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Recent reviews by Achtas

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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89.7 hrs on record (89.6 hrs at review time)
Great game and amazing community. Has that perfect Starship Troopers sort of satire(The movie, not the book). Loads of fun and so far fails to feel repetitive with the way the world events are handled.

Edit: Despite mandatory PSN account requirement having been rolled back considering many regions do not have PSN support. The retroactive sale restriction placed on 179 countries that do not support PSN, mine included, have not been lifted indicating uncertainty whether the requirement might be enforced after all.
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 11 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
38.7 hrs on record
An absolute masterpiece. Both visually gorgeous and presents an immersive tale filled with all kinds of feels.
Posted 22 September, 2021.
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32.6 hrs on record (31.1 hrs at review time)
Whilst it does seem fairly decent for an idle game to have something on the side with plenty of exploration still to do, I certainly cannot recommend it. Game was nice and enjoyable, so figured some support was in order so purchased the pack for a fiver. A pack that never arrived. Something that I only later realized was apparently a trend. A support-ish email found in the discussions seemed to also yield no response.
Posted 19 August, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
27.4 hrs on record
It is really quite enjoyable. Provides plenty of things to explore and a few neat, albeit occasionally quite difficult or tedious, puzzles. Just a small tip, read the message prompts, do not skip over text and use the mission log search function a lot.
Posted 9 August, 2020.
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6.5 hrs on record
Surprisingly nice alpha. Well paced, comfortable controls, definitely shows promise.
Posted 7 July, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
123.0 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I heard Risk of Rain 2 was in the making and my excitement went through the roof, heard it was 3D and it fell through the floor since I could not imagine it really being good in such a format. I have never been more delighted about being wrong. If you played Risk of Rain, you will adore the second iteration. If you have not played either, well if you like arcade style mayhem and truly different play styles with characters with massive amount of PvE just throwing up against your screen(Late game) then you will more than likely enjoy this game. A bit tough at the start until you've unlocked some things, but once the ball gets rolling there is no stopping it.
Posted 31 March, 2019.
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37 people found this review helpful
32.0 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
Whilst I generally do not say anything about the game when I find something that I personally think is lacking, though this I have to admit I did not expect.

If someone is only interested in the campaign, then by all means, this title is just for you.

But for those that enjoy sharing experiences with friends or to have countless hours fooling about against AI, well then it's all down hill. Whilst the somewhat simplified gamestyle is a bit of a thorn, cannot complain too much as it makes the game more new player friendly. Though even so it would have been nice to have more complexity and not keep it as linear. SimCity 2000 is more complex than this title is at the moment.

But the little bit of text compiled into simple things that I personally feel ruin the game experience for me are:

No Multiplayer

No Sandbox/Skirmish/Any other mode but Campaign

Simplistic mechanics

Perhaps in the future if more content is released the opinion might change, but as for the time of release, greatly disappointed.
Posted 4 November, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries