iGoddessi TTV
Hardcore Gamer GIrl who doesent give a ♥♥♥♥.
Streaming everyday! 9PM EST-3PM MONDAY-WED ALL DAY [usually!]
Survival games, zombies!; Thought id just creek open the prof. You know the deal.

Hello everyone! :) I hope your all doing great! I just wanna apologize to anyone who i used to rage at. I sincerly apologize. I still remember being mean to people at times and I always felt guilt about it. I have distinct memories of a few times I felt super bad about it to and I still do when I think back on it. I hope you can forgive me. I do hope we can become friends in the end and I hope my apology reaches you.

Since that time I have become better about managing my rage with streaming and meeting alot of people who are super nice and I hope we can be friends <3 Thankyou.

Thankyou to all the kind people I met through streaming. Yusoh, BT, Cookie, Leo, Final, Rip_jack, Mr Berto, Nurgle, Jelly bean. I know there are many more and I dont mean to leave you out. You guys impacted my life and I like to think for the better. More than you know you helped me grow as a person and are really kind and gentle people. I really hope you guys read this and I cant thank ya enough. And I just wanted you to know you mean alot to me. <3

Life is short, lets stay positive!

The Profile ive had up here was from Day ONE!, thats over 8 years of gaming history and longetivity right there. Ill keep it saved and logged away, but for now; if ya need to know, let me know, ya dig?
Ya you do.
Currently In-Game
Black Desert
Recent Activity
1,521 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
194 hrs on record
last played on 12 Mar
4.2 hrs on record
last played on 3 Mar
一起来聊聊天 做暖
一个人打游戏无聊 来找我聊聊天
幽默搞笑人屁话多不高冷好无聊啊 我们一起去酒店做玩游戏吖
老公不在家自己无聊 做暖
一个人打游戏无聊 来找我聊聊天