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3 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Too buggy to be fun, played the demo liked it, played the main game , running on rog ally x its hold and cold, freeze frames a little, not much but enough to take the smooth feeling out of the game, its janky, but controller game constantly wants to stop working with controller that i have to then use the mouse to progress to next/last menu and then controller works again , gets tiring when its always happening . and cloud save even though it shows it updates, doesnt work , I watched the rog ally x update the save after playing on pc, loaded it up and my save was not updated .
Too much effort required to play I'm sorry, good bones here just not enough meat . It just made me want to play Wreckfest to be honest.
Posted 10 February.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Not sure what changed with the update I had barely played it but just loaded it up and have to say I think its awesome so far. Combat is fun , traversal is fun, runs fantastic, running oldish pc now with still a 1080ti and mostly maxed out at 3440 runs so smoothly . Definitely gave me the "just one more" problem ... had to force myself to turn it off for lunch . Excited to see how this runs on my Rog Ally now so I can keep playing .
Posted 21 September, 2024.
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2.9 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Great so far ,
playing on an old pc with a 1080ti and running flawlessly , also playing on ROG ALLY with decent settings and 30-40fps with high (one of the lower HI settings) textures , and running flawless there too . Not one issue yet at all ./
And those upset about the micro transactions, don't buy them you can get them in game , its not like a required purchase just for the wussies who want to make it easier faster ...
Posted 23 March, 2024.
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123.0 hrs on record (121.9 hrs at review time)
copied from my2k22 review as same scenario . Crappy business practices . developers know how to dump on their consumers...

changing this review to negative for one reason .. after less than 2 years(on 2k22) they've pulled the online servers, which means any progress you made in MyFaction is completely gone, any packs you bought with real money(thankfully I didnt buy any, other than with in game earned currency).
They could have somehow enable progress to stay and and take off the online requirement ... i know my faction wasnt as popular as maybe they wanted but tbh its been my main game mode in 2k22 and 2k23, until october last year I was still logging into both on a daily basis to have a quick game on either/or and progress my faction, wrongly assuming that surely whatever we earned we would have full access to . I cant imagine how much more annoyed people who bought into the myfaction with dollars spent on currency would feel .
I feel completely ripped off, 18 months plus of slow progression, doing dailies, weekly , faction wars, etc ... and other than yeah it was fun playing, but ALL gone -213 hours played, of which 205 hours is myfaction , as I found it better just for the quick play and not a long commit . So angry that I now cant make myself bother with playing myfaction on 2k23, havent logged in for 3 days, first time in months ... fantastic support for your game guys, good job
Posted 8 January, 2024.
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8.3 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
lol 10 years late but this game rocks ... played some of the new grid today and got sucked into it and was wondering why more people werent playing it, then thought maybe i should retry some of the old ones just for curiosity sake, this runs flawless still today, looks pretty damn good and seems a lot of fun. why I didnt get into it all those years ago Im not sure... blame the ever growing backlog I guess .
Still holds up today, this is going on my ROG ALLY now as it barely (by todays standards) takes up any space so a perfect little time waster for bed .
Posted 11 November, 2023.
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213.5 hrs on record
changing this review to negative for one reason .. after less than 2 years theyve pulled the online servers, which means any progress you made in MyFaction is completely gone, any packs you bought with real money(thankfully I didnt buy any, other than with in game earned currency).
They could have somehow enable progress to stay and and take off the online requirement ... i know my faction wasnt as popular as maybe they wanted but tbh its been my main game mode in 2k22 nd 2k23, until october last year I was still logging into both on a daily basis to have a quick game on either/or and progress my my faction, wrongly assuming that surely whatever we earned we would have full access to . I cant imagine how much more annoyed people who bought into the myfaction with dollars spent on currency would feel .
I feel completely ripped off, 18 months plus of slow progression, doing dailies, weekly , faction wars, etc ... and other than yeah it was fun playing, but ALL gone -213 hours played, of which 205 hours is myfaction , as I found it better just for the quick play and not a long commit . So angry that I now cant make myself bother with playing myfaction on 2k23, havent logged in for 3 days, first time in months ... fantastic support for your game guys, good job
Posted 6 June, 2023. Last edited 8 January, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.2 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Put in a few hours on switch and just put in a few here .. when i only meant to have maybe an hour, and found I couldnt put it down .. everyone worrying about the currencies, just watch your currencies go up as you play the game, dont save what you earn just use them as you do get plenty .. loving it so far, multiplayer is a lot of fun too , really enjoy having to play around with the different racers, although I think im loving Donald the most so far .
Posted 25 April, 2023.
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14 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
8.5 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
refunded once due to issues with matchmaking etc, rebought it on sale as they put out a couple of patches and i thought just maybe they were going to add more single player stuff in too ( survival mode being the one I would like) and months later that still hasnt happened and matchmaking still broken apparently ...
wish I could refund it a second time,

Bad developers tbh
Posted 26 November, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.9 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Wait for them to fix the game , i tolerated the first hour of prologue, in the default
1920 1080 if forced me into(as i was too lazy to restart to fix my resolution at time) and even at that resolution it ran like crap , just played TW2 a couple of days ago and runs flawlessly .. this felt like a step back .. i know just released but I barely managed to finish the 1st battle, it kept taking a second for things to kick in, i would WASD to move around the map and it would seemingly get stuck and even without me touching forward (W)for example would just keep going until it hit the end of the map, tw2 isnt even running on my ssd, this one is and its far worse . I reloaded after that in my 3440 res , but capped it at 60 as someone suggest (using nvidia) and I turned it off in disguest as soon as the next battle started ,,,

So im sure its good for those who can actually play it but maybe wait a few weeks. ... makes it easy decision now i guess this weekend it will be dying light and horizon .. made that choice easier .. :) sad
Posted 17 February, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.9 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
awesome game, give it some time to get used to, its not quite the same as wipeout, they tried to be more creative and allow more freedom to building your setup etc.. but takes a little bit to get used to, been playing on xbox series x and here. enjoying it . still go back to wipeout on ps4 and vita occasionally for some fun too m doesnt quite capture that same feeling but I am still only in early stages .. so I assume will get faster/more intense further in .
Posted 10 September, 2021.
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