of mission menus which seem confusing. There are FIVE different currencies in the game, which are not explained in any way! What's the difference between bonds (banknotes), gold coins, silver coins, gold stars and hollow stars? And why is it that I can play a dozen battles, collecting experience and currency along the way. And yet when I want to upgrade my tank, or drive a new tank, the game demands a *DIFFERENT* currency that I don't have??! It's ridiculous.
Also, if I've picked up drops from watching Twitch channels, where do I find them in game? And what do they do?
THIS GAME NEEDS SOME KIND OF MANUAL AND/OR TUTORIAL TO HELP NEW PLAYERS NAVIGATE THROUGH ALL THE OPTIONS. Yes, the Boot Camp gets you started with the controls and getting you into battles. But what about all those menu screens?
Summary: Good simple fun for a few hours, but WoT is a badly-designed game where it's really difficult to make any real progress.
Posted 14 February, 2022. Last edited 13 May, 2022.
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7.5 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
At £14.99 this is outrageously overpriced. The game is deliberately presented with 8-bit pixelated graphics for nostalgic reasons, so they haven't had to put much effort into the interface. And the game is so short that it SHOULD be marketed as a DEMO version. This is a total rip-off.
Posted 8 January, 2022.
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622.9 hrs on record (373.5 hrs at review time)
If all Americans bought this game, they wouldn't need their opioids.
Posted 2 November, 2020. Last edited 2 November, 2020.
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17.2 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
TL;DR: If you were addicted to the old version, then you might want to try this out and see if you can penetrate the awful interface, and find some of the old pleasure. If you haven't seen this game before, then I would give it a miss as it is so confusing.

I used to like the flash version of this game, but I'm disappointed with the Steam version. It has an awful interface. The player is overloaded with unexplained features right from the start. And yes, I HAVE looked at the tutorial, and it can be described as patchy at best. I still can't understand the Talisman thing. Due to my enjoyment of the original version, I will probably try to persevere with this, just to see if I can fight my way through the fog. I hope I can learn more about how the game works, so I can start to enjoy it. At the moment, I am not.

Posted 2 November, 2020. Last edited 8 November, 2023.
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7.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Compared to 'Burnout Paradise Remastered', 'NFS Most Wanted' seems to be a little boring, and a little lacking in something. There don't seem to be any stunt runs in the game. I can't find anywhere to perform barrel rolls. There don't seem to be any superjumps either. And MOST IRRITATINGLY although I've bought the game, I'm finding that most of it is locked away behind a DLC paywall! I keep finding new cars parked around the city, but when I approach them I get shown a message which basically says "Go to the online store and BUY this car, sucker!" I've also found that a large area of the map to the north-east is blocked off by big red crosses, and I have to BUY access to it! What a rip-off! I've just checked the prices for DLC on Steam, and one of them costs £29.99! EA, you are the biggest bunch of thieves ever to write a game. EA is like a cancer in the world of gaming. If there's one company I would LOVE to see go bankrupt, it is EA.
Posted 21 October, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record
Got this from a free Humble store offer. Not my usual type of game, and I didn't enjoy it. First problem is that the controls are badly designed for PC players. If you're playing on a PC, and you don't have a game controller, then you need a game controller to reach the config screen so you can switch to keyboard controls! What idiot designed that?? And if you DO manage to control the game, it's pretty boring. Especially when you get to the time-limited sections where you haven't had any tutorial on how to defend yourself. Too much pressure early on, too little fun. I got bored after 30 minutes and uninstalled. I won't be re-installing.
Posted 17 May, 2020.
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0.3 hrs on record
An exercise in frustration. You're dropped into the game with almost no tutorial. There's no navigation aid to help you find the objective. And within only a couple of levels, you're faced with extremely hard jumps which are almost impossible for a new player to complete. Every time you fail a jump and end up falling, your only choice is to press the 'respawn' button and try again. And again. And again....... Very boring and frustrating. The developer(s) need to learn a few basic rules about pacing.
Posted 14 May, 2020.
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